I am pleased to announce the beginning efforts for an advanced skirmish and operational campaign set in the fall of 1861. “A mighty mean fought fight: Missouri 1861” will be held on the weekend of October 18th-20th on over 600 acres in southwest Missouri (outside of Springfield). The events to be portrayed will be the period of skirmishing and maneuvering of the Missouri State Guard and Unionist Militia units after the Battle of Wilson’s Creek and before the First Battle of Springfield. This impression being somewhat unique in that the majority of both future Confederate and Federal forces were armed and equipped exceedingly poorly and essentially clothed as civilians.
The event will heavily focus on the abilities of company commanders and their men to actively scout, gain intelligence, maneuvering, and engage enemy forces in a wide range of terrain and distances of actual proportions. Like much of the Trans-Mississippi Theater, the war was fought in a much smaller scale than that of the West and East, but often in much more brutal and almost more modern interpretation of both tactics and military means. Accordingly, as an event, we will fully embrace the inherent limitation of numbers of reenacting to more accurately portray the small hotly contested battles of Missouri.
Event participants should expect the following:
- Marching
- Skirmishing
- Scouting
- Military intelligence gathering
- Drill (if Missouri State Guard)
Additional information will be posted in the up-coming weeks and months, but if you are interested in the event or raising a company, please send a message to either Andrew Kasmar at ajkasmar@yahoo.com, Sam Galyon at stonewall421@gmail.com, or send either of us a message on Facebook.
An event page has been started on Facebook and a website will be released later this summer.