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Warlike Along the Rapidan

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  • Warlike Along the Rapidan

    From the same folks that brought you "Prelude to Invasion", 87th Penn at Sailors Creek, 21st GA at Brawners Farm and many others...

    "It is now sufficiently evident that war is soon to be waged in Virginia again on a Titanic scale." The Liberty Rifles are hosting a fully immersive Soldier Life Experience event in Orange County, VA. We will portray the 13th Virginia Infantry of Pegram's Brigade, Early's Division, Ewell's Second Corps, during the opening days of the Overland Campaign. We will recreate the 13th Virginia to full scale from the top down—9 companies, to match their May 1864 rosters. This event will adhere to STRICT authenticity standards including, but not limited to impression, kit, age, weight, and attitude. All participants are expected to look and act like 1864 soldiers from the Army of Northern Virginia. The focus will be on preparing for and stepping off on the great campaign that all knew was coming, and the minutiae of military life—camping, drilling, cooking, dress parades, inspections, paperwork etc.—a day in the life of a soldier! This event will spare no details and take no shortcuts. Field officers will be mounted, field music will regulate all activities, wagons will come and go, and so on. The details, minutiae, and immersion setting will be the focus of the event, in an effort to recreate the scene as it was in 1864!

    Michael Clarke
    Liberty Rifles
    True Blues
    Black Hats

  • #2
    Re: Warlike along the rapidan

    Count me in!
    Tyler Underwood
    Pawleys Island #409 AFM
    Governor Guards, WIG

    Click here for the AC rules.

    The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


    • #3
      Re: Warlike along the rapidan

      Me too, Tyler!

      Chad Phillips


      • #4
        Re: Warlike along the rapidan

        Now it's a party!
        Tyler Underwood
        Pawleys Island #409 AFM
        Governor Guards, WIG

        Click here for the AC rules.

        The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


        • #5
          Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

          I’m in.. let’s do this.
          Barry Dusel

          In memory: Wm. Stanley, 6th PA Cav. Ernst C. Braun, 9th PA. Cav. John E. Brown & Edwin C. Brown, 23rd PVI


          • #6
            Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

            If we keep it up we might have the potential to get Company AYTCH back together again!? :wink_smil
            Tyler Underwood
            Pawleys Island #409 AFM
            Governor Guards, WIG

            Click here for the AC rules.

            The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


            • #7
              Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

              That may happen in September at 18th Tennessee at Chickamauga too.
              Barry Dusel

              In memory: Wm. Stanley, 6th PA Cav. Ernst C. Braun, 9th PA. Cav. John E. Brown & Edwin C. Brown, 23rd PVI


              • #8
                Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                Bully for the 18th!
                Tyler Underwood
                Pawleys Island #409 AFM
                Governor Guards, WIG

                Click here for the AC rules.

                The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


                • #9
                  Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                  I'd really like to try and make this event. Please keep me in the loop.
                  PVT Mark Cook
                  North Carolina Trooper

                  "Success and glory are in the advance, disaster and shame lurk in the rear".


                  • #10
                    Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                    WEBPAGE IS UP! Event details, research, impression guidelines, etc. Check it out!

                    Michael Clarke
                    Liberty Rifles
                    True Blues
                    Black Hats


                    • #11
                      Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                      Thanks for the update Mike.
                      Folks Company H, "Winchester Boomerangs" will be starting to recruit pretty soon. Stay tuned!
                      Tyler Underwood
                      Pawleys Island #409 AFM
                      Governor Guards, WIG

                      Click here for the AC rules.

                      The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.


                      • #12
                        Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                        Don’t forget to check out the webpage for research, impression info, and event details! This event is INVITE ONLY!

                        Michael Clarke
                        Liberty Rifles
                        True Blues
                        Black Hats


                        • #13
                          Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                          Wow. Sounds like a party... now that I am coming out of the desert.
                          Johnny Lloyd
                          John "Johnny" Lloyd
                          Think before you post... Rules on this forum here
                          Known to associate with the following fine groups: WIG/AG/CR

                          "Without history, there can be no research standards.
                          Without research standards, there can be no authenticity.
                          Without the attempt at authenticity, all is just a fantasy.
                          Fantasy is not history nor heritage, because it never really existed." -Me

                          Proud descendant of...


                          • #14
                            Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                            This sounds like fun But dammit Jim I'm just a simple country doctor.
                            D. M. Meister

                            Portraying Federal & Confederate medical staff


                            • #15
                              Re: Warlike Along the Rapidan

                              Does this event need a surgeon? I would really like to volunteer my services.
                              D. M. Meister

                              Portraying Federal & Confederate medical staff

