Okay folks! Here’s the command structure for the event! Each Company Commander will be selecting their Jr Officers and NCOs at their discretion, and raising their respective companies. Each Company will be capped at 40 registered men. This is also the order of battle constituting each company’s place in the battle line.
Thanks! Stay tuned for the registration announcement coming soon!
Colonel - Fred Rickard
Lt Colonel - Michael Clarke
Major - Scot Buffington
Adj - Lt Craig Schneider
Sgt Major - Justin Hammond
AQM - Lt Jeffrey Baldwin
QM Sgt - Michael Decker
Commissary Sgt - Mark Susnis
Chaplain - Chris Utley
Right General Guide - Jim Miller
Left General Guide - TBD
1st Co - Brandt, Jeremy - Co B - Culpeper Minutemen
2nd Co - Grecco, Tyler - Co C - Gordonsville Greys
3rd Co - Davis, Randolph - Co A - Montpelier Guards
4th Co - Hooks, Aaron - Co F - Barboursville Guards
5th Co (Color Co) - Pagano, John - Co D - Louisa Blues
6th Co - Underwood, Tyler - Co H - Winchester Boomerangs
7th Co - Bush, Charles - Co I - Frontier Rifles
8th Co - Hodge, Robert- Co E - Brandy Rifles
9th Co - Langley, Zachary - Co K - Hampshire Guards
Thanks! Stay tuned for the registration announcement coming soon!
Colonel - Fred Rickard
Lt Colonel - Michael Clarke
Major - Scot Buffington
Adj - Lt Craig Schneider
Sgt Major - Justin Hammond
AQM - Lt Jeffrey Baldwin
QM Sgt - Michael Decker
Commissary Sgt - Mark Susnis
Chaplain - Chris Utley
Right General Guide - Jim Miller
Left General Guide - TBD
1st Co - Brandt, Jeremy - Co B - Culpeper Minutemen
2nd Co - Grecco, Tyler - Co C - Gordonsville Greys
3rd Co - Davis, Randolph - Co A - Montpelier Guards
4th Co - Hooks, Aaron - Co F - Barboursville Guards
5th Co (Color Co) - Pagano, John - Co D - Louisa Blues
6th Co - Underwood, Tyler - Co H - Winchester Boomerangs
7th Co - Bush, Charles - Co I - Frontier Rifles
8th Co - Hodge, Robert- Co E - Brandy Rifles
9th Co - Langley, Zachary - Co K - Hampshire Guards