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Thoughts on the NPS

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  • #16
    Re: Thoughts on the NPS


    You may have misinterpreted what the folks at Shiloh were trying to say. Rather than take it in a negative sense, they were trying to comiserate with the reenactors, and the expenses on their part (that we don't see) are part of the zero sum game played out every year with the budget, and the FFY 2008 and 2009 budgets are likely to be hurting pretty bad in the maintenance area due to rising fuel costs, which translates into scrambling for money to keep the mowers running, and a whole host of bugetary fun. Staff was just mentioning they took a hit, and the prep work is not free.

    Sometimes I do think we could get involved in ways other than interpretation, and some groups do. We did some fence demolition work as part of the Columbia Rifles' 2nd Bull Run NPS LH in 2006, and yesterday a few of us literally picked up a bunch of junk on the border of the Malvern Hill-Glendale battlefield as park volunteers, and we could easily spend at least three more days out there doing the same. I'm hoping the site staff feels that little clean up job was as much of a win-win situation as we do.

    Keep the faith.
    [B]Charles Heath[/B]

    [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

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    [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

    [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


    • #17
      Re: Thoughts on the NPS

      Originally posted by Jim of The SRR View Post
      "More than 200 volunteers representing several reenactment organizations were scheduled to participate, and it is understood each and every one of them made either personal or organizational purchases to support their planned involvement, whether it was food, black powder, or additional equipment. In this regard the park also expended a considerable funds in preparation for the event, on both labor and materials to support the weekend program. "

      "In recognition of this personal commitment made on behalf of the National Park Service, park management greatly appreciates +the interpretive services your members have contributed to Shiloh and most especially the visiting public, and we would hope the unique opportunity to camp upon and experience performing your living history hobby on the actual ground where one of the momentous battles of the Civil War was fought would more than balance out the private expenditures your members make to support the collective and personal interest each of you share in the study of the Civil War."
      Jim, I've followed my own oft-stated advice on this one: If I'm initially offended by something in print (internet or otherwise), I re-read it twice, then walk away from it for a while, then come back and read it again, based upon any previous correspondence and interaction I've had with the writer, if any.

      If you'll allow me, I'd like to paraphrase what I think those two paragraphs (I'm figuring there was more to the letter) may well have been intended to say:

      ...More than two hundred of you fellows, from a number of groups, spent a lot of time, money and effort to take part in this planned event at the park. We had also dedicated considerable effort and expense to support your efforts here, and to make it as worthwhile an experience for all of you as it would have been to the park and our visitors, who would have benefitted greatly from your dedication to and knowledge of the period. It's a shame that circumstances for the event did not work out favorably this year...

      ...We at the park want you to know that the effort you and your comrades make, both in this instance and in the past, are recognized and appreciated by us. We also hope that having the opportunity to participate in your chosen hobby here, on the actual ground upon which these events took place, enhances the experience you already enjoy in the hobby, and helps make the time and expense you spend on our behalf worth that effort...

      I could be wrong, but I think that's the sentiment they wanted to get across.
      Bernard Biederman
      30th OVI
      Co. B
      Member of Ewing's Foot Cavalry
      Outpost III


      • #18
        Re: Thoughts on the NPS

        As to they why, one of our staff was supposed to go to Shiloh to help, she got the call Thursday night that the event had been cancelled, being told they were expecting 6 inches of rain and bad storms.

        Lee White
        Researcher and Historian
        "Delenda Est Carthago"
        "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


        • #19
          Re: Thoughts on the NPS

          Parks need to set a "drop dead" time for events, in other words set a point several days in advance to either make the event a go or a no go. Waiting until the last minute does not help those that have made travel arrangements, scheduled days off or in some cases have already left for the event. Consideration for those traveling the furthest needs to be set high on the list of those reasons contributing to the decision making process.

          If any thing contributed to the sore feelings for the Shiloh event it was waiting until the very last minute to make the decision. In this particular case the weather and ground conditions were well known far enough in advance for a decision to be made sooner than it was. As I said in an earlier post, the news of the cancellation was not in the local paper until the morning of the event which leads me to believe the decision maker on this was well behind the power curve in his decision making.
          Last edited by JimKindred; 04-14-2008, 12:19 PM.
          Jim Kindred


          • #20
            Re: Thoughts on the NPS

            For the most part, I've been treated pretty well by the NPS, but have had some negative experiences with them as well. However, I will say this from the viewpoint of a state park employee, like many occupations, there are those that use their positions as nothing more than stepping stones for their careers, and really care nothing about the event or volunteers in question.

            When I was in charge of programs, I made every effort to make sure that our site volunteers had everything that they requested, and also made a point to follow up on any improvements to be made. Of course, I have made my share of mistakes, and I've certainly learned from them.

            Roy Queen


            • #21
              Re: Thoughts on the NPS

              Mr. Butler, I can imaging how disappointing it must have been to have the event cancelled after, no doubt, months of preparation and expense on the living historians' part.

              I too have had a few less than perfect experiences with the NPS. On the whole, however, I usually receive far more in return for the time and expense I put into preparing and participating in NPS events. I am often impressed by the knowledge and commitment of the park staffs--particularly in the more remote parks (the Richmond units for example).

              LHers and the NPS have a natural partnership. We have the means and ability to teach, and they have the facilities and battlefields, but few park historians, and fewer interpreters.

              This is a relationship that needs to continue to grow and improve--for the benefit of all. Hopefully, the 150th season will be ripe with many quality NPS events -- and more park visitors.
              Yours, most respectfully,
              Kevin Kilcommons


              • #22
                Re: Thoughts on the NPS

                I have read posts by a number of folks claiming poor treatment by the NPS. Could you be more specific as to circumstances? I would like to know exactly what has transpired in each instance. Was it interp rangers, fee collectors, law enforcement rangers, maintenance folks, etc. that left bad impressions?
                [FONT="Times New Roman"]David Slay, Ph.D[/FONT]
                [COLOR="Red"][FONT="Times New Roman"]Ranger, Vicksburg National Military Park[/FONT][/COLOR]


                • #23
                  Re: Thoughts on the NPS

                  Apparently Vicksburg is the home of the NPS giants, because Rick and Tim are so damn scary looking I pretty much do events they want them done.
                  Patrick Landrum
                  Independent Rifles


                  • #24
                    Re: Thoughts on the NPS

                    For us it's a big event, for the Park Ranger and NPS worker it's sometimes just another day at the office. I don't agree entirely with Jim, but we need to look at each situation and look for solutions. I have had my negative opinions about NPS rules and I have been corrected by Pat and a few others.

                    We have a lot at stake in the coming years and I would rather have the NPS on our side. We have to prove to them that we are a different breed of reenactor. We are friendlier, apolitical, more professional, objective about history and committed to presenting an accurate impression.

                    Otherwise we are stuck at State level venues, private events and attending third class mainstream events as adjuncts.
                    I would rather spend that time on actual ground.
                    Gregory Deese
                    Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

                    "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


                    • #25
                      Re: Thoughts on the NPS

                      I'm actually amazed at how the relationship between NPS personnel and reenactors has evolved over the 18 years I've been at it.

                      When I was new to the hobby veterans told horror stories about being dressed down by park rangers for inaccuracies or worse, for accidentally having one cap stuck in the wool of their cap box during weapons inspection. I saw this once at Gettysburg, and it was unfortunate.

                      But things changed over the years. Our unit does LH's at Gettysburg, Antietam and Manassas, and my sense is most NPS personnel are very thankful for having living historians to add real texture to the static displays in their museums.

                      It's such an individual relationship between units and specific rangers, I know. But my impression is that there are very good people working at these parks and they recognize the priceless value of having volunteers, with their own equippage, on hand to interact with park visitors.

                      I was at Antietam this past weekend, and it occurred to me the rangers there and at other places routinely have to deal with endless streams of scouts and other assortments of kids who know little about the Civil War, not to mention their chaperons and/or parents. I know they appreciate our level of interest and scholarship, because it's probably not present in the average-bear park visitor.


                      Mark Green
                      Occoquan VA
                      Mark Green
                      15 NJVI, Co. E

