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Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

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  • #16
    Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

    In Evansville, IN, it woke me up at 4:30. I looked around the room, and heard the sterotypical "earthquake" noise that you hear in movies. It stopped a few seconds after I woke up, and I asked Amber: "Was that an earthquake?" She said: "Yes." I responded: "Okay," and went right back to sleep.
    Yours, &c
    Adam Clark
    -Pumpkin Patch Mess

    "I really feel that we've stepped into our ancestor's shoes, but... those shoes suck."
    Connor Clune


    • #17
      Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

      In St. Louis my house shook. I awoke to this pinging noise that seemed to be shaking the house. It was also windy this morning and I could hear the cieling tiles shift the way they do when the weather changes. It seemed someone was hitting my foundation with a sledge hammer. I was debating whether to call the police or grab the flintlock or baseball bat. But then I haven't done anything to anger the homies.
      I had enough time to run outside to investigate the pinging realized with astonished disbelief what it was. I was in the process of waking up the kids when it stopped.
      There were reports that they closed a street due to debris. But whether it was from an accident or otherwise was unknown when I left for work. There were also reports of a ruptured gas line in North St. Louis.
      Otherwise, I think St. Louis got through unscathed
      Frank Aufmuth
      Frank Aufmuth
      When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


      • #18
        Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?


        Saw the quake on CNN..... My Mom said it shook her bed and woke her up in Crawfordsville Indiana.

        I think the only shaking of the earth happening out in Virginia this weekend will be from the guns on top of Malvern Hill!!!! Sadly the guns will be Federal.....
        Paul Herring

        Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
        Stonewall Brigade


        • #19
          Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

          Did anyone else feel that again at 11:15AM EST???
          Jordan Ricketts


          • #20
            Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

            Yep and about 10:15
            Shook the computer. I went up and down the hall but the students do not seem to have noticed. Only one other teacher felt it. This is my planning period.
            Frank Aufmuth
            When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


            • #21
              Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

              I just did...I thought I was freaking crazy when my 300lb desk started shaking...I think the weight is exaggerated, but it moved alright...and I am in Fort Wayne
              Santiago Luis Montalvo
              Unaffiliated (on college leave)


              • #22
                Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                According to the USGS that was a 4.5 quake
                Santiago Luis Montalvo
                Unaffiliated (on college leave)


                • #23
                  Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                  Yeah, I just heard about it on the news. I was driving at the time and it felt like my engine was about to stall... Thank goodness it was the quake and not my car breaking down!

                  This has been a very "interesting" day.
                  John Wickett
                  Former Carpetbagger
                  Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                  • #24
                    Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                    Yup felt it all the way down in Eastern KY, 65 miles southeast of Lexington. Initial reports on the Lexington News was a quake at 5.4
                    Daniel MacInnis
                    Adair Guards
                    Commonwealth Grays
                    [URL=""]Western Federal Blues[/URL]


                    • #25
                      Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                      Yep, I felt it too. I was getting ready for work when it hit and dismissed it as another one of Camp Atterbury's training tools. Didn't know it was an earthquake until I turned on the car radio.. I missed the big aftershock- was flying up 65 on my way back home from a store visit in Louisville at that time.
                      [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Book Antiqua]Candace Rose


                      • #26
                        Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                        Originally posted by JordanRicketts View Post
                        Did anyone else feel that again at 11:15AM EST???
                        For a second there Jordan, I thought you were drinking on the job again...j/k!Didn't feel anything the second time down here in E-town.
                        Micah Trent
                        Tar Water Mess/Mess No. 1
                        Friends of Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site


                        • #27
                          Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                          I am right near St Louis.

                          Got up early for a trip to our cabinet factory for a load of cabinets. I was on the toilet when I felt a rumbling like a semi truck going by. Then it changed to a more distinct and powerful shaking motion that was obviously not a semi.

                          My first thought: "Is this the Big One from the New Madrid fault line they have talked about? Its due after all...

                          Second thought: "IS this going to continue, and maybe even get worse?"

                          Third thought: "Elvis died on the toilet! I don't want to be remembered that way!"

                          I finished and got dressed quickly. ;)

                          It was interesting. No damage, just a neat way to wake up seeing it was minor.
                          Ron Mueller
                          New Madrid Guards

                          "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
                          Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
                          Abraham Lincoln


                          • #28
                            Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                            I didn't feel anything in Detroit, but all of the neighborhood dogs started going wild.
                            Chris Suppelsa


                            • #29
                              Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                              Yeah...,felt it here in Indy,too.

                              Woke me up sometime around 4:30 am.Thought I was having restless leg syndrome until I realized the whole bed was shaking and not just me!
                              [I][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B] Kevin Waggoner
                              4th OVI,Co.B
                              "Union Gaurds"[/B][/COLOR][/I]

                              "...cause I'm worth more dead, than alive...."
                              - Bill Birney

                              " Here, take your picture...wait.., is this your Mother?"
                              "GOOD LORD! SHE"S CROSSEYED !?"

                              - Bill, as we were ransacking a Georgia civilian's hovel.

                              Bummers 2009


                              • #30
                                Re: Anyone Else Feel the Quake?

                                I live in a suburb near Chicago and having been up late to finish a paper for school the next day, I was fast asleep when people supposedly felt it. I got phone calls from people asking if I felt it, and promptly relied no, hung up, and went back to sleep. But today during school I walked into our theater to work on some things for our up-coming musical, and I felt a shudder. Some of the set onstage rattled, and the crucifix(we're doing jesus christ superstar btw) was leaning up back stage & fell over.
                                Pvt/Cpl. Roy James Brown
                                [SIZE="2"]1st Michigan Engineers Co. E, Grand Rapids Boys (Franklin Shaw) Discharged[/SIZE]
                                [SIZE="2"]36th Illinois Infantry Co. B, Prodigal Sons Mess (Henry Alcott) Discharged[/SIZE]

                                [I]Cowards die many times before their deaths;
                                The valiant never taste of death but once.[/I]-Julius Caesar, William Shakspeare


