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haversack depot type IIIa shelter 1/2 kit

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  • haversack depot type IIIa shelter 1/2 kit

    okay guys befoe anyone bites my arm off for this, i wasn't sure where to post it so the "sinks" seemed the best place.

    Now i recently bought the haversack depots type IIIa shelter 1/2 kit. I've been in need of this piece of equiptment in quite a while and with a tight budget of a high school student that works at minimium wage at sears, this was the only way i could afford one. Now this is not an advertisment or anything by anyone, I just decided to post a review on the piece of equiptment i recieved.
    I recieved the package in a very prompt time in a nondescript packaging envelope, at first i figured that it was some instructions from VMI or the army on somethign else i needed to do for my scholarship. I soon saw the label and was excited like all of you have experienced. I went inside and within the day i set to work. The material was perfect not too stiff and just wright for what i had always expected it to be. The instructions enclosed were prompt and direct he told me exactly what to do and had examples already on the 1/2 for my visual use. It took a couple days of work to finish it, mostly because i only worked when i was on the couch watching TV. I was pretty sure this project was gonna be death by buttonholes, the grommets were very easy to do and i had extra thread left over should it need repair. I took great care in every stitch and made sure to wax the thread i used to make the button hole and apply the buttons. The hemp line used was outstanding and inspired me with awe the first time worked with it. I re-whipped the ends on the guy line and the loops in the corner of the piece, with me being a boy scout i deemed it nessecary to rewhip them but they were already done to an outstanding quality. Upon finishing the work on it i packed it up and it folded very small and is extremely light. with a blanket, gum blanket, shelter 1/2, and 3 days rations plus socks and clothing my knapsack is extraordinarily light but still stuffed like a pillow

    Mr. cavanaugh thank you for such an exemplarary product and should anybody ever ask for a suggestion i will direct them to you. You have done a great job and your attention to detail set a president for all other manufacturers.

    once more this is not an advertisement just a review on my experience with his product.
    Very Respectfully,
    Robert Young

  • #2
    Re: haversack depot type IIIa shelter 1/2 kit

    Phil Cavanaugh will be pleased to read your message. Since Phil is a member (and one who we consider a "national treaure") of the reenacting group I joined 10 years ago as a fresh fish, I might add that Phil started reenacting in the 1950's as a teenager. He recently sent me a photo from the time showing him and a friend in homemade uniforms, but equipped with orginal weapons and leathers. Phil also spent a career as a military museum curator and has studied an incredible number of Civil War relics. All of his products are based on museum pieces he replicates with great diligence.

    Phil McBride
    The Alamo Rifles
    Phil McBride
    Whittled Away-A Civil War Novel of the Alamo Rifles
    Tangled Honor 1862: A Novel of the 5th Texas Infantry
    Redeeming Honor 1863: The 5th Texas Gettysburg and Chickamauga
    Defiant Honor 1864: The 5th Texas at the Wilderness and the 22nd USCT at New Market Heights
    Link to My Blog and My Books on Amazon:


    • #3
      Re: haversack depot type IIIa shelter 1/2 kit

      well sir if you have any contact with him before he checks this forum give him my thanks and my compliments. I will say it again i was very impressed with the workmanship he exhibted as an example as to what should be done.

      i will dare to say it but this kit was actually......FUN!...(he said it, it cannot be!)
      Very Respectfully,
      Robert Young


      • #4
        Re: haversack depot type IIIa shelter 1/2 kit

        My experience with a kit was the same! I was very pleased with the craftmanship and attention to my order. I discussed the half with him before ordering and it was exactly as he said. A very great piece of equipment from a very great man. I appreciate his attitude and willingness to help. I was also very impressed with the promptness of delivery! Cheers to an exceptional company!
        Luke Gilly
        Breckinridge Greys
        Lodge 661 F&AM

        "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast

