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Wendall Decker leaving the business

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  • Wendall Decker leaving the business

    Well I don't even know if Wendall Decker has an account on here, however this message just popped up on my buletin on Myspace. I just thought some of you would want to know, maybe friends who know him better than I could talk to him or something. Anyways this is just so you know, Wendall said I could post this.

    Wendall said:

    I would like to take a minute to express my thanks to all my patrons, over the years. living and working as a Collodion Photographer has the been the most rewarding thing I've ever done in life. As many of you know, it is the ONLY thing I did. I dedicated my life to it. It was what I was born to do and where I belonged. It was the only LOVE I had. I had hoped to do nothing else again, until the day I died. I've loved traveling the U.S. I know I have touched a few lives. As many of you have touched mine. Yet, I fear it has all come to an end.

    Some of you know that I lost my van in Feb., on my way to Olustee, Fl. Since then, I have had to rent Vans form Enterprise. It is costing me around $600 just to get to an event. That $600 I had to make before I could make my first $. With the Economy the way it is and gas prices, chemical prices, it has become impossible to make any money, at all. The "Camp Disgrace Gazzette" decided they didn't need to give me credit for my work anymore. Screwed up the article I had written, to try and put a book together too. So you know that I no longer deal with them. Recently my bank screwed up my whole account, so at the moment, I can't go ANYWHERE. I was hoping to have some work on a couple of movies, but doesn't appear that is going to happen either. I have lost around $15,000 aready, this year. So after 15 years, it looks like life got the better of me. There were 8 of us when I started. Far less of us today. Seems a once lost art is destined to become lost again.

    I don't know if I've felt a hurt worst than this one. I had found my place, in this world and now will lose that too.

    Too all of you that have ever had an image done by me, I hope it will ALWAYS bring back memories of the good times spent together. I AWLAYS gave it my best, because to me, you desired nothing less. If it weren't for YOU, I wouldn't have lasted as long as I did. I hope you will always enjoy the images I had made for you. For 15 years, I was a VERY happy man.

    So thank you ALL, for you patronage and if I can no longer work with you, I am truely sorry. Makes me feel like I have let you all down.



  • #2
    Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

    That is sad to hear.I have several images that were taken by him.He is a truely awesome artist and will be missed.
    Brian Maddox
    37th Tn Co H


    • #3
      Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

      He was one of the best people I met in this hobby.He had some of the best stories I have heard,and I never heard him getting angery or upset.Not seeing him at events will be strange.Hopefully he will be able to make it back out in time for the 150s if not sooner.He is the master at his craft.
      Last edited by tenfed1861; 05-07-2008, 12:38 PM.
      Cullen Smith
      South Union Guard

      "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

      "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


      • #4
        Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

        Now this is a bloody shame. Wendell is a great guy, a true artist, and I am proud to have an image of my wife and I that was struck by him. He will indeed be missed in the hobby, and I can only hope that he will at sometime get back in it.

        God Speed Wendell, and Best of Luck in your future Endeavors :-(
        Robert W. Hughes
        Co A, 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters/64th Illinois Inf.
        Thrasher Mess
        Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004-2005
        ENG Brigade, 1st Cavalry Div. "1st Team!"
        Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

        Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
        And I said "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


        • #5
          Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

          What a shame!

          Anyone want to start a "Wendell Album"? It would be cool to get a sizable collection of his work together, perhaps it could be printed and presented to him as a "Thank You" for his years of service?

          Yeah... I know it was a business. Yeah... I know businesses sometimes fail. However, like other wet plate artists, he helped keep a craft alive and provided a service we all enjoy. It seems like giving him a collection of his work would be a small token of gratitude, perhaps to ease the sting a little.

          Just a thought.
          Last edited by LibertyHallVols; 05-07-2008, 01:31 PM. Reason: Found his contact info on my own. Thanks!
          John Wickett
          Former Carpetbagger
          Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


          • #6
            Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

            I was hoping to sit before his camera someday. Well, maybe we of "a certain age" can coax him out of retirement during the 150s for a Blue-and-Gray-Reunion group photo.
            Here's a photo (if I downloaded it right?) from the www of him at work on Lookout Mountain.
            Best of luck to you, Mr. Decker,
            Paul Hadley
            Attached Files
            Paul Hadley


            • #7
              Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

              I had some wonderful times with Wendall. I hope this is not true, but most of the things there seem to check out. This hobby is far too small to support fellows like him. I wish him luck in finding a new (and bigger) source of income.
              Mitchell L Critel
              Wide Awake Groupie
              Texas Ground Hornets


              • #8
                Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                Originally posted by LibertyHallVols View Post
                What a shame!

                Anyone want to start a "Wendell Album"? It would be cool to get a sizable collection of his work together, perhaps it could be printed and presented to him as a "Thank You" for his years of service?

                Yeah... I know it was a business. Yeah... I know businesses sometimes fail. However, like other wet plate artists, he helped keep a craft alive and provided a service we all enjoy. It seems like giving him a collection of his work would be a small token of gratitude, perhaps to ease the sting a little.

                Just a thought.
                That's a fantastic idea. I know that Wendell had very few copies of his work, with the exception of a few times that he knew a particular pose was going to be good. I view this as a black day in this hobby, as he was an incredible craftsman, a decent guy who definitely had his share of heartache, failed vehicles, and a run-in with a wild horse at one northern event. I am proud to consider him a friend, and I will sincerely miss those latenight discussions around the lantern at his tent, and remember particularly having to help arrange a pick-up for him on one of those van breakdowns on the way to an event. I truly hope that he'll be able to get back into this in the near future.
                Ross L. Lamoreaux

                "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


                • #9
                  Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                  All these were images Wendell took on me over the years.He was one of the masters of his craft,or should I say artform.If you wish to do the Decker folder,you can use whichever you wish to use.It would be an honor.
                  Attached Files
                  Cullen Smith
                  South Union Guard

                  "Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake"~W.C. Fields

                  "When I drink whiskey, I drink whiskey; and when I drink water, I drink water."~Michaleen Flynn [I]The Quiet Man[/I]


                  • #10
                    Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                    I felt like crying when I read the bulletin earlier today. Wendell is such a kind man and a wonderful friend, always a smiling face on sutler row. I've been putting off getting another image struck by him all year... waiting for a weekend when my impression seemed perfect.... looks like I waited too long.

                    God bless you Wendell, and if there's anyway I can help let me know.
                    Jessa Hawthorne
                    Un-Reconstructed string band / Hardee's Guard Battalion Civilian Society


                    • #11
                      Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                      Wendall has had some hard times throughout his life. I hope that the good Lord help guide his life, and that he will be able to recover from this and be able to enjoy life once again. Good luck and Godspeed Wendell!
                      - David Cortez

                      "The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters."
                      - Genghis Khan


                      • #12
                        Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                        I agree with David. best of luck to him. Doesn't say he is selling his equipment, there's always hope he can climb out and return to his passion in the future.
                        Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

                        Patrick Peterson
                        Old wore out Bugler


                        • #13
                          Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                          This really is a sad thing. Wendall was a great guy, a great person to talk to, and he was a pleasure to work with. It saddens me that he won't be on the scene anymore.

                          I hope all of the best for you Wendall.
                          Jon Preston
                          5th Kentucky Infantry
                          F & AM Chandlersville #858, Kentucky

                          "SLAVE STATES, once more let me repeat, that the only way of preserving our slave property, or what we prize more than life, our LIBERTY, is by a UNION WITH EACH OTHER!" ---Jefferson Davis


                          • #14
                            Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                            Wendall took this image of Chuck Warnick (former Commander of the Western Brigade, and former Commander of the 1st Federal Division) and myself at the Carter House this past December. Right after this picture was taken I asked if I could marry his daughter. I'll always remember that.
                            Attached Files
                            Patrick Landrum
                            Independent Rifles


                            • #15
                              Re: Wendall Decker leaving the business

                              This truly is horrible news. Wendell's work is magnificent. We will treasure the photographs and the memories. Best wishes, sir & we hope to see your return.
                              Brian Chastain
                              Breckinridge Greys
                              Independent Rifles


