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SA Trouser Kit Complete

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  • SA Trouser Kit Complete

    Hi All,

    Last night I put the finishing touches to my W. W. & Company SA trouser kit - I was one of the lucky first ten to get in on the ground floor before it became a Bully Buy. I have done quite a few sewing projects, but his was my first “kit” and also my first entirely hand-sewn projects and I must say, my most rewarding. The kit and instructions were both top notch and the instruction booklet will be filed away as a reference for future projects as my sewing skills grew another stitch or two from them. No matter what the sewing project, I have always gained a little more skill or confidence to try something more. Thanks Dan!!

    Here are a few pictures of the completed project (Disclaimer – I am not, nor would I ever claim to be a great seamstress, but I do enjoy this little hobby within this hobby.)
    Attached Files
    [FONT="Georgia"][I]Marc Averill[/I]
    Dirigo Grays

    [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal." [/COLOR][/I]
    Lt. General James Longstreet

  • #2
    Re: SA Trouser Kit Complete

    Hey Mark the trousers look great. How's the fit? How much time did you put into the job? Am anxious to get my kit and get stitchin'.
    :thinking:[FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"]Mike Rush[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="Book Antiqua"][QUOTE][I]"I have always found that mercy bears richer fruit than strict justice."[/I][/QUOTE][/FONT][B]Abraham Lincoln[/B]


    • #3
      Re: SA Trouser Kit Complete


      Looks amazing! Looks like you topstitched a little more than you had to, but hey, that waistband will wear like iron! Good job buddy!

      Mike, your kit went out in the mail today!


      Dan Wambaugh
      Wambaugh, White, & Company
      Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


      • #4
        Re: SA Trouser Kit Complete


        Thank you!

        The trousers are great and the fit is quite nice. I almost bought another kit one size up to give me a looser fit, but these will be fine (Winter fat is going away).

        I am not sure how much time I have involved; wish I had kept track – maybe 40-45 hours, and spread out over 4 weeks. I re-sewed a couple of the leg seams I was not happy with and a couple of “oops – should have looked at that instruction step twice” moments

        Good luck with yours!!

        [FONT="Georgia"][I]Marc Averill[/I]
        Dirigo Grays

        [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal." [/COLOR][/I]
        Lt. General James Longstreet


        • #5
          Re: SA Trouser Kit Complete

          Thanks Dan - I greatly appreciate the expert opinion!!!
          [FONT="Georgia"][I]Marc Averill[/I]
          Dirigo Grays

          [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal." [/COLOR][/I]
          Lt. General James Longstreet


          • #6
            Re: SA Trouser Kit Complete

            I can't wait to get mine, although I'm cheating and having my life long sewing grandma put together mine (I know, I'm pathetic). I would have liked to have done it but I couldn't find the time and my current trousers are wearing away.
            Tim Koenig

