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Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

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  • Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

    I'm working as an interpreter here at Fort Davidson in Pilot Knob, Missouri this summer--the home of FarbFest 2007 (those of you that were here know what I mean:wink_smil). I'm trying to put together an actual quality event at the site possibly in the Fall of this year (think October). What I would like to do is have members of Pap Price's Army of Missouri in the fields surrounding the fort as well as the 47th Missouri or 14th Iowa huddled inside the fort. This would be an evening event similar to Wilson's Creek's annual "Moonlight Tour" where visitors would stop by the outskirts of the camps and see some of the events happening as Price prepared his day 2 attack on the fort.

    Somethings they would see:
    Price's boys felling trees to build scaling ladders
    The building of said scaling ladders
    The Federal retreat from the fort
    C.O. debate and decision to blow the powder magazine
    Other scenes of two armies in a "waiting for battle" situation

    There is also an opportunity for the portrayal of citizen militia and black troops here as well.

    What I would like to know, as this is all tentative, is the interest level in doing something like this. We have several outstanding messes in the state that I believe would do a spot-on job and we could possibly make up in a small way for the debacle that was Ft. Davidson reenactment 2007!

    Let me know if anyone would be interested. Questions, suggestions, and concerns are always welcome.

    Thanks All,
    Matt Shomaker

    P.S. This would be an AUTHENTICS ONLY event...
    Last edited by 23rdIllinoisIrish; 06-09-2008, 09:48 AM. Reason: Added lines
    [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
    [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
    "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
    Marmaduke's Raid
    MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village

  • #2
    Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!


    The New Madrid Guards would be interested in this one. Close to home, original ground and the chance to something other than the usual event sounds pretty good.

    Let me know what we can do to help.
    Michael Comer
    one of the moderator guys


    • #3
      Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!


      I might be interested. Is the event open to any one that follows the guide lines?
      Andrew Kasmar


      • #4
        Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

        Andrew and all,
        Yes, there would be guidelines that would need to be met. Those, like much of the event, is TBA but would be based on records we have of Price's Army of Missouri in September of 1864, the units stationed here at Ft. Davidson, and strict civilian impressions. With the quality events that have been occuring in our little corner of the state (Occupation of New Madrid, Marmaduke's Raid, Boonesfield Village) we have a need to keep those types of events with a strict set of guidelines (which isn't really a problem with the Authentic Missourians I've met).

        Matt Shomaker
        [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
        [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
        "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
        Marmaduke's Raid
        MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village


        • #5
          Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!


          Andrew Kasmar


          • #6
            Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

            Mr. Shoemaker,

            Keep us Taters informed........sounds like it's right up our alley!

            Marty Rubin
            Tater Mess


            • #7
              Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

              I've been informed today that the park has tried such an event in the past but has not for several years because a loss of interest by the reenactors! I'm working to determine a definite direction for this event but want to see about how many campaigners would be interested.

              Let me know what your thoughts are...
              Matt Shomaker
              Last edited by 23rdIllinoisIrish; 06-10-2008, 02:02 PM.
              [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
              [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
              "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
              Marmaduke's Raid
              MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village


              • #8
                Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

                I'd make this dance. Close to home for me. :)
                Ron Mueller
                New Madrid Guards

                "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
                Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
                Abraham Lincoln


                • #9
                  Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

                  Sure, I'm local.
                  Mark Krausz
                  William L. Campbell
                  Prodigal Sons Mess of Co. B 36th IL Inf.
                  Old Northwest Volunteers
                  Agents Campbell and Pelican's Military Goods


                  • #10
                    Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

                    As I work to get this event off the addition to the plans the staff here has already fooled around with, does anyone have ideas for things you'd like to see done at an event like this? More to come at a later date.

                    [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
                    [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
                    "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
                    Marmaduke's Raid
                    MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village


                    • #11
                      Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

                      I've been approached with the question of female civilians at the event. Since this is an evening of a day's battle, there is not really a place on the field (according to the accounts) for ladies but am open to suggestions in this regard.

                      Please keep in mind that there is the opportunity for civilian male milita and colored troops as well.

                      Ladies, any offerings?
                      Matt Shomaker
                      [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
                      [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
                      "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
                      Marmaduke's Raid
                      MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village


                      • #12
                        Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

                        A USCT company would be great to see. Try talking to the 29th and see if they'd be willing to put together a company.
                        Mark Krausz
                        William L. Campbell
                        Prodigal Sons Mess of Co. B 36th IL Inf.
                        Old Northwest Volunteers
                        Agents Campbell and Pelican's Military Goods


                        • #13
                          Re: Evening 1864 Living History in SE Missourah!?!

                          Do you have a contact for them?
                          [B][COLOR="Navy"]PVT. Matthew Shomaker[/COLOR][/B]
                          [I]Proud Missourian[/I]
                          "Here there are no forces to fight but a few hundred bushwhackers that will lie by the roadside in the swamp, and I believe they would murder Jesus Christ if they thought he was a Union man."
                          Marmaduke's Raid
                          MSG Returns to Boonesfield Village

