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NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

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  • #31
    Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

    For those of you who may be interested a discussion of this is also taking place on this blog - It is not a reenacting blog, its primary focus is firearms legalities and legislation. It is hosted by David T. Hardy, an AZ attorney.
    Jim Kindred


    • #32
      Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

      You NJ residents should look to your "de-farbing" processes also. Removing modern markings like serial numbers might also cross the line, even if your gun is allowed. Note the use of the words, "manufacturer's serial number or any other distinguishing identification mark or number on any firearm."

      (I added the bold type)

      My Springfield no longer has a visible serial number on it...

      b. "Deface" means to remove, deface, cover, alter or destroy
      21 the name of the maker, model designation, manufacturer's serial
      22 number or any other distinguishing identification mark or number
      23 on any firearm.
      Ron Mueller
      New Madrid Guards

      "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
      Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
      Abraham Lincoln


      • #33
        Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

        Mr. Loyd, Don't mock. We all know black powder is a gateway propellant. A fellow may start with buck and ball and next thing you know he wants to fire a twelve pounder with cannister. From there it is just a slippery slope from just toting a musket and spending time with friends till they turn their back on friends and family in order to spend their children's inheritance to buy an Maschinengewehr 42 or Sturmgewehr 44.
        Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
        1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

        So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
        Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?


        • #34
          Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber


          Your post made me laugh a bit this morning, that is exactly how I got started collecting and, yes, I did end up buying a MG42 and Sturmgewehr 44. All this started from buying a Navy Arms 1863 Springfield in 1975. :)

          I continue to be an unrepentant collector to this day.
          Jim Kindred


          • #35
            Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

            Somebody should start a "other hobbies" Social Group.

            I have some pics / vids of my current NFA collection.

            HKMP5 SBR
            HKMP5k SBR
            HK Registered Sear Pack S/E/F (Flemming)
            Vector Uzi
            Colt Registered AR-15 Lower

            EDIT TO ADD: Mr. Kindred started a Social Group, please join us for rational discussion about these type of issues.
            Last edited by OldKingCrow; 06-16-2008, 04:54 PM.


            • #36
              Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

              Not a bad idea, I will see if that can be arranged.

              In the mean time don't any one get their panties in a wad from the last few posts. If a closed social group can be arranged I will move those posts there if not I will delete them.

              Now lets get back on track with the NJ issue.
              Last edited by JimKindred; 06-16-2008, 12:37 PM.
              Jim Kindred


              • #37
                Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

                I find it interesting that the sponsor of the bill is an Assemblyman from Mercer County, the same county the holds perhaps the largest Civil War event each July at Veterans Park in Hamilton township (near Trenton)..
                Tom Ragno


                • #38
                  Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

                  Mercer County was also the site of the Battles of First & Second Trenton and Princeton.

                  According to the proposed legislation, all of the weapons used in those battles would be banned as "Destructive Devices".

                  FYI, Mercer County is named for General Hugh Mercer, who was killed at the Battle of Princeton.
                  Robert Carter
                  69th NYSV, Co. A


                  • #39
                    Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

                    It's so sad to watch NJ, a hotbed of freedom during the revolution, being turned into a socialist "peoples paradise."
                    Frank Perkin


                    • #40
                      Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

                      Originally posted by JimKindred View Post
                      In cases such as this the primary concern is that of the elected officials being reelected. They pass legislation like this to look good for their voter base. To my knowledge no crimes have been committed in NJ with .50 plus firearms in the 20th or 21st century.
                      Too bad the assembly is out of touch with reality. Here in Salt Lake, a guy killed his wife with a little .22 rifle.
                      Kenny Pavia
                      24th Missouri Infantry


                      • #41
                        Re: NJ Bans firearms over. 50 Caliber

                        Page 7, lines 38 on:

                        38 The bill does, however, provide exemptions for 1) antique
                        39 firearms; 2) antique handguns; 3) traditional muzzleloader rifles;
                        40 and 4) black powder muzzleloaders having in-line ignition, a center
                        41 hammer or an under hammer which have been approved for hunting
                        42 in this State. These firearms would continue to be governed by the
                        43 statute's current "greater than 60 caliber" restriction. Antique
                        44 firearms and handguns are defined in the statutes as firearms which:
                        45 (1) do not fire fixed ammunition or were manufactured before
                        46 1898 and for which fixed ammunition is not commercially
                        47 available; and
                        48 (2) are possessed as a curiosity or ornament or for their
                        historical significance or value. The statutory 1 definition of antique
                        2 handgun includes "replicas."
                        3 The bill defines a traditional muzzleloader rifle to mean a single
                        4 shot, single barrel, side lock percussion or flintlock firearm with
                        5 iron or peep sights and a wooden stock.
                        6 Finally, the bill affords an exemption to persons who lawfully
                        7 possessed a firearm of a caliber of 50 caliber or greater on or before
                        8 the effective date of the bill. This "grandfather" provision will
                        9 permit those persons to continue to possess lawfully their large
                        10 caliber firearms.
                        James Duffney
                        61st NY
                        Brave Peacock Mess

