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Confederate Kepi pattern

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  • Confederate Kepi pattern

    I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a quality confederate kepi pattern?

    Thank you,

    Patrick Abbey
    Patrick Abbey

    Liberty Rifles
    SC Society

  • #2
    Re: Confederate Kepi pattern Post #5 on that thread has particularly good information.
    Ross L. Lamoreaux

    "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


    • #3
      Re: Confederate Kepi pattern

      I was going to shoot the same thread but Ross beat me to it.:D
      Chris R. Henderson

      Big'uns Mess/Black Hat Boys
      In Memory of Wm. Davis Couch, Phillips Legion Cav. from Hall Co. GEORGIA

      It's a trick, Gen. Sherman!...there's TWO of 'em! ~Lewis Grizzard

      "Learning to fish for your own information will take you a lot further than merely asking people to feed you the info you want." ~Troy Groves:D


      • #4
        Re: Confederate Kepi pattern

        Originally posted by yanksaintgood View Post
        I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find a quality confederate kepi pattern?

        On page 13 of A Confederate Sketchbook is a detailed, measured examination of the kepi worn by Robert William Royall, 1st Co., Richmond Howitzers. The kepi is in the Museum of the Confederacy. You can make yourself an authentic kepi from this original source.

        Hope this is helpful.

        [B][I]Edwin Carl Erwin[/I][/B]

        descendent of:
        [B]Tobias Levin Hays[/B]
        16th Texas Infantry, Co. I, Walker's Texas Division
        22nd Brigade, "Mesquite Company", Texas Rangers
        [B]J. W. Tally[/B]
        4th Texas Infantry, Hood's Texas Brigade[B][/B]


        • #5
          Re: Confederate Kepi pattern

          Thank you all for responding! I purchased the Confederate Sketchbook and plan on setting up an appointment with the MOC shortly to take a look at the Royall kepi in person. Post number 5 does have some great information and I plan on doing my own research before attempting to put together a kepi for myself.

          Thank you,

          Patrick Abbey
          Patrick Abbey

          Liberty Rifles
          SC Society

