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"Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

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  • "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

    Just curious to know who saw this program last night and what their thoughts were about it. My take is that it was entertaining, in a superficial (and occasionally gruesome) way, but ultimately unsatisfying.

    Indeed, from a historical standpoint, and with no disrepect directed toward the individuals mentioned in it, the segment on military tattooing was very disappointing in that it concentrated more on the "modern" than the "ancient." Even a passing nod to Civil War tattooing reports would have been nice. Furthermore, unless I was out of the room making a sandwich at the time, the producers didn't even talk about Olive Oatman (tattooed during Indian captivity in the 1850's) or Nora Hildebrandt--two of the most famous "tattooed ladies" of the 19th Century.

    My verdict: 2 1/2 stars out of 4.

    Yours, &c.,

    Mark Jaeger

    Mark Jaeger

  • #2
    Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

    I caught the last half of it so I can only comment on that . I was very disappointed. As mentioned above the military tattooing segment concentrated on modern Marine tattoos. Still interesting but not what I was looking for.
    This is not the first time the History channel has disappointed.
    And now I am off to watch Ice Road Truckers and that show about aliens. I just cant get enough history.
    Thanks History Channel
    Russell L. Stanley
    Co.A 1st Texas Infantry
    Co.A 45th Mississippi
    Co.D 8th Missouri (CS)
    Steelville JayBirds Mess


    • #3
      Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

      Ah, but years from now "Ice Road Truckers" will be history. So, you have the honor of seeing it in the making. Some day you'll regale your grandchildren with tales of guys driving on frozen lakes.:wink_smil

      I've pretty much given up on the History Channel. They solicited me to become a member and get their magazine. The magazine actually looked like it has some very good articles in it. Too bad they don't translate some of those subjects to their on-air programming.
      Michael Comer
      one of the moderator guys


      • #4
        Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

        Didn't catch the program, but I wholeheartedly agree with you about the History Channel, Michael. In my household it used to be known as "The World War II Channel" (as I am not the least bit interested, this was not a compliment) but now has become "the Modern Marvels Channel," as this insanely boring and completely non-historical show has come to dominate its programming.
        Arch Campbell
        Hairy Nation
        Loyal Union League
        Past Master of Martin Lodge #624, GL of Iowa AF & AM

        "Secessionists and Rebel Traitors desiring a fight can be accomodated[sic]on demand." -David Moore


        • #5
          Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

          I didn’t see the program either, but I would have to concur with the posted sentiments about the programming that the History Channel has decided to run over the last few years. The current programming isn’t doing anything for me at all. It’s pretty pathetic.

          History Channel International started out strong but has slipped into the same lame programming as the HC. It’s making it harder to find anything worthwhile to watch.
          Kris Kransel
          [COLOR="Blue"]Old Northwest Voluteers[/COLOR]


          • #6
            Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

            Originally posted by 2ndva View Post
            I didn’t see the program either, but I would have to concur with the posted sentiments about the programming that the History Channel has decided to run over the last few years. The current programming isn’t doing anything for me at all. It’s pretty pathetic.

            History Channel International started out strong but has slipped into the same lame programming as the HC. It’s making it harder to find anything worthwhile to watch.
            Have to agree, I have see a few saving graces on the Int'l History Channel, but overall difficult to find anything worthwhile these days.

            I have noticed if the show has been produced in the UK it is usally worthwhile to watch.
            Marc Riddell
            1st Minnesota Co D
            2nd USSS Company C
            Potomac Legion


            • #7
              Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

              "Was Hitler's dog psychic when injected by aliens? Find out next - on History's Mysteries!"

              "The design, construction and use of tinfoil hats of the UFO Defense Force - next on Modern Marvels."

              And my friends wonder why I don't take this channel seriously anymore.


              • #8
                Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

                The History Channel went from being my favorite to one that I seldom watch anymore. This has all happened in just a few years. I've yet to figure out what "Ice Road Truckers", has to do with history. Mail Call was their last decent show that held much interest for me.
                I'd just as soon watch re-runs of Civil War Journal or Wild West Tech as the drivel they have on the History Channel now.
                Lee Ragan


                • #9
                  Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

                  If I may, I am hijacking this thread.
                  You have all hit upon the Achilles tendon of ANY form of television, commercial, PBS or cable.
                  It is next to impossible to supply the number of hours needed to fill the void, and the resuult is evidenced above that the History Channel seems to have run out of ideas.
                  I worked in a local cable outlet and we really had to hustle to fill air-time.
                  Not an easy task, but it would be fun if some of the hard-core among you would get into fixing the problem. March on down to a cable outlet and offer to do a weekly Civil War series. A chance to experience the real world, not unlike experiencing war via reenacting.
                  My two cents worth. Read between the lines at your leisure and peril.
                  Steve Sullivan
                  old and in the way...


                  • #10
                    Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

                    Well, please keep watching...We do many historical programs yet, including Battle 360 and others yet to come!

                    -S. Dolan
                    Samuel K. Dolan
                    1st Texas Infantry


                    • #11
                      Re: "Ancient Ink" History Channel Program

                      I used to call this the "Hitler Channel" instead of History Channel because there was typically something on Hitler or World War II - which was fine with me. Now I call this the "Modern Marvel Channel"... no kidding, I see episodes are being shown back to back to back in the evenings sometimes.

                      "Ice Road Truckers" and "Axe Men"...I guess that's history because we're now viewing what happened in the past. I must confess, I rarely if ever watch this channel anymore.
                      James Ross

