Anyone reading this who knows me and my OCD pursuit of the CS side of things is asking:
Why does OKC care about a Federal frock ?
Well I am spreading my proverbial wings and want to add a Federal component to the living histories which I have been privileged to do in my local school scene. I am getting a good rep and some repeat business.
Because an accurate issue Federal infantry frock is not easy thing to come by, are there documented private purchase fed frocks ?
I had a first rate private purchase sack out of EOG (JoeBlunt) but as I trim down and begin to look more soldierly I have a hankering for a frock and a Hardee (TPH).
Right now since I don't do mil re-nacting I would use it only for the schools. The only option, as nobody wants to make one, is a Jarny (not issue accurate but the most accurate of the not accurate) sans bholes and top stiching and do it myself.
Viola private purchase frock. But I cant back it up with research !
Feel free to beat me about the head and face with the farb flail, I know I know just get a fed blouse and be done with it. Which at the end of the day is what I know will end up doing after nights of sleeplessness OCD'ing about the Jarny frock.
Why does OKC care about a Federal frock ?
Well I am spreading my proverbial wings and want to add a Federal component to the living histories which I have been privileged to do in my local school scene. I am getting a good rep and some repeat business.
Because an accurate issue Federal infantry frock is not easy thing to come by, are there documented private purchase fed frocks ?
I had a first rate private purchase sack out of EOG (JoeBlunt) but as I trim down and begin to look more soldierly I have a hankering for a frock and a Hardee (TPH).
Right now since I don't do mil re-nacting I would use it only for the schools. The only option, as nobody wants to make one, is a Jarny (not issue accurate but the most accurate of the not accurate) sans bholes and top stiching and do it myself.
Viola private purchase frock. But I cant back it up with research !
Feel free to beat me about the head and face with the farb flail, I know I know just get a fed blouse and be done with it. Which at the end of the day is what I know will end up doing after nights of sleeplessness OCD'ing about the Jarny frock.