Sirs and Madames,
While I am neither an apologist nor advocate in the issue of slavery in WBTS era, these 2 documents gave me a perspective I had not here-to-fore contemplated.
I sincerely hope that someone more able will cut and paste the text of these links.
( Hey, I'm way over 40! )
North Carolina General Assembly Bill No. 8
A Bill to Permit Free Persons of Color to Select Their Own Masters and Become Slaves.
NC Senate Bill No. 27, Ses. 1860-61
A Bill to Regulate The Free Negro Population Within This State.
In a much broader stroke, disregarding race, I can see these ideas in action in today's society.
Any insights welcomed.
Kevin Ellis,
26th NC
While I am neither an apologist nor advocate in the issue of slavery in WBTS era, these 2 documents gave me a perspective I had not here-to-fore contemplated.
I sincerely hope that someone more able will cut and paste the text of these links.
( Hey, I'm way over 40! )
North Carolina General Assembly Bill No. 8
A Bill to Permit Free Persons of Color to Select Their Own Masters and Become Slaves.
NC Senate Bill No. 27, Ses. 1860-61
A Bill to Regulate The Free Negro Population Within This State.
In a much broader stroke, disregarding race, I can see these ideas in action in today's society.
Any insights welcomed.
Kevin Ellis,
26th NC