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Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

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  • #31
    Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

    This from the BATF website will give you some examples of a "destructive device" -

    The over .50 cal comment only applies in a very few of our states, primarily ones leaning left, it is not a Federal regulation since under ATF regulations a muzzle loader is not classified as a firearm.

    Originally posted by Indianabugles View Post
    Could you please throw light on what is meant by this for us Europeans?
    Here in the UK the Gov doesn't classify things like this.
    Its a shotgun if it is more than 24" Barrel, less than 2" bore and is not rifled. This includes anything from .45 musketoons up to 3/4 napoleons.
    We only get into sticky ground if we want rifled weapons or weapons with a capacity of more than two rounds, both of which require a Firearms license.
    A shotgun cert is reasonably straight forward to get but a Firearms license is not, which probably explains why so many of ours are smoothbores.

    If this had happened in the UK it would have been an unprecedented disaster for re-enactors of all periods using firearms.

    Christian Sprakes
    19th Regimental Musician and bugler
    Jim Kindred


    • #32
      Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

      Wow, I am surprised I didn't hear about this at all yet around town. I live in Gettysburg, and you would think someone would have talked about it. This is the first time I heard about it. Can't wait to see the follow up report. I didn't know they staged skirmishes over there. Where do they do it, where do they have room? Who would want to do that there? People throw fits when they talk about battle reenactments on National Park grounds, I would think it would be worse when dealing with battle within the town.
      David Fictum,
      Member of the Pennsylvania College Guard,
      recent member of the 2nd WI, Co A


      • #33
        Latest News Report-Not Self-Inflected

        Tuesday news article

        Stupid Accident IMHO
        Marc Riddell
        1st Minnesota Co D
        2nd USSS Company C
        Potomac Legion


        • #34
          Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.


          I just read the article, but still, how does one blow a hole through a guys boot with a revolver?
          Andrew Kasmar


          • #35
            Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

            It didn't say anything about a revolver.

            Ron Myzie


            • #36
              Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.
              The scenario (skirmish) we were doing was finished. (The 17-year-old member) was supposed to be wounded and be taken to the field hospital, but he said he just wanted to ‘die,’” the re-enactor stated.

              The juvenile decided he wanted to be shot deserting to the Union troops, so “I shot above his head and he took a hit.”

              The witness said the troops then “put a sheet over his head and body,” left his feet uncovered and “pronounced him dead. The (actual) shooter came walking up and asked if he was dead and we said he was.”

              “Then he just decided to blow a load (fire a round of black powder) next his (the victim’s) foot. He (apparently) didn’t realize his foot might have moved or something and he shot him in the middle of his foot (instead of next to it),” the witness stated.
              A toenail and the tip of one toe are missing as a result of the muzzle blast.

              “Right now, there is so much gun powder and residue (in the wound) they’re not sure if its live flesh or dead flesh that they’re looking at (even after it was cleaned up and dressed),” Schaeffer said.

              There's the reason the police tape went up. Some fellow decided to be cute with firearms and shot the kid in the foot.

              Sounds like someone is just plain ate up with the dumbass.
              Robert Carter
              69th NYSV, Co. A


              • #37
                Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

                A PISTOL BLAST???? All the way through???? I've been peppered by some over anxious cav. men before and it can really hurt....but through a shoe? The story makes it sound instantaneous....but, is it possible that the shooter was using grease to seal his chambers and the grease from the blast hit the shoe and burned through after setting on the brogan for a few seconds? I'm sure more info will surface!

                I'm guessing revolver as i've seen that same sort of thing done at mainstream events.....usually officers and they shield the person on the ground with their own boot...always with a revolver...still would be VERY hard to do with a rifle unless one was packing wads.
                Luke Gilly
                Breckinridge Greys
                Lodge 661 F&AM

                "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                • #38
                  Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

                  About all I can say about this now is "What a dumbass!"

                  Individuals such as this "actual shooter" should be identified and barred from reenacting for life. You can't fix stupid but you sure can eliminate this individual's part of it from the hobby.
                  Last edited by JimKindred; 08-05-2008, 09:03 AM.
                  Jim Kindred


                  • #39
                    Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

                    As probably should have been expected, the real story is nothing like what was first reported. It won't surprise if even more details come out before it's all said and done. We also know now why it's being treated as a crime scene.

                    Hopefully, the boy will be okay and not lose one or more toes.
                    With luck, someone will post a picture of the shoe so we can use it as an example of what force these weapons can generate, and in what thoughtlessness or stupidity can result.
                    Bernard Biederman
                    30th OVI
                    Co. B
                    Member of Ewing's Foot Cavalry
                    Outpost III


                    • #40
                      Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.


                      From the description, it sounds as though the fellow had the muzzle of the pistol right up against the foot of the reenactor playing dead. How this figured into the scenario, much less the realm of simple reason, is beyond me.

                      I trust the investigation includes whether the fellow was under the influence of an adult beverage at the time.

                      Dumbass and black powder do not mix. That goes double with yayhoos.

                      This also affirms my belief that loaded pistols serve few practical purposes in reenacting.
                      Robert Carter
                      69th NYSV, Co. A


                      • #41
                        Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

                        Perhaps I have missed it somewhere, but I have not read what type of weapon (revolver or musket) was used in the incident only that is was blackpowder.

                        Not that it makes any difference the incident still happened.
                        Marc Riddell
                        1st Minnesota Co D
                        2nd USSS Company C
                        Potomac Legion


                        • #42
                          Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.


                          In the first article it says the weapon was 69 caliber, which makes it some sort of musket. In the second article I guessed that it was a revolver from what I have seen at other mainstream reenactment, where they shot the wounded. That being said, I have seen men shoot the wounded with muskets, but at a much greater distance, than what the article says.
                          Andrew Kasmar


                          • #43
                            Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

                            I'll have to agree that dumda**es and black do not mix at all.
                            Shawn Sturgill
                            Governor Guards


                            • #44
                              Re: Reenactor shoots himself in foot.

                              The real question is, how did it blow a hole in the leather? I've had a cook off before and the most I had was 2nd degree powder burns on my hand as well as some embedded grains of unexploded powder in my fingers, but not a hole?
                              Aaron Cregar
                              14th Tenn. CMF
                              VMI class of '11


                              • #45
                                Another Reason...

                                Mainstream Reenacting - It's not just about the gear. ;-)

                                Originally posted by Andrew Kasmar View Post
                                In the first article it says the weapon was 69 caliber, which makes it some sort of musket. In the second article I guessed that it was a revolver from what I have seen at other mainstream reenactment, where they shot the wounded. That being said, I have seen men shoot the wounded with muskets, but at a much greater distance, than what the article says.
                                Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
                                1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

                                So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
                                Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?

