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Federal Canteen

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  • Federal Canteen


    I am working on a canteen cover, but forgot to measure my smoothside Federal canteen:angry_smi:tounge_sm. Could someone please give me the measurements to a Federal smoothside canteen? I am looking for the following information:

    Distance between the spout and the canteen sling band.

    The width of the canteen.

    The distance from the canteen side sling band to the center sling band.

    Or any other measurements that I may be missing.

    Thanks for any help.

    Andrew Kasmar

  • #2
    Re: Federal Canteen

    What type of cover are you making? Fed. issue? I have an old cover from a Orchard Hill Canteen...I will have access to it in about an hour. But i'm afraid you'll find that no two covers are exactly the same dimensions as the one I have was rough cut and sewn to fit. If no one has answered by then I'll PM you the specs of the canteen and/or cover.
    Luke Gilly
    Breckinridge Greys
    Lodge 661 F&AM

    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


    • #3
      Re: Federal Canteen


      Thank you very much Luke. Yes, I am making a Federla issue canteen cover.

      Andrew Kasmar


      • #4
        Re: Federal Canteen

        Do you have the canteen? Makes it a lot easier.

        The cover between the two upper strap keepers is hand sewn together up to and around the spout after the cover is put on the canteen. Below the two upper strap keepers the only thing you have to worry about is the hole for the bottom strap keeper. This area is sewn inside the cover. Doesn't have to be exact since they were only covers. Measurements may vary between different canteens.
        Jim Mayo
        Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

        CW Show and Tell Site


        • #5
          Re: Federal Canteen


          Basically, I will have the canteen for maybe 20min before the event, so I was hoping on sewing the bottom half of the cover, and then sew it around the rest of the way at the event. My main problem is knowing how wide to make the cover, and where to stop sewing on the side seems. Thanks

          Andrew Kasmar


          • #6
            Re: Federal Canteen

            Why not go without the cover until you can properly apply it. Might save you some headache.

            Patrick Landrum
            Independent Rifles


            • #7
              Re: Federal Canteen

     Jim said, they are all going to be a different size...but if you are wanting to could always cut it on the large size and take up the slack with at the top when you whip the top closed. Here are the dimensions of the cover I took off....
              Cover: 9 inch Diameter circle with openings cut at 2:00, 6:00, 10:00 for the keepers...
              Measuring the canteen: from the base of the pewter spout to the middle of the bottom keeper (6:00) measures exactly 12 inches, that is measuring the seam of the canteen...same measure the rest of the way around. From the base striaight down the front of the canteen is just a shade short of 9 inches.
              The top whipped closing is 3 inches to each side of the spout....note that the hand stitching goes to the opening for the keepers.

              In other words...cut a 9.5 inch diameter to allow for the it just over half way...stick the canteen in..and whip the rest closed. Depending on the type of may have to cut it off should go outside of the cover.

              Just an idea....if you have a stretched out old wool sock....stick the canteen in it....cut off the top appropriately...whip it closed. Put a jean cover on when you get home.
              Luke Gilly
              Breckinridge Greys
              Lodge 661 F&AM

              "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


              • #8
                Re: Federal Canteen


                Thank you all for the information posted. Mr. Landrum, I was starting to think the same thing. Thanks Luke for the information. Using it, I should be able to make it very nicely. Thanks again.

                Last edited by Andrew Kasmar; 11-18-2008, 09:49 PM.
                Andrew Kasmar


                • #9
                  Re: Federal Canteen

                  Andrew, sent you a PM.

                  Rich Croxton
                  Rich Croxton

                  "I had fun. How about you?" -- In memory of Charles Heath, 1960-2009


                  • #10
                    Re: Federal Canteen

                    When I covered my canteen a few years ago, I seem to remember it only taking about 1/2 hour to 45 min max from start to finish. Its not terribly hard. Bring some scissors and fabric along with you to the event and cut the circles out in the parking lot. Then sit around the fire or in your car and stitch it up first day of the event.
                    Brad Ireland
                    Old Line Mess
                    4th VA CO. A


                    • #11
                      Re: Federal Canteen



                      Andrew Kasmar

