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My baby boy has arrived!

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  • #31
    Re: My baby boy has arrived!

    Congrats! Both of mine are 16 months old now and it seems like yesterday when they were born. Make sure you take lots of pictures; you can never have enough pictures!
    James E. Boyle, Jr.


    • #32
      Re: My baby boy has arrived!

      Hi Chris, my best to you and your family. Congratulations!
      Andy Ackeret
      A/C Staff
      Mess No. 3 / Hard Head Mess / O.N.V


      • #33
        Re: My baby boy has arrived!

        All the best!


        • #34
          Re: My baby boy has arrived!

          Congratulations Utley. My son was born November 4th, so if you want the twelve extra days of fatherly wisdom that I have, I will be glad to share that with you. Maybe we can take them hiking on the AT together one day.
          Please tell me you are not going to raise him a Bama fan.
          Mike Randles
          The Beloved Ruth Smythers Mess


          • #35
            Re: My baby boy has arrived!


            Thank you for all of the nice comments, it means alot! We probably won't be able to talk momma into a CW show debut this year, but I'm sure he'll be there next year with me! Sleep......ah.....sleep, that was nice when I had it, but I wouldn't trade being a daddy for anything, hard to remember when I wasn't (and had money, and time, and....)


            Congrats on the birth of your son!! At least I wasn't the oldest papa bringing a baby home in Middle TN in November.... We definitely are going to take them hiking the AT someday, I've been jonesing for that for a while! I will absolutely raise him a BAMA fan (did I happen to mention they're number 1???), but won't disown him if he wants to go to ol' Rocky Top. You'd be proud of me these days, I actually cheer for TN when they're not playing BAMA, and own a few Tennessee clothing items.......slow conversion, but there is some progress.
            Chris Utley
            South Union Mills


            • #36
              Re: My baby boy has arrived!

              Hi Chris,

              Fear not, sleep will come.

              It finally did for my wife and me, as our son Gordon at 5 months finally is on a schedule and sleeps 8 hours.

              For a while there I got more sleep at the few events I could make, sleeping on rocks than sleeping at home :D

              Enjoy every moment you can with your family,

              All the best

              Don S
              Don F Smith


              • #37
                Re: My baby boy has arrived!


                Congrats on the birth of yours!

                Our first child came into this world last night at 7:41pm. Jonah and Mom are doing well and I could not be any happier than I am at this moment.
                [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Matt Caldwell




                • #38
                  Re: My baby boy has arrived!

                  Congratulations to Chris and Matt. I have been at it for almost three months now (our little Alex is three months old this Friday) and it is quite the life change... for the better. :D
                  ERIC TIPTON
                  Former AC Owner

