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Storing my P.53 for the winter

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  • Storing my P.53 for the winter

    I'm sure this has been thrashed about before but my diggin didn't bring anything up in the time I had to do it.

    Went to Prairie Grove, AR this past weekend, and had the pleasure of meeting Andrew Kasmar amd Cuffy. Cold.. damn it was Cold.

    Anyway, last event for me until late march or early april when we host Pleasant Hill. So, after a good cleaning last night, my P.53 got put in its sock and stored. Now, I rubbed her down good inside and out with oil, and gave her stock a good coat of wood oil. What else, if anything, could I have done to help her out? Or, did I do about all that could be done? Suggestions?

    Ronnie - Shreveport
    Last edited by lthull3rdla; 12-08-2008, 08:03 AM. Reason: mis-spelled a name
    Ronnie Hull
    Lt Co G 3rd La / Co C 48th OVI
    Shreveport, La

    Independent Rifles and all of hell followed "
    Western Independent Greys

    Descendent of Levi W. Leech - Private, Co G Tenth Texas Cavalry, Dmtd 1861-1865, AOT

    2009 Bummers November 13 - 16
    2010 Vicksburg L.O.L February 5-7
    Before the Breakout September 10-12

  • #2
    Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

    My opinion? Leave the "sock" folded up somewhere you can find it when you go to the next event. The "sock" will attract moisture and may cause rust. Put the gun in your gun rack or in an out of the way corner in a dry room and it will be fine. (Sorry, not a big fan of gun cases for storage....)
    Thomas Pare Hern
    Co. A, 4th Virginia
    Stonewall Brigade


    • #3
      Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

      I agree with Mr. Hern.....Don't leave it in the sock.
      [B][FONT="Georgia"][I]P. L. Parault[/I][/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/FONT]

      [I][B]"Three score and ten I can remember well, within the volume of which time I have seen hours dreadful and things strange: but this sore night hath trifled former knowings."

      William Shakespeare[/B][/I]


      • #4
        Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter



        What keeps moisture out, traps moisture in (and there is enough humidity in just the air to rust iron/steel).

        I very lightly oil my guns, where they sit on a rack in a "dry" room (my house is humidified/de-humidified controlled).

        I once "WD-40'd" a Springfield at the end of the season rainy event and kept it in a case. Come Spring, I opened the case and found an orange fuzzy gun.

        Curt Schmidt
        In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

        -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
        -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
        -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
        -Vastly Ignorant
        -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


        • #5
          Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

          The two products below are very good for long term storage. I stored a number of high dollar rifles for over ten years in a product similar to the first link. During that period the bags were never opened. When I did open the bags the rifles looked just like the day I put them in the bag all I had to do was wipe them off. The difference in the 812618 bag and the ones I used is that they were ironed on the open end to seal them. They were one time use only.

          When introduced WD-40 was rejected by the military because it has no long term storage capability. It will evaporate over time. WD-40 is good for loosening stuck screws and such but not much else. G-96 or CLP (Breakfree) are the best products of this type for storage and general use with firearms. I prefer G-96 over CLP.

          The main thing is to store the firearms in a dry environment. For storage of a few months nothing more is really needed other than a light coat of a good gun oil. One other thing I do with guns I keep in storage is to keep a box of white cotton museum gloves handy. If you wear those while handling the firearms you will not risk leaving salts from your hands on them that will cause rust and you will not have to wipe the guns down after each handling.
          Last edited by JimKindred; 12-08-2008, 08:13 PM.
          Jim Kindred


          • #6
            Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

            RIG gun grease. it won't run, evaporate, nor rot the wood as oil will. Easy to glop on, easy to wipe off. Doesn't run off as readily as will oil. Unless a treated cover is used, leaving the weapon in the open air is preferable, in my humble opinion.
            David Fox


            • #7
              Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter


              Yes, it is a strange thing to see fingerprints of rust on a bright barrel or lock...

              Curt Schmidt
              In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

              -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
              -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
              -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
              -Vastly Ignorant
              -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


              • #8
                Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter


                I was told by gun collector to use a product put out by Shooter's Choice called FP10. I have used this for cleaning and storage since, only about 6-7 months however. Has anyone any positive experience with this product? I'd like to know if this G-96 is better as I've not heard of it.

                Most sincerely,

                Brian Y Mikels
                [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][B][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]Brian Y. Mikels[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

                [SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua][B]"Das Paradies der Erde liegt auf den Rucken der Pferde."[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

                [SIZE="2"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]"The Duck River Line-Winter 1863"[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]1, February 2009[/I][/FONT]
                [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]Pvt. 2nd Tenn U.S. (Mounted Rifles)[/I][/FONT]
                [B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE=2][/SIZE]"The Fight for Crampton's Gap"[/FONT][/B] [I][FONT="Book Antiqua"]16-18, July 2010[/FONT][/I]
                [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]Pvt. Devaney Good, 2nd Vir Cav[/I][/FONT]
                [B][FONT=Book Antiqua]"The 2015 Lincoln Funeral Coalition"[/FONT][/B] [I][FONT=Book Antiqua]1-3, May 2015[/FONT][/I]
                [FONT=Book Antiqua][I]Brig. Gen. James A. Ekin, Honor Guard[/I][/FONT]


                • #9
                  Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter


                  G96 was suggested to me a number of years ago by a long time Luger collector. I have used it on flintlocks to belt feds for a number of years with excellent results. I buy it by the case preferring the bottle over the spray type.

                  If for no other reason I pick G96 over CLP simply because it doesn't smell as bad. :)
                  Jim Kindred


                  • #10
                    Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter


                    FP10 ("Fire Power 10?)

                    I tried it when it first came out, and still have a bottle or three on the shelf somewhere..
                    It was hawked to use a miracle cure for cleaning moreso than "preservation."

                    It was said, hawked, that by treating the bore of blackpower weapons with it in place of oil, that it prevented blackpowder fouling from sticking. Instead of "wet cleaning," between N-SSA events, or a range target- one would run a bristle brush through the bore and shake out the blackpowder fouling as a powder.

                    Oddly enough, it seemed to work, but never "caught on."

                    Curt Schmidt
                    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                    -Vastly Ignorant
                    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                    • #11
                      Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter


                      RIG has apparently been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available, even from Brownell's.
                      Bryan Beard


                      • #12
                        Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

                        Wow lots of good advice from all of you fellers! Thanks a heap!

                        Ronnie Hull
                        Lt Co G 3rd La / Co C 48th OVI
                        Shreveport, La

                        Independent Rifles and all of hell followed "
                        Western Independent Greys

                        Descendent of Levi W. Leech - Private, Co G Tenth Texas Cavalry, Dmtd 1861-1865, AOT

                        2009 Bummers November 13 - 16
                        2010 Vicksburg L.O.L February 5-7
                        Before the Breakout September 10-12


                        • #13
                          Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

                          My enfield sat in its original box for 2 years without being touched once and when I took it out, it was just fine. All I did before storing it away was clean it and then oil it up a bit using remington gun oil.
                          Kenny Pavia
                          24th Missouri Infantry


                          • #14
                            Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

                            For my original arms, and of course reproductions, I use a period oil that you can make at home...decanted olive oil.

                            To make it, heat the oil but do not let it smoke, this kills any fungus that makes oil rancid. Fill a bottle no thicker than two inches, leave no room for air and seal tightly. Place in a window sill where it will get good sun and turn once a week, don't shake.

                            When you "slowly" decant from the bottle leave the last half inch or so of the thicker oil. When done you will have a nice thin, good tasting gun oil that will not gum and that is dang hard to wipe off and clings to metal like a champ.

                            There is one added bonus, when you hold your gun it will not have that M1 Garand smell which is special in it's own right.
                            Last edited by McKim; 12-09-2008, 10:27 PM. Reason: Spelling
                            Thaddaeus Dolzall
                            Liberty Hall Volunteers

                            We began to think that Ritchie Green did a very smart thing, when we left Richmond, to carry nothing in his knapsack but one paper collar and a plug of tobacco!


                            • #15
                              Re: Storing my P.53 for the winter

                              Herr Schmidt,

                              I sincerely thank you for the information on the FP10. That was indeed more than I recieved from my gun collector friend.

                              Highest regards,

                              Brian Y Mikels
                              [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][B][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="3"]Brian Y. Mikels[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]

                              [SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua][B]"Das Paradies der Erde liegt auf den Rucken der Pferde."[/B][/FONT][/SIZE]

                              [SIZE="2"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B]"The Duck River Line-Winter 1863"[/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]1, February 2009[/I][/FONT]
                              [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]Pvt. 2nd Tenn U.S. (Mounted Rifles)[/I][/FONT]
                              [B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE=2][/SIZE]"The Fight for Crampton's Gap"[/FONT][/B] [I][FONT="Book Antiqua"]16-18, July 2010[/FONT][/I]
                              [FONT="Book Antiqua"][I]Pvt. Devaney Good, 2nd Vir Cav[/I][/FONT]
                              [B][FONT=Book Antiqua]"The 2015 Lincoln Funeral Coalition"[/FONT][/B] [I][FONT=Book Antiqua]1-3, May 2015[/FONT][/I]
                              [FONT=Book Antiqua][I]Brig. Gen. James A. Ekin, Honor Guard[/I][/FONT]

