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Holiday Greetings to Everyone

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  • Holiday Greetings to Everyone

    The following is an anonymous poem, quoted in THE CIVIL WAR CHRISTMAS ALBUM, selected and edited by Philip Van Doren Stern; pg 52.

    Christmas Hymn

    Long time ago the dawn of day
    Streamed through the low roof thatched and torn,
    Where in the straw-clad manger lay
    The Christ Child of the Virgin born.

    Through His atonement draw we nigh;
    Great God of Battles unto Thee
    We lift our feeble voices high,
    Grasp Thou the sword of victory.

    Let harsh oppression pass away,
    And want and sin from off the earth
    And ever sacred be the day
    That gave the blessed Savior birth.

    Let black-winged pestilence disappear
    And war with all its horrors cease
    And may we in the tempest hear
    The solemn voice of Christ say "Peace!"

    Wishing all, but especially those serving our Nation, the Merriest of Christmas' and Best New Year

    Frank Carmack
    Worthington, OH