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Pritchard knapsack info??

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  • Pritchard knapsack info??

    I am trying to find photos or drawings of what a pritchard knapsack looks like. Thanks..Jim Hensley
    [FONT="Century Gothic"][/FONT][FONT="Georgia"][/FONT][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Jim Hensley[/FONT]
    Order of Heptasophs 1852

  • #2
    Re: Pritchard knapsack info??

    Echoes of Glory Page 203.


    • #3
      Re: Pritchard knapsack info??

      You can contact the MOC and purchase a write up sheet on it, I believe they are 30 bucks each
      John Greenfield

      GawdAwful Mess [url][/url]


      • #4
        Re: Pritchard knapsack info??

        The write up sheets are $30 for those who aren't members of the MOC and $15 for those who are members of the MOC.

        Be careful, most of the write up sheets are lacking in detailed information. I found this out the hard way after making a mock up (for research purposes) off of a write up sheet and then I had the opportunity to go examine the original at the MOC and found out several discrepancies.
        Matthew Semple


        • #5
          Re: Pritchard knapsack info??


          Don Smith might chould help you with that ! He is making them now if you would like to get one, also you might be able to contact ol'' Nic Clark to.

          Wes Verbal
          50Th Va. Inf. Co. H.
          Army Northen Virginia
          "Wigfall Mess"


          • #6
            Re: Pritchard knapsack info??

            Matthew is right. The MOC worksheets are great for basic measurements and so forth, but not the details. Pritchett's (EOG has that name, along with many other names and details wrong) knapsack was made from a variety of different types of cloth that the worksheet does not describe (if I remember correctly, about three different osnaburgs). Some of the construction methods are left out as well, and a few little notes like "raw edge" should actually say "selvedge." It is a very interesting pack, but if folks are going to reproduce it, and reproduce it with any degree of accuracy, they really have to take the trip and see it.

            Of course, please do buy the worksheets, though. I usually pick them up to save from measuring every detail when examining the originals, and often take notes on them.

            -Craig Schneider
            Last edited by CSchneider; 01-17-2009, 07:53 PM.
            Craig Schneider

