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The Rebel Yell

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  • The Rebel Yell

    I know that it will be hard to do without actually hearing it but, i am trying to find everyones favorite variation of the rebel yell. For almost three years now i have been on/off researching this topic, and was also wondering about the different variations that everyone knows about.
    Tyler Grecco

  • #2
    Re: The Rebel Yell

    Try the search engine on this web, there was a site to where you could hear a Veteran actually do it. Help me guys, I am right?


    • #3
      Re: The Rebel Yell

      Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
      Jesse Parsons
      -37th Virginia Infantry-
      -Wampus Cats Mess-


      • #4
        Re: The Rebel Yell

        I remember reading that at the turn of the century the Daughters of the Confederacy did a recording of a veteran doing the yell. Although I've never heard it or if it was ever made public?
        Tony Evans[FONT="Georgia"][/FONT][FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

        "I ain't no damn Yank, I'm a Rebel." My Father's reply to an Australian greeting during WWII.


        • #5
          Re: The Rebel Yell

          I believe that youtube link that Jesse provided above was a recording of a veteran at a Gettysburg reunion. It's duplicated and looped, and it's downright creepy to listen to. Check it out if you haven't already.

          D.W. Scalf
          19th Alabama Infantry(Australia)

          “Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil.”

          "Only the dead have seen the end of War".
          George Santayana


          • #6
            Re: The Rebel Yell


            There is an excellent documented recording over on the 26th NCT website.
            Civil War Reenactment Regiment. A comprehensive site that includes historical resources, photos, narratives, articles, schedules, rosters, and more.

            Click on the history section and the Rebel Yell is at the bottom of the links page on the right.

            Interestingly, we fielded a small company (about 85 troops ) at a LH for the NPS at Chancellorsville recently.
            Forming a line of battle down by the creek between Hazel Grove and Fairview, we advanced up the hill toward the tour group waiting at the gun emplacements at Fairview.

            As we crested the hill, the onlookers seemed rather nonchalant until at a distance of maybe 50 yards, the order " Charge Bayonet" was given and we all broke into the " rebel yell"

            An immediate retreat by those " defenders " ensued. At least until they realised that it was not their day to die.

            Even at company level it is most unsettling in some primeval way.
            One can only imagine regiments or battallions.

            Kevin Ellis,
            26th NC
            Last edited by Longbranch 1; 01-18-2009, 02:58 PM.


            • #7
              Re: The Rebel Yell

              this is so cool. thank you for posting it
              Tyler Grecco


              • #8
                Re: The Rebel Yell

                This is Virginia's spouse commenting.

                I've seen the footage of the confederate soldier at the Gettysburg reunion giving a call and then explaining "that was the rebel yell." I think the clip needs to be examined in the context of: (1) the veteran was getting pretty old by the time the reunion occurred and his voice, to me, sounded a bit quavery; (2) the quality of recording devices has changed a bit since the sound was recorded; and (3) I think one confederate veteran who, when asked to demonstrate the rebel yell, said something to the effect that it really couldn't be duplicated without the simultaneous experience of charging forward under fire. Unfortunately, like many other elements of the time period, we can have descriptions but I don't see how we'll ever know for sure.

                Michael Mescher
                Virginia Mescher


                • #9
                  Re: The Rebel Yell

                  Wow, that recording is absolutely amazing! I have to say that would definitely be terrifying to hear in battle!

                  Dave Schwartz
                  Dave Schwartz,
                  Company B, 79th NY Vols.
                  (New York Highland Guard)


                  • #10
                    Re: The Rebel Yell

                    I have been told that the yell was made while inhaling. Does anyone know of the truth of that statement?
                    Bill Feuchtenberger
                    "It Do"
                    Oh, I have heard it done while inhaling, and it is possible.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Rebel Yell

                      Originally posted by mnreb View Post
                      I have been told that the yell was made while inhaling. Does anyone know of the truth of that statement?
                      Bill Feuchtenberger
                      "It Do"
                      Oh, I have heard it done while inhaling, and it is possible.
                      I've heard this also. but for me and my thinking, in the heat of the moment of battle all a guy wants to do is scream. but i suppose anything is possible. Now, the one thing i can not stand is when you hear fellas saying yee...ha at an event. We're not cowboys.
                      Tyler Grecco


                      • #12
                        Re: The Rebel Yell


                        The Museum of the Confederacy has a CD called the Rebel Yell. It may shed some light on this topic.


                        Michael Collins
                        Michael S. Collins

                        15th Tenn. Vol. Inf. Co "G"
                        Robert L. Miller Award Recipient No.26 May, 2003

                        "Trust in God and Fear Nothing."
                        - Brig. General Lewis Addison Armistead


                        • #13
                          Re: The Rebel Yell


                          I just got my copy of the Rebel Yell Lives from the Museum of the Confederacy. It was on sale for $10.00.

                          This CD is rather interesting. There is an original recording of a Confederate Veteran giving his rendition of a Rebel Yell on Track #3. The rest of the disc is dedicated to groups of 70, 500, and 1,800 Men giving the Rebel Yell.

                          It seems to me that they took the single version of the Yell and mutiplied it to create the effect of large groups of Reb's yelling. I could just imagine hearing A. P Hills men surprising the Federals at Antietam...

                          For the $10.00 investment, I recommend it.


                          Michael Collins
                          Michael S. Collins

                          15th Tenn. Vol. Inf. Co "G"
                          Robert L. Miller Award Recipient No.26 May, 2003

                          "Trust in God and Fear Nothing."
                          - Brig. General Lewis Addison Armistead


                          • #14
                            Re: The Rebel Yell

                            Is this the same one that was done on utube? On there they multiplied it also. Was just wondering. Might have to purchase the cd though. If a person is going to try to do it, might just as well do it right, or not do it at all. I also cannot stand the yeeehaaaa. I also agree, It is not easy to do while enhaling, let alone try and do it while charging the works. A scream seems more appropriate.

                            Bill Feuchtenberger
                            1st South Carolina Volunteers
                            "It Do"


                            • #15
                              Re: The Rebel Yell


                              The Yell is more of a whoop; almost like a dog yelping wildly. It is quite unnerving...just as it was intended.

                              Michael Collins
                              Michael S. Collins

                              15th Tenn. Vol. Inf. Co "G"
                              Robert L. Miller Award Recipient No.26 May, 2003

                              "Trust in God and Fear Nothing."
                              - Brig. General Lewis Addison Armistead

