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Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

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  • Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

    How is everyone planning on celebrating this monumentous day???

    As a Principal I have decalred tommorow Lincoln Day. Every Class will include Lincoln content, Gettsyburg Address in Announcements , Signs up in the walls etc.

    If you're not a history person stinks to have me as your principal.
    Rod Miller
    [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
    A. Lincoln[/FONT]

    150th Anniversary
    1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
    1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
    1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
    1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
    Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
    1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
    Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller

  • #2
    Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

    Quite a bit going on in the largest city named after our 16th President.
    All are welcome!
    Paul Hadley
    (Tech rehearsal for "Civil War Voices" musical drama begins in a few hours -- wish me luck.)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by FlatLandFed; 02-11-2009, 12:33 PM. Reason: Forgot complete name
    Paul Hadley


    • #3
      Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

      Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln.

      And good on you Rod for not just grouping Mr. Lincoln with the rest of the presidents. Each should be recognized on their special day in school with a little focusing on them and their accomplishments. :)
      Ron Mueller
      New Madrid Guards

      "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
      Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
      Abraham Lincoln


      • #4
        Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

        All of my classes tomorrow will talk about Lincoln and his legacy. We are going to start off with a what do you know about Lincoln graphic organizer, then read the Gettysburg Address, 2nd Inagural and House Divided speech then end with a showing of a Lincoln clip. I teach high school students American Studies (9th grade) and National Government (11-12 grade)

        I am also taking 45 students to Springfield, Illinois to tour the Lincoln sites May 16. This is a very popular trip and I had students who were begging to go again!
        Nathan Hellwig
        AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
        "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


        • #5
          Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

          Nothing in particular. I explained Confederate Heroes Day (Lee's Birthday) to my granddaughter last month. She will understand if her public school teacher is playing on the other team.
          Fergus Bell

          "Give a man fire & he will be warm for a day, but set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life."
          Terry Pratchett


          • #6
            Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

            Interestingy, I attend a land-grant institution created with a stroke of Lincoln's pen, but the University is choosing to instead celebrate Darwin Day tomorrow. Seems as ole Chuck was born on the same day, so we're doing something a little different. Guess who isn't attending, and is a little upset that his department has chosen academic disaffection over doing anything worthwhile.
            Bob Welch

            The Eagle and The Journal
            My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.


            • #7
              Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

              This may help my fellow educators.

              Nathan Hellwig
              AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
              "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


              • #8
                Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                Just to follow up,

                The ALPLM (Abraham Lincoln Presidental Museum) will be hosting a live webcast At 9:30 a.m. Central Standard Time February 12th, 2009, a chorus of devoted Lincoln fans and schoolchildren from across the nation will read the Gettysburg Address simultaneously to honor America's 16th president. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the record for most people reading aloud simultaneously is 223,363 participants.

                You can download teaching resources and facilitator information.

                I will be hosting an author visit at the local library I work at tomorrow evening which kicks off a year long celebration of events in conjuction with the bicentennial.

                Steve LaBarre
                Corn Fed Comrades


                • #9
                  Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                  Mr Petty - perhaps you should look to the words of some Confederate heroes to help you understand why the rest of us celebrate this day. They understood the depth and tremendous courage and wisdom of the man.

                  I will celebrate him as one of the greatest of Americans, among millions of Americans on both sides who gave their all...and like he did, many gave their lives. My kids will carry a single penny in their pockets and touch it whenever they hear his name...and thank God he lead us in our darkest days.

                  He was a leader for the ages...and I think we hope down through the generations that perhaps we will discover another of his stature. We are still hoping.
                  Soli Deo Gloria
                  Doug Cooper

                  "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                  Please support the CWT at


                  • #10
                    Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                    Dear School Master,
                    Bully for you ! Remember when his birthday was an observed state holiday in Illinois ? As for me I will read some Lincoln speeches, display my flag ( "Old Glory "), watch the DVD of Henry Fonda as Lincoln and then play chords for the hordes as Battlefield Balladeers campaigns at the Chicago History Museum and the Park Ridge Library today. I only will I had a prinicpal as interested in history as you when I was a youth.
                    all for the old flag,
                    David Corbett
                    Dave Corbett


                    • #11
                      Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                      Happy Birthday Abe.

                      I plan to carry some medallions of Abe around. Most folks call it a penny.
                      GaryYee o' the Land o' Rice a Roni & Cable Cars
                      High Private in The Company of Military Historians


                      • #12
                        Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                        Happy Birthday Abe!

                        Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.
                        Grandad Wm. David Lee
                        52nd Tenn. Reg't Co. B

                        "If You Ain't Right, Get Right!"
                        - Uncle Dave Macon



                        • #13
                          Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                          I found out about the mass reading just in's 10:22 EST and the reading is at 9:30 CST.
                          Also, look at this neat mosaic with rteferences to the LOC images:
                          Becky Morgan


                          • #14
                            Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                            Happy 200th Birthday Abe.


                            • #15
                              Re: Happy 200th Mr. Lincoln

                              Originally posted by Gary of CA View Post
                              Happy Birthday Abe.

                              I plan to carry some medallions of Abe around. Most folks call it a penny.
                              That's about all I ever carry around :)

                              Originally posted by Becky Morgan View Post
                              I found out about the mass reading just in's 10:22 EST and the reading is at 9:30 CST.
                              Also, look at this neat mosaic with rteferences to the LOC images:
                              I am proud to say that my class was able have our mass reading today. We were even fortunate enough to be given posters to pass out to the students.

                              Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln. I wish I could have been in Springfield today for the festivities. I hope all went well.
                              Seth Graves

                              Courage - a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it.

                              -William Tecumseh Sherman

