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Another CS Flag Story

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  • Another CS Flag Story

    If you haven't seen this one, the same controversy about the Capitol CS flag in Columbia is still on the front burner. If Steve Spurrier isn't making it an issue then others will.

    Mark Berrier/Found this on
    Mark Berrier

  • #2
    Re: Another CS Flag Story

    Gonna have to admit I don't quite understand this need to eradicate everything one does not like from public view. Regardless of one's feelings about the flag, the CS, or its history, um, can't you just not look at it?

    I know, I am too simple and naive.
    Jonathan Vaughan
    14th Tennessee
    3rd Missouri


    • #3
      Re: Another CS Flag Story

      Within the right contexts - a historical reenactment for example - there are no grounds to criticize the displaying of the Confederate flag. When it comes to displays in the nature of the SC Capital Building, there is a subtext which many people read into (quote taken from the "replies" section of the the article inked by the OP):

      . . . the mewling, puling complaints about the flag are really objecting because it is the greatest symbol of resistance to such central government tyranny in the whole world. Twenty thousand men of SC died to oppose Yankee domination, and their sacrifices made the flag sacred. I don't resent the complaints; they remind us of who our enemies are. I just resent the presence of these neo-commies in the best state in the best country.

      If one looks through the eyes of those who have a different perspective, African Americans for example, the CS flag doesn't represent resistance or a proud tradition at all...
      Dave Schwartz,
      Company B, 79th NY Vols.
      (New York Highland Guard)


      • #4
        Re: Another CS Flag Story

        Certainly there are valid negative feelings toward the flag - no contendre.

        It's their energy and time, not mine.
        Jonathan Vaughan
        14th Tennessee
        3rd Missouri


        • #5
          Re: Another CS Flag Story

          Originally posted by LeftCoastYank View Post
          If one looks through the eyes of those who have a different perspective, African Americans for example, the CS flag doesn't represent resistance or a proud tradition at all...
          Do you think the stars & stripes might also be offensive for people with 'a different perspective?'

          As far as I'm aware, both houses of the state of South Carolina legislature approved the current placement of the flag. This is a local issue and should be resolved by local folk. This matter was determined by elected representatives of the state...IMO, it should stay within that state's sphere of concern.
          Last edited by mudlark; 03-25-2009, 07:54 PM.
          Gary Davis White, Jr.

          Proud descendant of;

          [I]James W. White -Co. G, 30th Georgia Infantry
          Peter T. Sessums -Co. G, 7th Texas Mounted Vols.
          William R. Callaham -Co. A, 2nd Mississippi Cavalry
          Reuben R. Wansley -Co. B, 2nd Mississippi Cavalry
          Richard H. McKay -Co. I, 5th Mississippi Cavalry
          Charles D. Lander -Co. A/E, 5th Florida Cavalry
          Joshua J. Spears -Co. F, 14th Confederate Cavalry
          William M. Park -"Refugio Spies" - Texas State Troops
          John W. Baker -Surgeon, 5th Alabama Infantry[/I]


          • #6
            Re: Another CS Flag Story

            Disregard Post
            Last edited by Pvt_Sullivan; 03-25-2009, 08:00 PM. Reason: Deleted after member removed offensive statement
            Your Obedient Servant,

            Peter M. Berezuk


            • #7
              Re: Another CS Flag Story

              this gets stirred up about once a year.... folks living in Columbia get tired of it I suppose. If it were up to me, I'd have a nice reproduction of the 1st SC's flag, or a Bonnie Blue, or 1st National. That way the "heritage folk" are happy, the NAACP crowd has the battle flag removed, and most of us tax paying citizens here in South Carolina don't have to listen to the braying on each side.
              Bryant Roberts
              Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

              Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


              • #8
                Re: Another CS Flag Story

                I've never understood why a Battleflag would need to be flown anywhere but where it was intended to be flown- on the field of battle. But I suppose the good folks down that way would just explain it by saying that they are fighting another battle now? And so it is.

                Never thought of Columbia as being "Famously Hot" either (February 1865 notwithstanding) but I guess they're doing their best to make it THAT again, too..... Fine people to be sure, but some of us North Staters gave up on trying to figure them out a few years ago- even before the Late Unpleasantness started!

                Rich Croxton
                Last edited by Gallinipper; 03-25-2009, 11:05 PM.
                Rich Croxton

                "I had fun. How about you?" -- In memory of Charles Heath, 1960-2009


                • #9
                  Re: Another CS Flag Story

                  Originally posted by mudlark View Post
                  Do you think the stars & stripes might also be offensive for people with 'a different perspective?'

                  As far as I'm aware, both houses of the state of South Carolina legislature approved the current placement of the flag. This is a local issue and should be resolved by local folk. This matter was determined by elected representatives of the state...IMO, it should stay within that state's sphere of concern.
                  I'm sure loads of ex-confederates found the flying of the Stars and Stripes abjectly offensive!

                  My understanding is that many of the Southern states that fly the Confederate battle flag on their capital buildings, adopted the practice as a protest to Federally forced integration during the 1960's; subsequently, it just became a tradition. But, considering the origin, I can see what all the fuss is about.
                  Dave Schwartz,
                  Company B, 79th NY Vols.
                  (New York Highland Guard)


                  • #10
                    Re: Another CS Flag Story

                    I don't get it. The ANV style flag is on a pole at the foot of a monument to SC soldiers in the war. I think its an appropriate place for it, although I agree the 1st National would be a less offensive choice. It's no longer on the dome representing the state, but rather in a historical context representing those who took part in the war. I guess they should remove the statues of Storm Thurmond, and Wade Hampton as well? Both were great South Carolinians but both stood on the wrong side of the "civil rights" issue. What about the monumnet to Confederate women of SC, its not PC either. All symbols upset someone, we can't please everyone, its just a shame the CS flag has to be so devisive.
                    Robert Ambrose

                    Park Ranger
                    Fort Frederick State Park, Maryland
                    5th Virginia Infantry Co. K


                    • #11
                      Re: Another CS Flag Story


                      Moderator hat on....

                      Sorry lads, the modern "issues" of the "Confederate flag" fall under Modern Politics.
                      While this is the "Sinks," the discussion is still Modern Politics and prohibited on the AC Forum.

                      Curt Schmidt
                      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                      -Vastly Ignorant
                      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.

