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Farewell April Fools 2009!

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  • Farewell April Fools 2009!

    From the Staff of the AC, we hope everyone had a good time with the change of pace today. Paul and I have a lot of fun doing this every year and if it just made you grin for a second, then we accomplished our goal.

    Like last year, the skin is available if you want to use it. Also, all threads having to do with Super Friends, Superheros, Professor Chaos, Capes,etc, have been moved to a 2009 April Fools Archive Folder here:

    Most everything is back to normal, but we still have some items to do on Thursday.

    Happy April Fools Everyone! We now return to our regularly-scheduled programming...
    Former AC Owner

  • #2
    Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

    Looking forward to see what pops up here next April Fools!
    [FONT="Georgia"][I]Marc Averill[/I]
    Dirigo Grays

    [I][COLOR="Blue"]"Time sets all things right. Error lives but a day. Truth is eternal." [/COLOR][/I]
    Lt. General James Longstreet


    • #3
      Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

      Thanks for that! I was wondering what/if you would do this year. I laughed out loud at work several times. :D
      Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

      Patrick Peterson
      Old wore out Bugler


      • #4
        Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

        Nice work!


        Michael Collins
        Michael S. Collins

        15th Tenn. Vol. Inf. Co "G"
        Robert L. Miller Award Recipient No.26 May, 2003

        "Trust in God and Fear Nothing."
        - Brig. General Lewis Addison Armistead


        • #5
          Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

          I was wondering how you would top last year, That was great fun, some of the replies re fabrics, 'lanterns' and defective capes made me to laugh out loud.Thanks
          Bob Hutton:)

          14th NC "Wild Cats"


          • #6
            Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

            Originally posted by Marc29thGA View Post
            Looking forward to see what pops up here next April Fools!
            Hey and we're always open to suggestions. If you think you have a good idea like that, put it in the Help Desk area or send one of us a PM.

            Glad everyone enjoyed it.
            Paul Calloway
            Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
            Proud Member of the GHTI
            Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
            Wayne #25, F&AM


            • #7
              Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

              That was fun but I'm still very disappointed at how little support Hawk Man got in the poll.
              Michael Comer
              one of the moderator guys


              • #8
                Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

                I have to remember this for next year, I honestly thought that I had went to the wrong site and then couldn't leave the new one.

                Kristoffer Tinney
                Kristoffer Lee Tinney


                • #9
                  Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

                  I had a blast. But it took a whole evening to think up that fake dog skeleton story.

                  Rich Croxton
                  Rich Croxton

                  "I had fun. How about you?" -- In memory of Charles Heath, 1960-2009


                  • #10
                    Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

                    That was very clever. It made me laugh and when I first loaded the page I had to double check if I was on the right page. Very clever.
                    Derek Vorobok


                    • #11
                      Re: Farewell April Fools 2009!

                      At first I thought I had picked up the Conficker C virus, until I realized what day it was! Good job!
                      Tom Mandrackie
                      Private, 6th OVI
                      4th Bttn. N.J. Vols.
                      Brigade of the American Revolution

