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selling unused items

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  • selling unused items

    I have noticed that many of the garments up for sale through this forum (from fellow reenactors, I'm not talking from vendors) are listed as being used only once or unused altogether. Such garments are often listed as being made from approved vendors, but with the financial investment it takes to have one made from these quality vendors, I am curious why so many people are quick to turn around and sell them at discount prices. When the previous owner has not worn the jacket/trousers/hat to any events, it makes me a little apprehensive to order clothing from these vendors myself.

    I live in Illinois, and there aren't many quality vendors at my local events from which I can try on new clothing in person, so I'm looking to order my garments online. For those of you who are selling/have sold barely used items, was it a matter of the garment being incorrect for your unit, the size being incorrect, or some flaw in the garment that makes you dissatisfied with your purchase? Why are so many reenactors selling unused uniforms?
    Rich Stonikas
    Co. D 17th Mississippi Vol. Inf.

  • #2
    Re: selling unused items

    From my own personal perch and vast 2 week experience of marriage I can tell you for me about 5 years ago it would boil down to a insanity purchase. What I mean by that is- you see the cool new widget on the market and you just NEED IT. Buy said widget for an event, strut around, and then notice- Damn, I have three things that could have worked for this. Justin Morris, Colbi Rosenthal and I literally ordered something new EVERY week, sometimes multiple new items. But at the end of the day, it was just a closet full of stuff that we could all only use about once a year per jacket.

    For a lot of people that garage or closet full of junk is a new lawn mower, or a car payment in tough times. I know there is one jacket I had to sell to replace the heater core in my old car that I wish I could get back. :cry_smile
    Patrick Landrum
    Independent Rifles


    • #3
      Re: selling unused items


      I think you'll find that as times get tough, "extra" impressions go on the selling block, with folks retaining their basic "federal" or "CS" kits. As Pat said, we've all been tempted by the coolest "widget" to come on the market at a certain time. Heck, a good friend of mine (no names) will get so overly excited about a new item he sees at a museum or elsewhere, that he will ply me with endless babbling on the drive home about putting together the entire impression just from seeing that one item. Not that I'm not guilty of it myself, I currently have about $3,000 worth of impression-specific gear and firearms for a US Sharpshooter impression that I bring out maybe once every two or three years!

      I certainly wouldn't look at that as a wholesale indictment of quality vendors or their wares. Plans change, money crunches come up, and usually the first thing to go are the hobby-related items in the closet that have not been used in years, if at all.

      Dan Wambaugh
      Wambaugh, White, & Company
      Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


      • #4
        Re: selling unused items

        There is also the purchase to meet some specific event guideline that wasn't already in the closet and the post event realization that you aren't going to need that jacket again for at least 5 years.

        I wouldn't be hesitant to trust the quality vendors just because some of their customers are clothes-whores who, like a junkie, have to sell something to get their next fix. ;)
        Joe Smotherman


        • #5
          Re: selling unused items

          Originally posted by PogueMahone View Post
          There is also the purchase to meet some specific event guideline that wasn't already in the closet and the post event realization that you aren't going to need that jacket again for at least 5 years.
          ...then, once the item is sold, someone asks you to an event (or to take on a role at that event) in the near future that will require the use of the now-sold item. :cry_smile
          John Wickett
          Former Carpetbagger
          Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


          • #6
            Re: selling unused items

            There is also the waist line issues. Some of the vendors lead time is 6 month to 2 years on some garments and by the time you get it, you no longer fit into the very nice coat. I remember someone that had to have a nameless vendors frock coat, paid the $500 plus for the coat, waited 2 years and by the time he got it gained 50 pounds. I was afraid the buttons would hurt someone.
            Eric Stephenson

            [URL=""]The Company of Military Historians[/URL]
            [URL=""]Doylestown Masonic Lodge No. 245 Free and Accepted Masons[/URL]

            "Captain Dike is in the hands of some brother Masons, and to the Order he owes his life." OR s.I v.II


            • #7
              Re: selling unused items

              I like to do a lot of trading for gear. So If I can trade my widget Y, for your widget X, knowing that widget X will sell on the AC for about the same amount of money as widget Z that I want, it works out.

              or, you can buy a raffle ticket and win a super nice RDII made by brother kiev at Race to Knoxville, sell it, and use the procedes to finance a used NJ Nick I&C knapsack :)
              Bryant Roberts
              Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

              Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


              • #8
                Re: selling unused items

                I have been known to be obsessed with acquiring civilian/Confederate trousers. The problem is that I only wear the old worn out ones, and not the new ones. Chances are some of those trows are going to be sold at a later time just because I never wear them. There's nothing wrong with them or the vendors who made them, it's just the way it is.
                Bob Muehleisen
                Furious Five
                Cin, O.


                • #9
                  Re: selling unused items

                  Man oh man...the days of buying a jacket to meet event guideleines are long gone. I had about 3-5 at anyone time. CD, Dept of Alabama, RDI, II, III...and Marse Landrum is look in there and say...I don't need that any more. When I "quit" several years ago, and sold everything I Frock to Justin Morris...I made close to $5000.00 on it all.

                  I have spent dang near that much re-outfitting me and Garrett.

                  PS. I just got one beautiful Frock coat from Mr Wambaugh. Work is absolutely incredible.

                  Thanks Dan!!
                  Galen Wagner
                  Mobile, AL

                  Duty is, then, the sublimest word in our language.Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less. -Col. Robert E.Lee, Superintendent of USMA West Point, 1852


                  • #10
                    Re: selling unused items

                    I just got rid of two jackets that I could still use. Tough times!
                    Frank Perkin


                    • #11
                      Re: selling unused items

                      I blame mine on obessive impulse buying.
                      Paul Mullins

                      "Solang das Volk so übermäßig dumm ist, braucht der Teufel nicht klug zu sein."


                      • #12
                        Re: selling unused items

                        (scratching arm... )

                        I NEED MY NEXT WOOL FIX NOW!!!!!!

                        Guy W. Gane III
                        Casting Director/Owner
                        Old Timey Casting, LLC.

                        Member of:
                        49th NYVI Co. B
                        The Filthy Mess

                        Historian since 1982 - Reenactor since birth - Proud Member of the 'A.C.' since September 2004.sigpic


                        • #13
                          Re: selling unused items

                          Originally posted by PogueMahone View Post
                          There is also the purchase to meet some specific event guideline that wasn't already in the closet and the post event realization that you aren't going to need that jacket again for at least 5 years.

                          I wouldn't be hesitant to trust the quality vendors just because some of their customers are clothes-whores who, like a junkie, have to sell something to get their next fix. ;)

                          Dang, completely said what I was thinking!!

                          I have 7 running feet of closet rod that has broken free of the back wall twice because of the insane volume of ONLY highest quality clothing available, every piece of which I have lustily hoarded and caressed as if my life depended on it. But I don't get out much anymore, I am getting fatter and older, and I KNOW I should let someone adopt a few pieces. Or most.

                          I have also turned over twice as much stuff that I appreciated for a time and decided it wasn't critical- boots, knapsack, camp shoes, Hardee, etc. All from the finest makers and truly hard to let go.

                          If the name of the producer/vendor is held in high esteem in this segment of the hobby, you will rarely/never encounter a lemon.
                          Joe Madden
                          13th New Hampshire Vols.
                          Co. E


                          • #14
                            Re: selling unused items

                            Originally posted by Guy Gane III View Post
                            (scratching arm... )

                            I NEED MY NEXT WOOL FIX NOW!!!!!!


                            got mine today. A Wambaugh Columbus Depot and a. ulrich CS tin drum. sweeeeeet.
                            Bryant Roberts
                            Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

                            Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


                            • #15
                              Re: selling unused items

                              So Rich, it seems that you're getting a reply that the quality, authenticity, is there by 100% of the people. You have to ask yourself, the events that you go to don't have vendors there selling the most authentic or highest quality gear; and yet this is what you want.... Hmmm--Rich step over to the dark side, it's calling!! Don't ignore it. :D
                              You can buy from the approved vendors here with the knowledge that you will get what you pay for, good quality, and authenticity. I haven't bought from all on the list but I can say that
                              Dan Wambaugh and Brian White at W&W are two of the best guys to deal with. Don Smith at TMD, Bob Serio at Missouri Boot and Shoe, Keiv at Traveling Man's Emporium, The Crabbs at Ezra Barnhouse Goods, and LD Haning all are good people to deal with. If you see an item made by Fred Baker, Cody Mobly, you'll be buying quality gear. One person who is no longer on the list, CJ Daley, makes outstanding items as well.
                              On a side note, check out the ONV site if you have the urge to start attending campaigner events.
                              Robert Gobtop
                              Ol Sipley Mess
                              Proud Member of the S*** A** Platoon BGR

