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New Civil War Interpretive Film

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  • New Civil War Interpretive Film

    We've been hard at work creating a new Battle of Lynchburg video for use in the Historic Sandusky visitor center. This has been a no budget production.

    You can read an article about the production by going here:

    You can view a highlights reel by going here:

    We're filming again the weekend of August 29, 30 if anyone is interested in participating, please email me at

    Thank you,

    Greg Starbuck
    The brave respect the brave. The brave
    Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
    That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
    And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

    Herman Melville

  • #2
    Re: New Civil War Interpretive Film

    Hi Greg,
    the film looks great so far - the music really helps to add to the menace and suspense of the coming battle. If that's what can be achieved without a budget then it begs the question of what could be achieved with a budget! Hope you get a good turnout for the filming on 29/30 August.

    Best regards
    Paul Jonsson (England, UK)


    • #3
      Re: New Civil War Interpretive Film

      No offense, but is there any way you could substitute a woman with correct hair and dress for the close-up of the woman in the window and later at the door? Maybe the woman who is already in the film could have some corrections made? Most of us try so hard to accurately reproduce the styles of the 1860's, it seems sort of a slap in the face to see such a blatant flaunting of convention.

      Her hair would have more than likely been parted in the center and her dress would have white cuffs and collar added, especially if she is the mistress of such a fine house or even the housekeeper.

      I don't know enough about the men's uniforms to make comment but the film looks interesting.

      Trish Hasenmueller


      • #4
        Re: New Civil War Interpretive Film


        We could easily reshoot the window scene, where can I get white color & cuffs? Anyone have such that I can borrow?

        Part hair down the middle, anything else?

        The woman is portraying her Gr-Gr-Grandmother, but I costumed her so its my bad.

        Greg Starbuck
        The brave respect the brave. The brave
        Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
        That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
        And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

        Herman Melville


        • #5
          Re: New Civil War Interpretive Film

          Sorry, I've been in Chicago this week and not checking the forum often.

          You can get white collars and cuffs from just about any reputable seller of clothing for 19th century women. Try Vivian Murphy or Kay Gnagey. Depending on where you are, you may be able to find a nearby reenactor who can loan them to you.

          Thank you. That's just such a glaring inconsistency, it will be great if you can re-shoot not just the window scene but any other time the woman is shown.

          Trish Hasenmueller


          • #6
            Re: New Civil War Interpretive Film

            Very Nicely done! I am amazed at what you have been able to do w/ no budget. When I did RevWar I was in a couple productions for PBS if I was not leaving for San Diego So soon after the shooting I would try to make arrangements to be at your next filming.

            Ken Berry
            [FONT="Georgia"]Ken Berry[/FONT]

