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Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

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  • Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

    Our neighbors lost their footbridge in a violent storm June 17. They made the mistake of asking the local government to help them put it back and remove a large clog of loose rock from a failed Corps of Engineers bank stabilization project. The rock is so deep that it all but fills the creek, meaning that all of our yards and the heavily traveled main road flood with less than an inch of rain (which is a very common amount in eastern Ohio.) Tomorrow night at 6 PM, Senator Sherrod Brown's office will send a representative to the township hall to discuss making them all sell out, even though their houses are far above any reasonable flood plain. One of the affected houses is pre-CW, the other either wartime or immediately postwar, in excellent repair (one recently renovated, with a government loan, no less!) None of us wants to sell out. Worse yet, forcing these people, and perhaps us, out of the homes our families have lived in for many generations won't alleviate the road flooding that endangers motorists.

    1.:Call Senator Sherrod Brown's office as soon as possible at (202)-224-2315 and tell him that these families want a bridge, not a buyout. We want his phone to ring off the hook in the morning. There's also a contact form at

    2: Send e-mails of support for Linda and Tim Barrett, Bernard and Shirley Tollett, Marsha Buterbaugh and Marcella Brown to my e-mail at, or send snail mail to any of the above, general delivery, Jacobsburg, Ohio 43933. (I don't feel comfortable giving street addresses, for obvious reasons, but they know I'm looking for help.) You may also comment on my blog at

    3.: If you have any connection to national news outlets, please forward this story to them. The longer version follows.

    Thanks for anything you can do for us...
    Becky Morgan

    Our neighbors have houses far above any known flood plain, even that of the record intensity 5.5" of rain that fell in 15 minutes in 1990 and the over 7" of rain that fell within four or five hours in the wake of Hurricane Ivan. After the 1990 flash flood that killed twelve of our neighbors (some of whom lived in very old houses!), the Corps of Engineers lined the creek banks with small, loose rock in numerous places. It began to fall into the creek bed, but between 1990 and 2004, no damage occurred even during the usual heavy rains.
    Hurricane Ivan stripped the rock from the banks and piled it in the stream bed in three or four spots along the seven-mile creek. With the creek bed completely full of rock, the water has nowhere to go but out. Think of it as pouring a cup of coffee. If your cup is empty, as is normal, you have no problem. If your co-worker has filled it with aquarium gravel, the coffee will spill out onto the surface around it. Because the stream is shallow, normal amounts of rain now cause the road and surrounding yards to flood.

    On June 17, a typical severe summer storm dropped 1.73" of rain on the upper reaches of our watershed in less than half an hour. The flood wave, as it moved downstream, picked up several large trees that were lying in the stream's old bed. The trees broke a chunk out of the road in one spot, caused further debris damming in others, and eventually crashed into our neighbors'elevated footbridge, tearing it out.

    At 6 PM tomorrow, Senator Sherrod Brown's office is sending a representative to our township trustees' meeting to threaten the families with a buyout. That's right, folks--people with undamaged homes in a safe area may be forced out because the government has decided not to clean up its mess.

    The amount of money the government has tried to spend to entice one family to move back into the flood plain in New Orleans would clean this creek so that four families wouldn't be forced off the property they've lived on for anywhere from thirty to sixty years--property that was first settled in 1793, along a road so old that Congress paid for it under the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

    So far no one has suggested forcing us out of our home, but I'm not naive enough to think it won't happen as the creek silts further and the road floods more often. Belmont County, Ohio is losing population rapidly and there is regular hand-wringing about what we can do to keep people here. Meanwhile, the township, county, and US governments appear to want to force four families out of
    their homes.
    Becky Morgan

  • #2
    Re: Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

    Dear Becky:

    On it -- I'm in Washington today at a conference for work. Will make calls this morning and at the lunch break.

    What are they thinking? To displace what sounds like about four families rather than have a rock removed? Totally a mess.

    Have you called the local paper? And/or your local TV stations? This sounds like the kind of thing that they'd love to cover. A call to stations in Columbus probably wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

    Anybody reading this a Buckeye? Give your local TV station a call and ask them if they are covering the story? Ask them "Are you covering this story I heard of that's happening in Jacobsburg? Senator Brown's office was asked for help replacing a footbridge and they are advocating that five working families who have lived there for years abandon their perfectly good homes and move away. In the middle of a recession?"

    If several people do this, the station might send someone.

    In the meantime, heading for the phone,

    Karin Timour
    Period Knitting -- Socks, Sleeping Hats, Balaclavas
    Atlantic Guard Soldiers' Aid Society


    • #3
      Re: Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

      If you're not from Ohio, calling Sen. Brown's office probably won't do much good, they don't paid any attention to out of state calls. Having worked in a Senators office, I know from experience that the only thing you'll be able to do is annoy the unpaid interns on the other end of the phone. You'd have better luck asking your home state reps to talk to the Senator.

      But I do have a question, why is Sen. Browns office sending someone to try to buyout everyone? I've certainly never heard of anything like that before , it sounds like it should be a FEMA person or some other executive branch agency that would be talking to these people.

      Will MacDonald


      • #4
        Re: Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

        i have few computer skills someone contact beck or orielley orhannity on fox news ronnie tucker
        Ronnie Tucker,
        Chief of Scouts
        7th TN. Cavalry, Co. D


        • #5
          Re: Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

          Originally posted by Becky Morgan View Post
          Our neighbors lost their footbridge in a violent storm June 17. They made the mistake of asking the local government to help them .
          The scariest words in the English language, "Hi, I'm from the government and I am here to help..."

          Have you engaged a lawyer? Also, maybe you could find a small obscure life form that would be threatened by not restoring the area... I say that only half in jest... Have your lawyer demand environmental impact studies ad infinitum
          [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Tod Lane[/FONT]


          • #6
            Re: Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

            Sounds almost like a FEMA approach to emergencies.


            Former FEMA USAR member
            [B][SIZE="3"]N.E. Miller[/SIZE][/B]

            [SIZE="2"][B][CENTER][I]"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts"
            -Marcus Tullius Cicero[/I][/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]


            • #7
              Re: Mostly OT: Need help for our neighbors and us

              First of all, thanks. The senator's aide was impressed with the support we got. The liaison is trying to get it across to the C of E that we aren't casual McMansion buyers who landed in some meaningless new development. The houses they want to destroy by "letting nature take its course" are century-old and more, and this place is HOME. (It also has a long, well-documented history of what it takes to cause flooding, where flooding should occur, and where it shouldn't. The current problems began after Ivan dumped their rock into the water, period.)

              Local politics is firmly against us. They WANT a buyout to force us all to move into town because the local villages are all losing population. Since the local media are all pretty much in one family's pocket, they're no help at all. The opnly mention in any of the local papers, radio stations or TV news was a brief blurb on not-so-local TV, and it was so badly garbled that it might have actually done harm. Fortunately, as it turns out, there's no money in this year's budget or next to buy out anything.

              Meanwhile, we found out that an imminent threat declaration will keep the Corps from having anyone arrested for cleaning the rock out of the stream.(Yes, they really threatened that.) There's a whole lot of it--numerous semi loads--and it all has to go, but we're giving it away as fast as we can and if that doesn't work we'll have to start paying for truckers and dump sites outside the flood plain. We have about one-quarter of the completely blocked part opened so far because our neighbor's son-in-law bought a backhoe and brought it down so he can spend all his spare time shoveling. I've also put the rock on Freecycle. As is typical there, maybe 25 people asked for directions and one showed up, looked it over and left without taking anything.
              Becky Morgan

