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18th Cent. AC?

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  • #16
    Re: 18th Cent. AC?

    This site provides extensive information on Rev War cooking, campaigning, etc., etc:

    particularly this section:
    Yours, etc.,
    Matt White

    "One of the liveliest rows I had while in the service was with the quartermaster for filling a requisition that I made for shoes for my company, on the theory that no shoe was too large for a Negro, and he gave me all 10's and upwards. When I returned the shoes, informing him that my soldiers did not wear pontoons, he insisted that I should take them and issue them to my company anyway. Well, I didn't do it: consequently the row."
    -Robert Beecham 2nd Wisconsin/23rd USCT


    • #17
      Re: 18th Cent. AC?

      To echo what Robert Ambrose said. It is very difficult to research what many of the F&I units had in the way of clothing and equipment. As one of the LH who frequents Ft. Frederick, there is next to no documentation on what was issued to the MD provincial forces. We base our kits off of what we can find such as news paper accounts of desearters and what they are wearing and what was listed in the stores of the MD arsenal. Also first hand accounts in the records of the British as to what the provincial forces were wearing on campaign. There is no know surviving example of a uniform, accuitrement, blanket, etc... of my unit. All we can do is try to the best of our research to be as authentic as we can be.

      There seem to be plenty of people here who do other time periods. I wonder if there are enough folks here on the AC to make it worth piggy backing on the AC and request to have a folder set up for other authentic time periods such as 18th century, 20th century etc... Kind of along the lines that the larger umbrella organizations have thier own private channel set up here. Just a thought.
      Brad Ireland
      Old Line Mess
      4th VA CO. A

