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Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

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  • Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

    We're reconstructing a box car from the Orange & Alexandria Railroad to use in our film on the June 1864 Battle of Lynchburg. The City of Lynchburg was saved by the last minute arrival, by railroad, of Lee's 2nd Corps under the command of Gen. Jubal Early.

    The boxcar infrastructure is all in place, next step is to attach the planking, paint it, weather it, apply the lettering.

    We're going to use the boxcar in our Aug 29, 30 film shoot. Anyone who is interested in helping, contact me at


    Greg Starbuck
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Canebrake Rifle Guards; 08-09-2009, 06:32 AM. Reason: spelling
    The brave respect the brave. The brave
    Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
    That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
    And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

    Herman Melville

  • #2
    Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

    Most of the exterior planking on on the boxcar.

    Greg Starbuck
    Attached Files
    The brave respect the brave. The brave
    Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
    That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
    And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

    Herman Melville


    • #3
      Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

      We built an operating door for the boxcar and got the first coat of exterior paint/stain on it. Two weeks before we use it.

      Greg Starbuck
      Attached Files
      The brave respect the brave. The brave
      Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
      That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
      And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

      Herman Melville


      • #4
        Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

        Can't wait to see it in person.
        [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]Waverly B. Adcock[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
        [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=blue]5th Va. Inf. Co. L[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
        [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]West Augusta Guard[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
        [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
        [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000ff]"Muddy Turtle Mess"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

        [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=blue]"No unpleasant incident marred the proceedings of the day, save an occasional boisterous demonstration from a disciple of John Barleycorn." [/COLOR][/FONT]

        [COLOR=blue]Republican Vindicator March 1, 1861[/COLOR]


        • #5
          Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed


          It's pretty exciting to see so much detail come to life!!!

          I am looking forward to riding/hopping out of that box-car in a few weeks.

          Paul B.
          Paul B. Boulden Jr.

          RAH VA MIL '04
          (Loblolly Mess)
          [URL=""]23rd VA Vol. Regt.[/URL]
          [URL=""]Waggoner's Company of the Virginia Regiment [/URL]

          [URL=""]Company of Military Historians[/URL]
          [URL=""]Museum of the Confederacy[/URL]
          [URL=""]Historic Sandusky [/URL]

          Inscription Capt. Archibold Willet headstone:

          "A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time, Man is but vanity and dust, In all his flower and prime."


          • #6
            Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

            Looks like a FEMA box car to me!
            Bob Williams
            26th North Carolina Troops

            As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


            • #7
              Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

              Are there any plans available of the car it's modeled after? I'm curious about the grab irons, door hardware and the various nuts, bolts, washers, ect.
              Tom Smith, 2nd Lt. T.E.
              Nobel Grand Humbug, Al XXI,
              Chapt. 1.5 De la Guerra y Pacheco
              Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
              Topographer for: TAG '03, BGR, Spring Hill, Marmeduke's Raid, & ITPW


              • #8
                Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                There are plans, my project leader traded emails & plans with several rail buffs. We're also using photographs of original boxcars, and a model. We have to match the model for the model shots.

                We added a ladder & lettering to it yesterday, I'll get pics posted later today.

                I found our station yesterday as well, we'll be set dressing it for filming in a week.

                Greg Starbuck
                Attached Files
                The brave respect the brave. The brave
                Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
                That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
                And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

                Herman Melville



                • #9
                  Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                  Howdy Greg!

                  The station seems to be a great find. Please share the name of the site and location.
                  I applaud the work and detail you and the others are trying to achieve!

                  Gerald Smolik
                  Co. A 4th Va. Inf.


                  • #10
                    Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                    The station is near Lynchburg, on private property.

                    Here are photos of the boxcar as of today. Its nearly done. We need to finish the ladders and add the brake wheel.

                    Then we'll start on the two partial boxcars.

                    Greg Starbuck
                    Attached Files
                    The brave respect the brave. The brave
                    Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
                    That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
                    And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

                    Herman Melville



                    • #11
                      Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                      Here it is, its complete, except for the brake wheel, we'll try to add that today.

                      Greg Starbuck
                      Attached Files
                      The brave respect the brave. The brave
                      Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
                      That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
                      And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

                      Herman Melville



                      • #12
                        Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                        Filming went great. Wait until you see the shots we got.

                        We had a brass band, one baby, a mule, a wagon, a buggy, three horses and six chickens, and a bunch of civilians & soldiers.

                        Thank you to everyone who participated, You are GREAT!!!!

                        Greg Starbuck
                        Attached Files
                        The brave respect the brave. The brave
                        Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
                        That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
                        And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

                        Herman Melville



                        • #13
                          Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed


                          The thanks should go to you and your staff.

                          For those who were unable to attend, this was a first rate “event” for everyone who participated and a whole lot of fun. You missed a hell of a time.

                          From the time I showed up on Saturday until I left Sunday afternoon Greg, John and the rest of the staff, film crew and volunteers at Sandusky made myself and everyone who attended genuinely feel welcome and they provided us with first rate hospitality.

                          While I’ve never participated in a Hollywood production, I can’t fathom how they could do it better than this shoot. The scenarios were very authentic and the crew ensured things moved along quickly without tiring the “actors” out. Breaks were sufficient and there were always ample refreshments available.

                          The center piece of the production Saturday was the box car which was truly amazing given the budget. Sunday it shared the spotlight with a period train depot. We must have jumped on and off that thing a hundred times. No wonder I am sore this week and probably why I am the first to post an after action report.

                          Like any quality event, the best part was the people. I feel like I learned a few things and gained a few new friends this past weekend.

                          For those that attended, Back to ONE!
                          Bryan Beard


                          • #14
                            Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                            I had fun. I wish more guys would have gotten on top of the box car with us. Also wish I could have kept one of the chickens.
                            Last edited by sam H; 09-05-2009, 03:27 PM.
                            Sam Harrelson
                            Liberty Rifles
                            Independent Volunteers
                            Museum of the Confederacy


                            • #15
                              Re: Confederate railroad car being reconstructed

                              So what's going to become of that fine railroad car, now that the film shoot is over?
                              Ron Moen
                              Co.A, First Texas Infantry (Retired)
                              E Clampus Vitus

