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Confederate War Elephant!?

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  • Confederate War Elephant!?

    Now that I have your attention, I found this letter while looking through a local paper and thought that it was wild. It appeared in the Rhinebeck Gazette (New York) on May 10th 1864.

    “A Rhinebecker who says he was in the first “Bull Run” fight, (and who did not stop running until he arrived in this village), told some very big yarns in regard to what he had seen; but we think the following extract from a private letter – VA., April 27th, rather takes “Bull Run” down:


    I drop a line merely to say that I am here- safe, but not particularly sound, except on the goose. *** I went to the Camp of the 44th N.Y., yesterday afternoon and had a talk with Jake Hagerman. I never saw him look so well *** Appearances indicate that you will hear of a heavy slaughter in a few days. Somebody will “get hurt” this time.

    The mail will soon close, and so must I; but cannot omit to mention, that an immense Mastodon was captured near here last night, after a desperate engagement of two hours. Three regiments of Regulars and five Volunteer Brigades were in the fight, and were twice repulsed with terrific slaughter. The wounded are being taken to the hospital by hundreds. The troops fled in confusion till they got under cover of Fort Ellsworth, which opened its batteries of 200 pounder rifled Parrots on the enraged animal. Two balls struck him on the head, which stunned him and resulted in his capture. He is an awful looking beast, and estimated to weigh 340 tons. – Musket and rifle balls have no more effect on him than a potato pop-gun against a stonewall. He is 28 feet high, 64 feet long, and tusks about 30 feet. In the chase he mowed down immense trees as if they were straws, nothing seeming to be an impediment to him. His terrific bellowing could be distinctly heard for six miles around. MYERS would make a big thing if he would come here and take a picture of him.
    So my question is, who makes the best Confederate War Elephant armor? :wink_smil
    Dane Utter
    Washington Guard

  • #2
    Re: Confederate War Elephant!?

    I'm not sure about Confederate war elephants, but the King of Siam makes the best war elephants for the Union!
    Andrew Gale

    21st Arkansas Vol. Inf. Co. H
    Company H, McRae's Arkansas Infantry
    Affiliated Conscripts Mess

    Cpl. George Washington Pennington, 171st Penn. Co. K
    Mustered into service: Aug. 27, 1862
    Captured: Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864
    Died: Andersonville Prison, Georgia, Sept. 13, 1864


    • #3
      Re: Confederate War Elephant!?

      Wow! That has to be the best whopper I have ever heard. You talk about trying to scare the folks back home....makes one wonder if the author went into fictional writing after the war.
      Vince Jackson
      Straggler mess


      • #4
        Re: Confederate War Elephant!?

        It makes me wonder if he was really embellishing that old saying of seeing the elephant? He not only saw the elephant, but fought one too (on paper).
        GaryYee o' the Land o' Rice a Roni & Cable Cars
        High Private in The Company of Military Historians

