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who makes the best falsies?

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  • #31
    Re: who makes the best falsies?


    Thanks for the complements gentlemen ! To answer your question on what holds them on, gravity. I made them snug to fit my calf and flared them out to fit the shoe. When I walk, they don't ride up the shoe. They are slip on's. I was going to make them fasten on the side but I spoke to Spiro Marino in G-burg and he gave me the idea of making them slip-on's. I thinks they look better then having a flap on the side and at ten yards you can't till there not a full boot. A nice thin leather instead of that thick leather on most boots I've seen on people in our hobby. Doing Alf Waud as a impression they work well. The ones that were in the G-Burg museum are leather and lined with a polished cotton and laced on the side, I've checked them out quite a few times. Joe, there easy to make! Great pix of the gents from 1874!

    Thanks again!
    Art Stone
    13th N.J.V.
    " Rally, Boys Rally"
    Last order from Cpt. H.C. Irish at Antietam


    • #32
      Re: who makes the best falsies?


      It is hard to impossible to determine "intent" or "motivation" when looking at Period images...

      But, I notice that some modern "English" equestrians wear "false boot" type gaiters rather than hot riding boots.

      I started out modern riding wearing my CW shoes, but found that my jeans ending up black on the inner calves from the stirrup straps, etc. I switched to riding boots, but found that in the 90 degree days of summer in the still arena they were uncomfortable on a hot horse.

      Leather "gaiters" seem to be the best of both options.

      And yes, I am not sure why, other than maybe due to the differences in leather between Period and Modern, why boot (and some shoe) makers insist on using such heavily thickish leathers for their wares.

      Curt Schmidt
      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
      -Vastly Ignorant
      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


      • #33
        Re: who makes the best falsies?

        There is a picture of a pair of originals in William C. Davis' book Rebels & Yankees: The Commanders of the Civil War on p. 36. The are from the Don Troiani collection. Hope this helps.
        Timothy J. Koehn
        Boone's Louisiana Battery
        Supporting Confederate Memorial Hall, New Orleans, LA


        • #34
          Re: who makes the best falsies?

          Thanks for pointing that out, Tim.
          Joe Smotherman


          • #35
            Re: who makes the best falsies?

            Joe, I hope it helps. It is a good picture of them on their side. Looks like a thin leather was used and they just pull up over the top of the trousers. There are several pieces to it also. Also look at p. 156. The second man from the left, Gen'l David Gregg may have a pair on. Not sure if that is a crease on top of the boot or the edge of false boot tops. See what you can make of it.
            Timothy J. Koehn
            Boone's Louisiana Battery
            Supporting Confederate Memorial Hall, New Orleans, LA


            • #36
              Re: who makes the best falsies?

              The design is that of a half chap or properly called a Botas. They are seen in historical photos out of California and South West. The weather in these areas are to hot for full leggins or chaps. So the botas were used to provide protection from the local plant life. They were usually looser fit and decorated in the western types. The eastern history shows them more form fitting and tighter. There use in the eastern areas were for protection from the saddle stirrup leathers. The cav saddles and English style saddles us a doubled over leather strap to hold on the stirrup. As the leg is moving and the straps they can and will pinch the inside calf if you are not wearing high top boots. Over 90% of the English riders today wear high top boots when competing and low quarters with half chaps the rest of the time. I have made hundreds of them.

              The pictures shown here and the ones I have seen of them show the wearer also wearing spurs which suggests that they were mounted personal. I believe that this type of item would only be used by mounted personal and not foot soldiers


              • #37
                Re: who makes the best falsies?

                Just saw this on eBay:
                painted cloth version

                I'm not certain about the claim to Wheeler, but the pattern looks right and the materials look right.

                Anyhoo, found it interesting.
                Joe Smotherman

