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Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

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  • Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

    You can watch video highlights from our boxcar film shoot by going to this link.


    Greg Starbuck
    The brave respect the brave. The brave
    Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
    That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
    And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

    Herman Melville

  • #2
    Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

    Wow! That is a great clip! Although you say it was done without any budget, it sure looks good to me!
    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I][U]Ken Pettengale[/U][/I][/B][/FONT]
    [I]Volunteer Company, UK[/I]

    "You may not like what you see, but do not on that account fall into the error of trying to adjust it to suit your own vision of what it ought to have been."
    -- [I][B]George MacDonald Fraser[/B][/I]


    • #3
      Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

      Very nice sir! Kinda reminds me of Newsome's Station in The Horse Soldiers where all the Rebs come in on the train and try to stop ole John Wayne, yet for more authentic!

      [B]Justin Morris[/B]
      [B]Independent Rifles[/B]
      "And All of Hell Followed"

      Shiloh, IR Confederate Campaigner Adjunct Battalion, Cleburne's Division, March 30 to April 1, 2012


      • #4
        Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

        Wow! What a difference between watching the "boxcar" being built and the way it was used it in the shoot! Well Done!
        Tom Smith, 2nd Lt. T.E.
        Nobel Grand Humbug, Al XXI,
        Chapt. 1.5 De la Guerra y Pacheco
        Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
        Topographer for: TAG '03, BGR, Spring Hill, Marmeduke's Raid, & ITPW


        • #5
          Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

          Well done! Thanks for posting this!
          Bud Scully 13th NJ Co.K Mess and 69th NY (N-SSA)


          • #6
            Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

            Dear Sir,
            Dandy job! You're making "Old Jube" proud.
            all for the old flag,
            David Corbett
            Dave Corbett


            • #7
              Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

              As impressive (the clip) as your kepi's, of which I am sure there were many in attendance.


              • #8
                Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

                Yes, the Newton Station scene from the Horse Soldiers was our inspiration. Ever since seeing that as a kid I always liked it, but wanted the Confederates to emerge victorious. The Battle of Lynchburg is a real life Newton Station, but the Rebs win.

                Greg Starbuck
                The brave respect the brave. The brave
                Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
                That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
                And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

                Herman Melville



                • #9
                  Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

                  Nice clip. Something so rarely seen. Thanks for posting it.
                  Micah Trent
                  Tar Water Mess/Mess No. 1
                  Friends of Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site


                  • #10
                    Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

                    No if ands or buts. AWESOME job ! it looks great.


                    • #11
                      Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

                      Its the movie the Horse Soldiers! Reminds me of that movie too! You guys did a very good job. Thanks for posting. Forgive me, but is this to be a larger production for a museum? Can we expect more footage or a finished product at some point?
                      Last edited by Hardtack Herring; 09-09-2009, 11:07 PM.
                      Paul Herring

                      Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
                      Stonewall Brigade


                      • #12
                        Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

                        I hope when your done with the project, it will be available for purchase. Great job!! It show, how much it means to you.
                        Brent Conner
                        Brent Conner

                        We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
                        Benjamin Franklin


                        • #13
                          Re: Boxcar Film shoot video highlights

                          Yes, this is for our interp. film on the Battle of Lynchburg for Historic Sandusky in Lynchburg, Virginia. We will have a long version for sale on DVD, and a shorter version that visitors will view when they visit.

                          I hope to have it all done this Winter.

                          Greg Starbuck
                          The brave respect the brave. The brave
                          Respect the dead; but you -- you draw
                          That ancient blade, the ass's jaw,
                          And shake it o'er a hero's grave.

                          Herman Melville


