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Movie "Wicked Spring"

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  • #16
    Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"


    Might as well post the pics.

    I just watched it this weekend and was very happy to see someone finally got the "costuming," as Paul put it, right.
    Scott Gulley


    • #17
      Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

      The costumes are good, the acting is--all things considered--not that bad taking that it's sort of a semi-amateur producction. Those things said, the film is just terrible to watch. One has to think that the script came from the same folks who turned GAG into the celluloid abomination that it was. "Wicked Spring" is so slow and implausible that it's darn near totally unwatchable. During the climatic scene on what I guess was supposed to be May 6, 1864 there were so many stupid aspects of the plot and overacting that I literally burst out laughing uproariously on a number of occasions as I watched this thing.

      If you bought the DVD of "Wicked Bad Spring" console yourself that it, at least, makes a decent coaster for a bottle of beer.

      Folks, there's a darn good reason why "Wicked Bad Spring" went direct-to-video. It's because film studios knew it was a gross train wreck.


      • #18
        Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

        Well, the acting is pretty good considering that Mr. Hershberger had to cast actors chosen by the producer.
        Bill Backus


        • #19
          Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

          Originally posted by Matt Caldwell
          I was down there for the shooting (look for the confederate who went head first into the creek), and it looked like a real class act operation. They did pretty well with the limited budget that they had. The uniforms on all the background artist were second to none. If anyone wishes, I can post some pics from the shoot.
          That was indeed a fine tumble you took down that creek embankment and into the water. Nicely done.

          I rented this film last night ready to be very sorry that I shelled out the cash to Blockbuster. It had its good points (the uniforms, certain moments of charcter acting, some special effects) and it had its bad points (certain moments of character acting, the script, sound). I think some of the sound work was one of the things that irritated me the most. Many times it was muffled, instead of the shrarp cracks and booms and hiss of bullets and shells that one would normally find on a battlefield.
          However, that said, they did alright with the budget that they were operating on. Was the plot a little sketchy? Of course it was. But, compared with "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge", I'd take "Wicked Spring" any day.
          Chad Fuller
          Randolph Mess, Co. B 2nd U.S.S.S.

          "If you don't like my style, you can pick it up!"
          --Sgt. Wyman White. Co. F (N.H.) 2nd U.S.S.S.


          • #20
            Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

            Ian, the thing about the so called 'dead giveaways' , I agree. I think there was a line
            where one of the rebs talked about what he used to do ' back home in Alabama'. The
            yanks looked a little astonished until one of their number said 'nah'. The letter is the one thing I that I disagree with you on. It could have been captured.
            Ian Broadhead
            Ian Broadhead
            Liberty Rifles
            " Lee's Miserables"


            • #21
              Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

              Originally posted by Kevin O'Beirne
              The costumes are good, the acting is--all things considered--not that bad taking that it's sort of a semi-amateur producction. Those things said, the film is just terrible to watch. One has to think that the script came from the same folks who turned GAG into the celluloid abomination that it was. "Wicked Spring" is so slow and implausible that it's darn near totally unwatchable. During the climatic scene on what I guess was supposed to be May 6, 1864 there were so many stupid aspects of the plot and overacting that I literally burst out laughing uproariously on a number of occasions as I watched this thing.

              If you bought the DVD of "Wicked Bad Spring" console yourself that it, at least, makes a decent coaster for a bottle of beer.

              Folks, there's a darn good reason why "Wicked Bad Spring" went direct-to-video. It's because film studios knew it was a gross train wreck.
              I echo a lot of what you're saying, but I'd like to add that we living historians by now are used to looking at each other in these recent films.
              We see the great uniforms and equipage. The usage of guys that look the part has vastly improved, we know. We can take it for granted because we are close to the situation and are part of it. But, the average person watching these productions are more concerned with the quality of the story. It's like a musician trying to make it in the music business. They know "it's the song that counts". Here, the story was ok in idea or premise, but was delivered weak. And the weaknesses were many. Although , I think Merrick and Perry have great potential and are good. So is the villan character. Money is the main issue. A person who knows nothing of uniforms and equipment doesn't really care that things are "authentic" in comparison to the quality of the overall presentation and story. That is deflating to us as we try very hard for things to be right. Unless they're real sharp, they're not gonna tell that they just saw the same guy as a Reb a minute ago and now is a Yank. Yes, it's a thousand times better than just a few years ago. But, "Private Ryan" detail, authenticity, and excellent story and delivery of excellent story is impossible without big bucks as well as right thinking folks taking the helm. The effort of the "Wicked Springs" and the "Antietams" is to be applauded because it's another step in the right direction, albeit small. Someday we'll be able to be part of or witness a grand CW film done as close as "Ryan" was done. To me with my humble stance on this, (right) is that "Gods" and "Gettysburg" weren't what I call "Hollywood" or "feature film"(s). They were B to C movies at best shot in a format that looked little better than BetaCam (like a news caster standing on a street corner quality). The real money wasn't even put in those films! You'd think Ted Turner could do better!? Wrong people working for him. Bad cinematographer, bad make-up, bad lighting, bad director, bad script. It's insulting. BUT.. some people would say, and have said, that Gods was pretty good and Gettysburg was good! Go figure. Was it because people had familiar faces to watch? Did it have to do with more money spent in a production? Was it better special effects and more extras? Was it a better story to swallow? Could be any or all or more. Mainly it's been people with little or no knowlege of "history" and the Civil War and folks who don't know about authenticity that like these flicks. It's how it influences the individual. It's a game of promotion, story, money, and who's got the power and influence. The same 'ol song and dance. It's a difficult and dissapointing situation sometimes, but a lot of us have had some great experiences working on these films, and I think it's only getting better. I'll buy the DVD simply for the fact that I want to support my local living historian. I'm a musician and I do that for my peers playing out and recording their own stuff and trying to "make it".

              Rob McFarland


              • #22
                Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

                Even "Saving Private Ryan" has its issues and flaws. There's usually always going to be something in a film to criticize. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism though!!
                I thought The Watchdog did a decent job of reviewing this film. (Vol. 11, No. 4-Fall 2003, page 15.) They graded the movie a B or B+. I'm not sure I could agree wholly with that grade, but they made some good points and observations. Having said that, I do own the film and have seen it a couple times and I'll watch it again. Its good Civil War eye candy and something good to sew to.
                I did enjoy seeing Caldwell crash into the creek!!
                Matthew Rector


                • #23
                  Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

                  Does Kevin still reenact?
                  Robert Johnson

                  "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                  In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


                  • #24
                    Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

                    Originally posted by 2MDF&D
                    insulting. BUT.. some people would say, and have said, that Gods was pretty good and Gettysburg was good! Go figure. Was it because people had familiar faces to watch? Did it have to do with more money spent in a production? Was it better special effects and more extras? Was it a better story to swallow? Could be any or all or more. Mainly it's been people with little or no knowlege of "history" and the Civil War and folks who don't know about authenticity that like these flicks. It's how it influences the individual. It's a game of promotion, story, money, and who's got the power and influence. The same 'ol song and dance. It's a difficult and dissapointing situation sometimes, but a lot of us have had some great experiences working on these films, and I think it's only getting better. I'll buy the DVD simply for the fact that I want to support my local living historian. I'm a musician and I do that for my peers playing out and recording their own stuff and trying to "make it".

                    Rob McFarland
                    IMHO, "Gettysburg" worked where GAG didn't--it made you care about what happened to the characters, despite being riddled with farbosity &
                    obvious false whiskers--a viewer who didn't know jack about correct uniforms & equipage could still be drawn into the story. That's the essence of performance--you've got to tell a story & get it across to the audience.


                    • #25
                      Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

                      As what has already been stated, I agree, it was good to see that a strong effort was made regarding authenticity. Having heard about this project when it was being worked on, I think we all knew that it's authenticity level would be it's strong point. That is why I looked forward to seeing it and went out to buy it. I'm not so sure that budget really had anything to do with the week points of the film. The main flaw I feel was that it lacked a good screenwriter and editor. It's all part of the creative process and as we have all seen, you can't afford to give it less importance than any other part of what goes into making a movie. Maybe infact budget had something to do with that, but not being in the business of film making, I really do not know. The makers of the film have probably learned from this and will correct the oversight on their next project. My hat is off to all who put an effort into this work, now let's see what they can produce the next time out.

                      Just another critic,
                      Rob Weber


                      • #26
                        Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

                        It's my favorite movie of all time. Not boring at all. Not every movie has to be of killing the whole time.
                        Patrick Rooney


                        • #27
                          Re: Movie "Wicked Spring"

                          Of late, this thread is like watching two buzzards argue over which end of a putrified deer carcass is the best place to start. Take this as an official "simma down" comment, boys.
                          [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                          [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                          [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                          [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                          [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                          [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                          [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]

