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Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

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  • Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

    I need a new word or phrases for bad impressions. I know it is not nice to make fun of BAD, HORRID impressions that look nothing like or even resemble anything know to the civil war but I saw some things that will give me night terrors. I really do not care if these are the greatest guys in reenacting because if they dress like this, they do not know how to read open a book or must be blind and never saw a civil war solider photograph ever. Come on people a leather covered canteen with fringe and a hanger like one you see on Span Am ones. And this was only one thing. This whole group followed suit, I will say no more as to not offend. I know there is plain ignorance but what a saw was plain ridiculous. So AC'ers what can I say, period like to others without offending the perpetrator of such blatant FARBYNESS? This is not meant to be mean spirited but I just need something to keep my blood pressure from rising anymore. We work hard to look the part and I spent allot of money and time and research on this "hobby" and am not perfect but I at least try. We have come along way, maybe a anti-FARB revival is in order.
    Thomas J. Alleman
    "If the choice be mine, I chose to march." LOR

  • #2
    Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

    As Charles Heath would say:

    Dan Wambaugh
    Wambaugh, White, & Company
    Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


    • #3
      Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

      What Dan quoted.

      Really. It's a matter of choice---and manageing your own expectations. If you consciously choose to go to an event that either has no standards or has a vague unenforced standard, then you also consciously choose to place yourself in a position to see less than stellar impressions.

      Each time you make a choice of this sort, you have to look at the tradeoffs. Why are you choosing to go to this event? For me, that decision may hinge on doing a particular school program, or an opportunity to work on a particular skill I could not otherwise gain, or to support a particular preservation cause.

      In choosing to go to an event that does not have clearly stated standards, I know that my eyes may bleed. The question then becomes whether the tradeoff was worth it.

      It's awfully rare that some farbery ruins my good time. It happens, but when it does it's because I have not looked clearly at what I've chosen to attend.
      Terre Hood Biederman
      Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

      Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

      ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


      • #4
        Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

        I am not looking for a lecture just another word or phrases, come on people, I was supporting a good event, with potential and helping out a cause, so back to the question. Also just because we rarely support non EFUBU events here does not mean we not go to them. I think we lost the going out and showing them how it was done and as a pard of mine said, we retreated into the woods.
        Last edited by Thomas Alleman; 10-18-2009, 11:08 PM. Reason: more text
        Thomas J. Alleman
        "If the choice be mine, I chose to march." LOR


        • #5
          Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

          *mounting apple box*
          I very much agree with your statement Thomas. I don't like seeing what some people are portraying as soldiers, but I'm going to go to the non EFUBU events in the hope that if they see me and my pards, they will say to themselves "hey, I want to make my impression more authentic." I think thats what we don't do enough. We were all farbs once, so why should we forget where we came from? We need to help these people find the "light"!
          *Dismounts apple box*

          I've always just called them farbs. It's already there and everyone knows what it means. I'll give it a think and see if I can come up with anything.
          Andrew Gale

          21st Arkansas Vol. Inf. Co. H
          Company H, McRae's Arkansas Infantry
          Affiliated Conscripts Mess

          Cpl. George Washington Pennington, 171st Penn. Co. K
          Mustered into service: Aug. 27, 1862
          Captured: Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, May 12, 1864
          Died: Andersonville Prison, Georgia, Sept. 13, 1864


          • #6
            Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

            I think Ms. Lawson is perfectly correct about the trade-off. I find myself at times biting the bullet and doing events with a less-than-stellar cast but with an ultimate educational gain to the public, and that makes me overlook what would otherwise enrage me.

            However, let this side of the hobby not be the one to cast stones. How many all-round quality impressions are there at the vaunted EBUFU events? Good kit alone does not an impression make; this is something that, in an age replete with quality makers, we have deluded ourselves into. I'm more concerned with the farbs in hand sewn clothing. A good impression includes age (yep, I went there), body type (ditto), and an understanding of the social and cultural world of person being portrayed (research, Lord no!!!). The "right" events still leave much to be desired.
            [FONT=Garamond]Patrick A. Lewis

            "Battles belong to finite moments in history, to the societies which raise the armies which fight them, to the economies and technologies which those societies sustain. Battle is a historical subject, whose nature and trend of development can only be understood down a long historical perspective.”


            • #7
              Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

              (Dan, what I'm about to say isn't an attack on you, but I've been wanting to say this for years)

              Frankly, this crap about 'wrong events' is elitist snobbery. I have NEVER attended an ebufu (or what ever) event and have always had a great time. I've NEVER been to an AC approved event as a participant, yet, I've been to some damnded authentic gigs in my tenure in this hobby. I'm not sure who judges what the 'right' or 'wrong' event is, but they obviously haven't been with me in the ranks. I'm not going to Bummers, yet I'll be doing some great immersion this winter at an event that 99% of the AC has never heard of.

              Let's stop worrying about other people's events, drill, first person, uniforms, camps and widgets....let's concentrate on ourselves and our families.

              Have a good day ya'll.
              [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


              • #8
                Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

                Originally posted by CJDaley View Post
                Frankly, this crap about 'wrong events' is elitist snobbery. I have NEVER attended an ebufu (or what ever) event and have always had a great time. I've NEVER been to an AC approved event as a participant, yet, I've been to some damnded authentic gigs in my tenure in this hobby. I'm not sure who judges what the 'right' or 'wrong' event is, but they obviously haven't been with me in the ranks.
                I think you're missing the whole point behind the phrase. The answer to who judges what's right, is the person who's attending.

                What people mean is, the original poster in this thread obviously went to the wrong event for him, because he was upset with what he saw.

                If someone is going to events and reporting a great time, the come-back phrase doesn't work, because they're judging that the events they're going to are the right ones. If somebody is attending events and complaining about them, when there's a simple solution--go to events where they won't see those things--then it makes sense to suggest they go to events that are better for them.

                Let's stop worrying about other people's events, drill, first person, uniforms, camps and widgets....let's concentrate on ourselves and our families.
                Sigh. I've said it a million times. You can't do those things when other people at an event are actively trying to prevent you. I don't want to go to events where I have to either sit in a corner alone, or be farby. And trust me, I've been to a few like that, and they're the "wrong events" for me.

                Edited to clarify: I agree with the first item in the sentence: don't worry about other people's events, i.e. events one isn't attending. I do care about drill (or the civilian equivalent), first person, etc. at the events I want to attend, for the reason stated above.

                Hank Trent
                Last edited by Hank Trent; 10-19-2009, 07:20 AM. Reason: clarify
                Hank Trent


                • #9
                  Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

                  Originally posted by Pat.Lewis View Post
                  I find myself at times biting the bullet and doing events with a less-than-stellar cast but with an ultimate educational gain to the public, and that makes me overlook what would otherwise enrage me.

                  This why at the EBUFU events I have attended I always stay well away from folks and out of the sandbox of the kewl kids. Irrespective of what you think you might know historically, know your lane..... especially if you are a middle-aged fat ass, no load like myself....always know at these events there are folks having to fight back enraged feelings and thus must bite the bullet at your mere presence.

                  However, let this side of the hobby not be the one to cast stones. How many all-round quality impressions are there at the vaunted EBUFU events?

                  Very few that would meet the standards of a young, lean, mean, doctorate- level wool-clad dealer of 65 grain simulated death like yourself, Mr. Lewis.

                  Good kit alone does not an impression make; this is something that, in an age replete with quality makers, we have deluded ourselves into. I'm more concerned with the farbs in hand sewn clothing.

                  Thats is why I sold most of my "authentic" gear and have a lined up a saddle from Glenn Pier and new pony pards (thanks for the ride this weekend JG!!!!!) and I am full on hitting the mainstream events in Florida and having fun and sleeping and eating in my motor-coach. F... it!!!!!

                  A good impression includes age (yep, I went there), body type (ditto), and an understanding of the social and cultural world of person being portrayed (research, Lord no!!!). The "right" events still leave much to be desired.

                  Know thy lane....I lost and kept off over 40lbs and am now in Size 4 Federal garments, but someone in a size 4 garment in the period wouldn't be 5' 6"...FARB !!!!! Middle age and more gray hairs poking through the beard everyday are the final nails in my coffin. Plus my limited knowledge of CW history / culture / methods and materials doesn't help either. Back to the 'Stream
                  CJ Rideout
                  Tampa, Florida
                  Last edited by OldKingCrow; 10-19-2009, 08:20 AM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

                    Originally posted by Hank Trent View Post
                    I think you're missing the whole point behind the phrase.
                    Been checking out these forums for years to know that what the original point might have been....and how people use the phrase today aren't the same thing.

                    Originally posted by Hank Trent View Post
                    Sigh. I've said it a million times. You can't do those things when other people at an event are actively trying to prevent you. I don't want to go to events where I have to either sit in a corner alone, or be farby. And trust me, I've been to a few like that, and they're the "wrong events" for me.
                    It's a hobby, so what on earth could someone do to force you to sit in a corner. I've never heard of any other hobby like collecting stamps or model trains where people are prevented from doing what they love because someone else is doing the hobby too.....want what makes me, or you......or any of us the judge of how someone else should act within the hobby....I just don't understand.....

                    Did I mention it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby, it's a hobby......
                    [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                    • #11
                      Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

                      It's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.
                      Patrick Landrum
                      Independent Rifles


                      • #12
                        Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.


                        To borrow from the what the Bible says about reenacting:

                        What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' houses.

                        Matthew 11:8


                        The single greatest cause of unhappiness, politics, friction, strife, conflict, ill-behavior, and acting-out is not standards, but failed expectations.

                        Gold is... where you find it. When one goes to events and functions with a certain set of expectations for oneself AND for others- there is a Sliding Scale of Imperfection on the part of others that one cannot control unless one knows the players or the agreed/enforced "standards" (that invaribly, inevitably, are often if not NUG, somewhat less in practice and reality than in pre-event "hype").
                        How far one can experience less than one's expectations ultimately determines the successes and the failures at the end of the weakend.

                        And, yes, sometimes when going into the wilderness, "plain ignorance" and "plain ridiculous" is what some players chose as their "hobby," their Mental Picture, and what works for them.

                        For some lads, they eventually "evolve" to the point that they see the "missionary work" of trying to "convert the heathens" by "leading by example" or "reaching out to educate" as a failed philosophy- because while it does at times reach out to the few lads looking to learn and progress it ignores the multitude that are perfectly happy and therefore resistant if not hostile to hearing that what they do, how they do it, have done it for years, and enjoy doing it is "farby," "bad," "wrong," "ridiculous," "misrepresenting history," etc.

                        IMHO still...

                        And to be blunt if not harsh as lads pursue Mental Pictures that work for them- if one has personally progressed and evolved to the point that the folks at events (read as events of any kind) are that wrtong, bad, frustrating, annoying, anger-provoking, ridiculous; then, yes, one is "going to the wrong events."

                        Or going into the wilderness to see men dressed in soft clothing.

                        In my own evolution, I know I did for several years.

                        Others' mileage will vary...

                        Curt Schmidt
                        In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                        -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                        -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                        -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                        -Vastly Ignorant
                        -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                        • #13
                          Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.

                          Originally posted by coastaltrash View Post
                          It's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.
                          More fool me. :)
                          [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                          • #14
                            Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.


                            No offense whatsoever taken, I just figure I was the first one to post what any number of hundreds of other forum members would have. But yes, Hank has hit on the crux of the point of that statement. We are all aware of the standards of a particular event before we pack the car. Very infrequently are we sold a bill of goods only to find the reality to be different once we're on the ground (I can think of one event both you and I were at where that happened.) But for the most part 99% of the time we are all aware of what to expect before we pull into the parking lot. As such, it does no good to complain about a bad event or bad impressions after the fact, when you knew beforehand that they would be there.

                            I agree completely about the problem with elitism in some aspects of our small wing of the hobby. I too have never bought into the concept of AC events being the only good ones. Nevertheless, I do believe that should one wish to put 25,000 miles on their vehicle in a year, they could attend a quality event several times a month using the AC list as their schedule, and would certainly get more out of their weekends than attending the 22nd annual Cooterville hog roast and re-enactment down the road.

                            As the years have gone by my ability to attend events has waned dramatically. The kitchen passes (from the business, not the wife) have been few and far between, and as such I've had to be very selective about the events I attend. The hog roasts have gone by the wayside, and I am fortunate to have such a buffet of quality of events from which to choose to spend my one or two weekends off a year.

                            The bottom line as I see it is that this forum is the wrong place to discuss or gripe about blatantly wrong impressions. The standards of this forum and its members has progressed beyond the point where rants such as these accomplish anything other than taking up bandwidth. I doubt I would have said anything in the first place if this had been a "How do I reach these people to help them improve" topic, but instead it was a "Hey guys, look how awful these guys were at this mainstream event I went to last weekend were" topic.

                            Frankly I would submit that the latter topic, and the topic of this thread smacks more of elitism and the very attitudes for which we have been vilified by the other end of the hobby than anything else. The idea that a member of this board would attend a mainstream event, see bad impressions, and then come running here to make a post such as this makes me sick. (Let me also say that Tom and I are friends, but that certainly doesn't mean that we see eye-to-eye on everything.)

                            Others mileage will vary but I guess if you don't like to be scared don't go to horror movies.
                            Dan Wambaugh
                            Wambaugh, White, & Company
                            Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


                            • #15
                              Re: Just cannot take it with bad impressions.


                              "I've never heard of any other hobby like collecting stamps or model trains where people are prevented from doing what they love because someone else is doing the hobby too.....want what makes me, or you......or any of us the judge of how someone else should act within the hobby....I just don't understand....."


                              I think that is because the enjoyment I would get from collecting or building model trains is a singular endeavor (unless I have some external need for affirmation, confirmation, or even a "Well done" "attaboy" from other collectors on an acquistion or my paint and craft work in sharing with friends or even formal competitions).

                              "Reenacting" can be different because we can be dependent upon "others" for our experiences (which ultimately can come down to enjoyment and satisfaction).

                              To borrow from the late Harry Chapin's "Mr. Tanner," a story song about a dry cleaner from Dayton Ohio who gets persuaded by his friends to sing professionally and gets bombed by the critics:

                              "And he sang from his heart,
                              And he sang from his soul.
                              He did not know how well he sang,
                              It just made him whole"

                              Some lads can be totally happy in their own impressions and kit, not dependent upon the impressions and kits of those around them- or the doings or goings-on at events.
                              Others have a need for the greater "authenticity" and historical "emulation" of their own efforts to be reflected back by that of other participants and the activities at events.
                              And if they are "higher" on the Sliding Scale of Imperfection than other participants and activities by any great degree, it takes a special and talented lad or lassie to overcome it and not to be worn down and out by failed expectations over and over and over.

                              Three cheers and a tiger to the lads and lassies who can be happy in any setting!

                              IMHO still...

                              It is the rare individual who can do it.

                              Personally, I could do it once when I was newer or new, and did not "know as much" or "know better" (value judgments here, yes). While I do not decry the Mental Pictures of others in what they do and how they do it, I came to be dependent upon like-minded folks, in partnership, to create my Mental Picture with me. And avoid those who did not.

                              Others' mileage will vary...

                              Curt Schmidt
                              In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                              -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                              -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                              -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                              -Vastly Ignorant
                              -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.

