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civil war miniuatures

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  • #16
    Re: civil war miniuatures

    As recently as earlier this year "K and L Company" of Tulsa, Oklahoma still produced Thomas Industries HO (20mm) figures. These first came out in the 50s and the size runs just a bit larger than contemporary 15s, but the figures are well-proportioned and the catalog prices look like they haven't changed in twenty years (e.g., a dollar for most guns; a crew of nine figures for $3).

    Service is quick and friendly.

    Available artillery includes the 3" ordnance rifle, 10 & 20 lb Parrots, the Napoleon, a Whitworth, a 32lb Columbiad, a 12 lb howitzer, 10" siege mortar, and a Coehorn. Equipment includes limber, battery wagon, caisson, and field forge.

    Write them a letter with SASE asking for their latest catalog at:

    K and L Company
    P.O. Box 52281
    Tulsa, Oklahoma 74152

    They have no web presence that I know of.
    Michael A. Schaffner


    • #17
      Re: civil war miniuatures

      Stone Mountain Miniatures out of Colorado used to have some well detailed 1/72 artillery pieces in metal. They were very reasonable in price but I believe they only do 15 mm now, but if you are willing to adjust your scale, I would check them out and take a look at the metal pieces. They will take paint well and do not need a lot of preparation as many plastic ones do.

      Here's one place that carries them along with some others:
      Michael Comer
      one of the moderator guys


      • #18
        Re: civil war miniuatures

        Just my opinion but 15mm do not make great diaramas.... good for large scale war game battles, but not for diaramas. Especially if he only wants to do one of an artillery unit in action. Larger scales (ever larger than 1/72) such as 25mm, 30mm, or even 40mm are great for diaramas. my $.02 worth.
        Brad Ireland
        Old Line Mess
        4th VA CO. A


        • #19
          Re: civil war miniuatures

          I agree, but I also think 1/72 is too small for a good diorama unless you have a multitude of figures in it. If he is doing a single gun then bigger is better. But, if he's doing a battery, then the smaller scale might be more appropriate.

          For wargaming, I really like 6mm, especially with Napoleonics but I've got a considerable number of ACW guys too. It really allows for a visual treat in my opinion.
          Michael Comer
          one of the moderator guys


          • #20
            Re: civil war miniuatures


            I'll be doing an entire battery the 1st Iowa battery as I've said.And it has come to my attention that I'm getting complaints on my writing. And I'm sorry for it being as bad as it is.I'm so used to writing that way so i really don't know i do it till i read it over.So i will try my best to fix it but once again thanks so much everyone for the information.Just a lot of research right now.But once i get the stuff all together i will keep you guys up to date but won't be starting anytime soon in a month or two I'm hopefully gonna start building it.
            Your most humble and obedient servant,
            Erik W Creekmore,
            2nd Col Vol Inf.

            Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.


            • #21
              Re: civil war miniuatures

              Well, I'm sure you'll have an enjoyable time putting everything together. It is a lot of fun.
              Michael Comer
              one of the moderator guys


              • #22
                Re: civil war miniuatures

                OK so once again thank you so much for the help so far.But now i need to know how many pieces the 1st Iowa had at pea ridge.As I'm told they had rifled pieces so that helps a lot.But i need to know the exact type and how many.So if you guys can give me any info you know that would be great.I've searched and searched and have found nothing on what the 1st Iowa had.But it's looking like I'm gonna be using musket miniatures they have some quality stuff as far as i can see.But happy thanksgiving everyone
                Your most humble and obedient servant,
                Erik W Creekmore,
                2nd Col Vol Inf.

                Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.


                • #23
                  Re: civil war miniuatures


                  I've done a little prying, and I've found some more information for you about the First.

                  The First initially received six guns in December of 1861, "four six-pounder guns and two 12-pounder howitzers. . ." Citation page 596. It did not receive its rifled pieces until just prior to the spring campaign of 1864. (597) My apologies for the misleading information. I was working from memory.

                  From the ORs, Colonel Eugene Carr's report mentions the Battery prominently, laying out the course of deployments through out the battle and mentioning not only when the sections were deployed, but also mentions a problem with the ammunition used by the battery as defective due to contractor malfeasance (cheap powder). One gun in the section apparently had to be removed from the field on the seventh due to a round becoming stuck in the barrel. You can Col. Carr's report in the ORs, Series One, Volume Eight, beginning at page 256. Colonel Carr's Report

                  If you're interested in doing more research on the Battery, the diaries and letters of one of the gun sergeants, William Vanzant, are in the Iowa State University Special Collections Department. Attached is a post-Pea Ridge image of Sgt. Vanzant, for your interest.

                  I hope this helps, or is at least mildly interesting.
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by J. Donaldson; 11-26-2009, 10:11 AM. Reason: Confused two brothers
                  Bob Welch

                  The Eagle and The Journal
                  My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.


                  • #24
                    Re: civil war miniuatures

                    Thanks j Donaldson that helps a lot thanks for the information.
                    Your most humble and obedient servant,
                    Erik W Creekmore,
                    2nd Col Vol Inf.

                    Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.


                    • #25
                      Re: civil war miniuatures

                      Ok so i know this was started month's upon month's ago but i've finally ordered my miniatures. So i hope to start on my diorama very very soon.
                      Your most humble and obedient servant,
                      Erik W Creekmore,
                      2nd Col Vol Inf.

                      Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.


                      • #26
                        Re: civil war miniuatures

                        Post a picture of it when you're done.
                        Michael Comer
                        one of the moderator guys


                        • #27
                          Re: civil war miniuatures


                          i'll be postin progress photo's that is as soon as i can get started i should be gettin the miniature's next week sometime they were sent today and take 3-5 day's to receive.
                          Your most humble and obedient servant,
                          Erik W Creekmore,
                          2nd Col Vol Inf.

                          Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.


                          • #28
                            Re: civil war miniuatures

                            What maker did you end up going with for the figures?
                            Michael Comer
                            one of the moderator guys


                            • #29
                              Re: civil war miniuatures

                              musket miniatures.
                              Your most humble and obedient servant,
                              Erik W Creekmore,
                              2nd Col Vol Inf.

                              Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.


                              • #30
                                Re: civil war miniuatures

                                I received my figurines and cannon's yesterday and i must say they look really well the cannon's are pretty much done already and i've started paintin the miniatures.
                                Your most humble and obedient servant,
                                Erik W Creekmore,
                                2nd Col Vol Inf.

                                Sgt Major, Territorial Battalion.

