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  • Thanksgiving

    Friends, with this season's harvest at an end, I would wish you and yours a bountiful table and safe passage should you be on the road.

    A Thanksgiving prayer from Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "For each new morning with its light,
    for rest and shelter of the night,
    for health and food,
    for love and friends,
    for everything Thy goodness sends".

    I will also give prayers for our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, our loved ones and friends in the armed forces and services for our nations defense, a safe and peaceful Thanksgiving.

    Winslow Homers, "Thanksgiving day in the army, after dinner, the wishbone".
    Attached Files
    Mel Hadden, Husband to Julia Marie, Maternal Great Granddaughter of
    Eben Lowder, Corporal, Co. H 14th Regiment N.C. Troops (4th Regiment N.C. Volunteers, Co. H, The Stanly Marksmen) Mustered in May 5, 1861, captured April 9, 1865.
    Paternal Great Granddaughter of James T. Martin, Private, Co. I, 6th North Carolina Infantry Regiment Senior Reserves, (76th Regiment N.C. Troops)

    "Aeterna Numiniet Patriae Asto"


    "We got rules here!"

    The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

    Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Being for the most part contributations by Union and Confederate officers