To the man who took me under his wing over a decade ago at my
very first event (so if any have problems with my impression . . ) ~
to the "best worst soldier" in either army, and he has skillfully gotten
out of one or two duties, while not appearing to, and all with humor.
And a nap, even in the rain, with a big rock for a pillow. That is hardcore.
Happy Birthday, Poague!!
Hope the steak and beers are real fine.
very first event (so if any have problems with my impression . . ) ~
to the "best worst soldier" in either army, and he has skillfully gotten
out of one or two duties, while not appearing to, and all with humor.
And a nap, even in the rain, with a big rock for a pillow. That is hardcore.
Happy Birthday, Poague!!
Hope the steak and beers are real fine.