Gentlemen and Lady's Today as we all know is memorial day. Not Veterans day. Sorry I had an ordeal and had to explain the two some co-workers and got me thinking. We all know service men and women who have fallen from our ranks and are no longer present for role. The following are in my thoughts for the day. Please add yours.
LCPL, Christopher K. Warren- 2006 - Iraq
Staff Sgt. Willard Weaver 1995- Retired U.S. Army
Seamen Thomas J. Varner - 2009 Retired U.S. Navy
LCPL, Seth Sharp- 2010- Iraq
LCPL, Christopher K. Warren- 2006 - Iraq
Staff Sgt. Willard Weaver 1995- Retired U.S. Army
Seamen Thomas J. Varner - 2009 Retired U.S. Navy
LCPL, Seth Sharp- 2010- Iraq