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Suttlery idea

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  • Suttlery idea

    A few pards and I are thinking of putting together a period grocery and sundry suttlery impression. No plans to have a website or offer tailored uniforms here (maybe shirts and socks later on). The idea is to set up a tent fly put some tables out and operate like a sutler would have near an army encampment. We have many ideas but before we jump into anything we would like to know what would catch one’s interests.
    We have a source for some decent glassware, tin ware, and labels so. We are thinking about selling essence of coffee, sweet potato coffee if Confederate, pickles, mustard, ketchup, lye soap, tallow candles, pies, baked bread, maybe even homemade keg beer. But any way, what are some things that would interest you to buy at an event? Any ideas are welcomed!

    Michael Mumaugh
    51st Alabama INF
    Michael Mumaugh
    Interpretive Ranger Mansfield SHS
    Independent Rifles

    "Fall of the Rebellion"
    Outpost III
    Pickett's Mill

    "Desertion of Alabama troops in the Civil War was a manifestation of sectionalism in the state, due largely to the prevalence of poverty"-Bessie Martin

  • #2
    Re: Suttlery idea

    Sounds like an interesting ideal.May be -- if in season, corn, melons, eggs, etc., things people can cook in camp.I wish you a lot of luck in this project. Thank You, Conley Sluss


    • #3
      Re: Suttlery idea

      Good luck to you. Bear in mind that even though you seem to want to do this part time as more of a hobby you still have to file appropriate paperwork with Uncle Sam. You will need a tax id, may need a business license, file taxes quarterly more than likely, and if you are repackaging foodstuffs or making beverages you need to check with the health dept. to see what requirements and inspections need to be done to the preparation area not to mention legalities on ingredient listing. Unfortunately even though we portray the 19th century we have to deal with 21st century government regulations. Don't forget to collect sales tax when required, trust me I had a lady friend that thought they had all their T's crossed and I's dotted and still got a friendly visit from the IRS who of course was there to help. Come to find out there was some form they had not filled out and they had to pay some amount of money in fees for the years they had not done so.
      Robert Collett
      8th FL / 13th IN
      Armory Guards


      • #4
        Re: Suttlery idea

        Thanks for this information for we truly would hate to be having a good time and then receive a visit by the IRS or health inspector! We are aware that there will be paperwork and are looking over those requirements. Nothing like red tape to hamper a good idea! For this truly is a hobby idea and not a full time job hahaha.

        Michael Mumaugh
        51st Alabama
        Michael Mumaugh
        Interpretive Ranger Mansfield SHS
        Independent Rifles

        "Fall of the Rebellion"
        Outpost III
        Pickett's Mill

        "Desertion of Alabama troops in the Civil War was a manifestation of sectionalism in the state, due largely to the prevalence of poverty"-Bessie Martin


        • #5
          Re: Suttlery idea

          As a vendor, my husband and I have been to quite a few events and have seen many vendor contracts. You have to apply, be accepted and pay the price of a space in order to be a vendor at all the larger events. If you try to set up in the camps and are found out, you probably will be asked to leave since the event organizers want their money. As the precious poster mentioned, you have to get all the licenses and tax applications ready to go.

          The tin and glass ware would be good items to sell as would soap and maybe period towels. Pure tallow candles tend to wilt and melt in the summer head. Modern paraffin candles are not correct for the period. Documentation any of your wares and keep it in a book. That way if there are any questions, you will have the answer right there.

          As for the food, if you sell non-packaged food, you would probably be put with the food vendors and would need health department certification. Any packaged foods would need to have the correct labels.

          Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you do your homework before you do anything and decide if it is worth it. You have to take time off from work and it takes time to get ready, pack up, set up and take down in all weathers, be able to absorb loses if it is a wretched event, put everything away and store it between events.

          I'm not trying not to rain on your parade (no pun intended) but we have seen a number of vendors start in the business with a product or products, $ signs in their eyes thinking of the fun and with no thought of the nitty gritty details and they couldn't make a go of it.
          Virginia Mescher


          • #6
            Re: Suttlery idea

            Good points and thanks for the suggestions. We do not plan to attend larger events where the rules are more tough and we are forced to be on sutlers row. We are focusing on the smaller events, but even there the gov. rules apply and that must be dealt with. But I figure (but maybe wrong) the smaller event organizerswill compromise a little.

            Michael Mumaugh
            51st Alabama
            Michael Mumaugh
            Interpretive Ranger Mansfield SHS
            Independent Rifles

            "Fall of the Rebellion"
            Outpost III
            Pickett's Mill

            "Desertion of Alabama troops in the Civil War was a manifestation of sectionalism in the state, due largely to the prevalence of poverty"-Bessie Martin


            • #7
              Re: Suttlery idea

              I have done something like this at a few small local events in Michigan. It takes time and labor for the research, creation and prep. Just about all of the profits (what little there is with the razor thin margin) are donated to a 501c3 for historic preservation. I say "just about all" because a few items the small profit goes to the maker such as socks and song books. I have been invited to some more events because the men love the setup and the chance to shop with chits and buy period items. I can't do more with it this year but maybe next. Because of what it is these event orgainzers have considered it a "special impression" so there were no vendor fees, ect. Even if I decided not to donate the majority of the profit there would not be enough in it to consider it anything but part of my 19th century hobby. Heck, I spend more on improving the impression and setup then has ever been made yet. Good luck and have fun, in a pain in the but sort of way!! ;)

              Jeremy Bevard
              Civil War Digital Digest
              Sally Port Mess


              • #8
                Re: Suttlery idea


                If you want to do this, ask Joe Blunt, Justin Morris, Chris Utley, and Beth Crabb about it. They all have professionally done this or still do it. Everyone of them are top notch people, do it right, and and are very helpful. Joe currently runs Carter and Jasper, and Beth currently runs Ezra Barnhouse Goods. I wish you much success.
                Matt Woodburn
                Retired Big Bug
                Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
                "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


                • #9
                  Re: Suttlery idea

                  I too was not trying to be a proverbial wet blanket but was speaking from experience as well. I won't say too much here to prevent violating the approved vendor rule but there is a lot of red tape to consider. Although I am not a vendor at present (taking time off due to the day job) I can tell you it is a labor of love and not profit and have done the exact thing you are talking about as well as selling the usual uniforms etc. Mods, if I have gone too far feel free to delete this post and I will understand.
                  Robert Collett
                  8th FL / 13th IN
                  Armory Guards


                  • #10
                    Re: Suttlery idea

                    To echo Woodburn, yeh...those names have nearly perfected the art.

                    My sentiment: Awesome, go for it

                    My Caveats:
                    1. Make sure you don't want to actually make money - you may, but it's tough - but what you will do is have a great time and bring something to the events you attend.
                    2. As a long time brewer, this warning: You can't legally sell that beer without more paperwork and fees than you will ever want to go through. Now it's likely that you can sell millions of gallons, for countless years under the radar and you'll have no problems...but get busted one time by the wrong person and you'll have more trouble than it's worth. Advice, use your noggin and create an inventive way to not sell that beer.

                    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Justin Runyon[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]; Pumpkin Patch Mess: [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]WIG-GHTI[/FONT]
                    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Organization of American Historians[/FONT]
                    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Company of Military Historians[/FONT]
                    [FONT=Book Antiqua]CWPT, W.M., Terre Haute #19[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] F&AM[/FONT]
                    [FONT=Book Antiqua]Terre Haute Chapter 11 RAM[/FONT]


                    • #11
                      Re: Suttlery idea

                      Since it appears that you are not trying to make money out of this but more of a hobby... What about setting up a sutler IMPRESSION as part of a ration issue where all the items are accounted for in the "ration issue" at the event and the cost of the items is ultimately covered as part of the registratino fee. Then soldiers could be issued period script at check in and can only spend the period script at your sutler.
                      Brad Ireland
                      Old Line Mess
                      4th VA CO. A


                      • #12
                        Re: Suttlery idea

                        Not to rain on your parade, but you would be better served to take thousands of dollars, go to your local strip club and have fun. Trust me, the satisfaction will be far greater!
                        [B]Justin Morris[/B]
                        [B]Independent Rifles[/B]
                        "And All of Hell Followed"

                        Shiloh, IR Confederate Campaigner Adjunct Battalion, Cleburne's Division, March 30 to April 1, 2012


                        • #13
                          Re: Suttlery idea

                          Alot of good information so far guys and thanks. We even joked that this operation will run at a loss! As for the beer deal, how about free beer (those of age of course) but you must rent the cup! Due to health standards the cup must be returned after each use and be cleaned... just an idea.
                          But I guess I can also go to the strip joint across the river in Mounds, Louisiana!
                          Michael Mumaugh
                          Interpretive Ranger Mansfield SHS
                          Independent Rifles

                          "Fall of the Rebellion"
                          Outpost III
                          Pickett's Mill

                          "Desertion of Alabama troops in the Civil War was a manifestation of sectionalism in the state, due largely to the prevalence of poverty"-Bessie Martin


                          • #14
                            Re: Suttlery idea

                            I was once advised that the quickest way to make a small fortune in aviation was to start with a large one - works the same in sutler business too. :)
                            Jim Kindred


                            • #15
                              Re: Suttlery idea

                              For what you are talking about, no one has done it better than the AOP. Thanks to Dom, Steve Dunfee and others the bar was set pretty high.
                              Beth Crabb

                              IN LOVING MEMORY OF
                              John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009

