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Attendance Reenacting

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  • #31
    Re: Attendance Reenacting

    That is exactly my point. I've noticed a pretty substantial difference in the average girth of ACW versus say ww2 reenactors. I believe it's causal. The weight and poor condition of the aging ACW population is affecting retention and recruiting efforts.
    Tad Salyards
    Mpls, MN - 33d Wisconsin


    • #32
      Re: Attendance Reenacting

      Not sure if I go along with this line of reasoning as it pertains to the shape of the average CW re-enactor. I see a reflection of middle America in the appearance of the troops. Same as back in the day. The troops looked like average people, just like us, for better or worse.

      I imagine that there is one who would think "what a bunch of fatso's'' but then again, the same could be said of America as a whole.

      Do I believe it is hampering Recruitment and Retention? Nope.

      I know personally people who would love to do more events, but life gets in the way and priorities change as finances and interests change. I know of one in Michigan who used to do authentic events, but when he got married, that was the end of it. So, there is one actual example. I know of another that is in the process of earning a Masters degree. Time and finances will not allow for more than one event per year in his case. Others I know personally cannot do events because they are working an enormous amount making uniforms for the hobby. If they do go to an event as a participant, it is rare indeed.

      So, those are actual examples I personally know of. I know others personally who have sold their gear to make the bills. Another works 2 jobs so his wife can stay at home with the kids. So, these people I have mentioned (I could list more from the authentic side, but it gets repetitive) loved the hobby (and still do), but either time or money got in the way of the events. These have not crossed over into other eras of living history, but either put CW on hold, or totally got out due to necessity at home.
      John Raterink

      "If they carried short rifles and shot people far away, they had to be cool"


      • #33
        Re: Attendance Reenacting


        "Not sure if I go along with this line of reasoning as it pertains to the shape of the average CW re-enactor. I see a reflection of middle America in the appearance of the troops. Same as back in the day. The troops looked like average people, just like us, for better or worse."

        I am not fully sure of what your point is, or what you are trying to say?

        Historically speaking, "reenactors" look like average Modern people who demographically happen to be NUG- present in far greater numbers of far older, heavier, larger, grayer/balder, an din some segments more female than their CW average soldier counter parts.

        To say that CW soldiers (and civilians) reflected the same demographics as Modern Reenactors stretches that they "looked average" for their Time, Region, Ethnicity, and Socio-economic Class is the same "look" now because Reenactors are "average" Modern Folks.

        IMHO in a fantasy hobby such as reenacting, anyone of any age, size, and to some extent physical condition can carve out a niche that an actual Civil War soldier could not. And like it or not, since the Government is not providing "discounted" uniforms and gear, the locations to use them, or the "free time commitment" we tend to find many folks between 35 and say 65 who are established, have disposable income and free time, and are willing to use both for a hobby. And the closer some get to say 65the larger, heavier, grayer/balder, "out of shape" they tend to be as compared to an actual CW soldier.

        There are "TBGG's" in WWII and WWI as well that do not match WWII demographics. Just as there are CW lads who do not match CW demographics. And in both, there also are lads who do possess the age, weight, shape, and physical condition/conditioning to appear more like say a WWII paratrooper than the 65 year old, 300 pound, gray-head who could not even lift a kit/rig let along jump with one.

        As Herr Wickett has said, the original question was about the why's of declining attendance and participation not about "morphology."

        But, as folks in a decline fear the decline most (especially newer folks), these disscussions themselves are cyclical as we beat the dead horse into a fine power and bake biscuits with the flour....


        Victim and Survivior of Many Cycles, but now likes WWI Better Mess :)
        Curt Schmidt
        In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

        -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
        -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
        -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
        -Vastly Ignorant
        -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


        • #34
          Re: Attendance Reenacting

          It was my attempt to convey that the CW folks look no different than the rest of society today. In light of the supposition that people are turned off to the hobby due to some of our physical characteristics. I have not heard that specific excuse yet as to why people don't want to get into this hobby, or remain in it. I apologize for any confusion.

          There has been discussion on the height/weight topic in the past, and I have nothing to add that others have not already covered.
          John Raterink

          "If they carried short rifles and shot people far away, they had to be cool"


          • #35
            Re: Attendance Reenacting

            I was asked by my Dad to shed some light on what factors led to my hanging it up.
            Last year of college, internship in the Fall and 18 hrs needed to graduate in the Spring,
            plus working w/ residence life as a tutor left very little extra time. The longer I was away from it
            the easier it got to find other amusements. No other reason, really. I might come back to it
            some day. Not any time soon, though. It's takes a lot of time and too much like work...

            Nothing to do with weight/height or any of that. The same things that are cool to you
            in Middle School lose a little of their charm as you get older and have more adult preferences.
            Last edited by ; 09-09-2010, 09:14 PM.


            • #36
              Re: Attendance Reenacting

              Well, reading between the lines I guess we know what that means...
              The hobby needs to get more attractive young ladies involved and serve alcohol.
              Craig L Barry
              Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
              Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
              Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
              Member, Company of Military Historians


              • #37
                Re: Attendance Reenacting

                Originally posted by Craig L Barry View Post
                Well, reading between the lines I guess we know what that means...
                The hobby needs to get more attractive young ladies involved and serve alcohol.
                We're halfway there, Craig...
                and have been for nearly 50 years. ;)

                No offense intended to anyone, but I think the weight thing is hogwash.

                I could rattle off the names of 15 guys who you'd see in the field regularly between the years 2004-2009, but not now. Want to know why there's a retention problem? Ask one of them. It has nothing to do with them not wanting to see fat guys at events.

                This thread is only silly as long as people continue to ignore the 800-lb gorilla in the room.
                (no pun intended)
                John Wickett
                Former Carpetbagger
                Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                • #38
                  Re: Attendance Reenacting

                  Originally posted by Craig L Barry View Post
                  Well, reading between the lines I guess we know what that means...
                  The hobby needs to get more attractive young ladies involved and serve alcohol.
                  Damn Craig, thats probably the best idea I've heard in a LONG time!!!!!!!
                  Dan Chmelar
                  Semper Fi


                  • #39
                    Re: Attendance Reenacting

                    I'm not a guy. I am a long time civil war reenactor though.

                    Why do I regularly wander off to another time period? Why do I go there more and more?

                    Too narrow a focus--war affected lives, certainly, but there was much going on that was unrelated--or provided a different challenge than simply having a yard full of soldiers. Often one-dimensional soldiers as well--men who know little or nothing of their lives or trades or homes before the war.

                    Too few substantial roles for civilian females designed into events. While I'm long past the eye-candy stage, the sort of attractive young women who are drawn to this hobby are not empty heads there only for decoration. They have talents and interests.

                    Too many events that are All About the Powder. After awhile, too many evolutions of Bang-bang-I-got-you gets a wee bit tiresome. Now if just one of those fellers would sit down in the yard and mend his shoes like he knew how..........that would be interesting.

                    I know some gals who have sent countless letters to countless soldiers at countless events.........and the number they have received in return can be counted on one hand. Again, one-dimensional soldiers.

                    Folks who talk a good game about what they want in events, but committ to them so late they cannot possibly do a decent job of research.

                    Grumpy, and headed back to the loom.............
                    Terre Hood Biederman
                    Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                    Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                    ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                    • #40
                      Re: Attendance Reenacting

                      You know between the people who've quit going to events, found other amusements and enjoy WWI better... you'd think that there is a problem.

                      In the month of August alone this year, I spent 10 days doing various levels of Civil war campaigning, living history and reenacting. Enjoyed every minute of it.

                      Don't listen to the nay-sayers and internet blow-hards. Do your research, prepare yourself and get to the events. There is plenty of fun to be had and more things to learn if you have the gumption to get out and experience it.

                      I'm going to see many of my Comrades in Georgia this week. I bet by the time I return to the 21st Century this post will have been zapped and this thread filled with more meaningless and self-aggrandizing drivel.
                      Your Obedient Servant,

                      Peter M. Berezuk


                      • #41
                        Re: Attendance Reenacting

                        Uh Petey........

                        I think you just said "Its the Events, Stupid"*

                        And it is.

                        * (copyright, Chawls Heef)

                        Jeebus, look at all that lumber in my barn, just waiting for a set of running gear to be ready........
                        Terre Hood Biederman
                        Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                        Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                        ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                        • #42
                          Re: Attendance Reenacting

                          The original question was in regards to the general consensus of the posters personal observation regarding a perceived decline of attendance at events. First, there is no consensus in this hobby! Many of the responses gave useful insight and others digressed into personal drivel. While there is no consensus in the hobby there is an abundant supply of drivel. I don't know or care what the numbers are. The events I have attended have had sufficient numbers to give me the illusion of being a person in the mid 1860's and that is enough for me. So, it must certainly be first, the event, and second the individuals attitude toward their role in that event.
                          Tom Yearby
                          Texas Ground Hornets

                          "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


                          • #43
                            Re: Attendance Reenacting

                            Originally posted by LibertyHallVols View Post

                            No offense intended to anyone, but I think the weight thing is hogwash.
                            Hogwash it may be. But I have to respect folks who self-limit their participation (especially when they are otherwise well-suited) due to shortcoming(s) of any kind be it physical limitations, kit, fieldcraft, first person depth of knowledge, etc. to best serve history at its most representative level. It is not always easy to see things gwine on you would like to do.

                            Chris Rideout
                            Tampa, Florida


                            • #44
                              Re: Attendance Reenacting

                              Originally posted by LibertyHallVols View Post
                              We're halfway there, Craig...
                              and have been for nearly 50 years. ;)

                              No offense intended to anyone, but I think the weight thing is hogwash.

                              I could rattle off the names of 15 guys who you'd see in the field regularly between the years 2004-2009, but not now. Want to know why there's a retention problem? Ask one of them. It has nothing to do with them not wanting to see fat guys at events.

                              This thread is only silly as long as people continue to ignore the 800-lb gorilla in the room.
                              (no pun intended)

                              I agree with the weight thing being hogwash, it is a tiny fraction of why people stop participating. Group politics have a great deal to do with why people sour on this hobby. The infighting, continuous arguments that go no where, backstabbing, all tend to wear a large segment down to the point that they decide the hobby is not worth all the aggravation it brings into their life.

                              And there are those who just get bored with the hobby and find something else to occupy their time.
                              Jim Kindred


                              • #45
                                Re: Attendance Reenacting

                                I have noticed a decline in attendance, and I am one of those who doesn't attend much anymore. Family commitments have replaced my ability to pick up and go to many events. My two children are teenagers now, and are involved in many activities that center around school and sports. I attend their events, because that's what Dad's do. When they go off to college, I'll have my weekends again, and will come back to events.

                                Re-enacting is not in a vacuum. All kinds of volunteer and civic organizations are having trouble recruiting new members. The growing isolation, or cocooning of our society keeps many people from being "joiners" now. And let's face it: People like hanging around people that are like them, in age and attitude. When you were 20, were you interested in hanging out with a group of guys that were all old enough to be your father?

                                Bob Sullivan
                                Elverson, PA

