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Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

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  • Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

    Found these on eBay a while ago today while scouring the site for my usual items. The first is a seemingly original CS cap pouch; the label states that it was picked up near Gettysburg by a member of the 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters. Maybe I haven't seen enough original CS cap pouches in my time but something about this thing seems fishy. It might be the black thread, or the "painted black" look of the outer flap/back and not the inside, the intact lamb wool, use of "lead rivets" or the label itself (which from what I am finding online, GAR Post #42 was not in Enfield, NH but rather in Plymouth, NH; 50 miles away). This "old" label is also written on with what looks like ball-point pen which I find odd.

    The second cap pouch...well, it's bugging me too. The first thing that caught my eye was the painted cloth itself; it's obviously twill and looks like bull denim, but most of the original CS painted cloth accoutrement I have photos of are plain-weave like linen or duck. The final also looks like it's just been shoved through a hole underneath the cap pouch and was left loose. No photographs of the inside either.

    Anyone have any thoughts or opinions on these?
    Brian White
    [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]

  • #2
    Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

    A) U.S. cap pouch, grafted finial. B) replica. One Bunkie's opinion.
    David Fox


    • #3
      Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

      The fabric one just doesn't look old. Also all the original cone picks I have seen are pointed and the lead finials don't look like the any of the ones I have seen or found. I wouldn't touch them with a 10 ft. limber pole.
      Jim Mayo
      Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

      CW Show and Tell Site


      • #4
        Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

        I have been studying Confed cap and cartridge boxes for a couple of years. I've handled quite a few and have about 10 Confederate pieces in my personal collection. Based on my limited experience, the wear patterns and construction is not consistent with what I have seen, handled and own. These are not for me.
        Matt Woodburn
        Retired Big Bug
        Hiram Lodge #7, F&AM, Franklin, TN
        "There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."


        • #5
          Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?


          Fakes. They are cheap Indian repros heavily oiled and placed in an oven to bake.
          Mark Latham

          "Mon centre cède, impossible de me mouvoir, situation excellente, j'attaque." ~Ferdinand Foch


          • #6
            Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

            How about the two piece buckle this doctor has listed? Leathers are suspect, metal buckle as well?


            • #7
              Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

              In my opinion, everything is faked, the buckle, cap boxes and the "carbine" box as well.

              Dave Myrick


              • #8
                Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

                Thanks for the input...yes, quite obviously fakes but the leather pouch had me second-guessing whether or not it was a "doctored" original pouch or some modern reproduction aged to look original. Funny that the seller's eBay handle is cwdoctor.

                Get a load of the "CS cavalry cartridge box" he has for sale. Picked up at Antietam? That mythical GAR post in New Hampshire had everything from everywhere!

                Brian White
                [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


                • #9
                  Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

                  Check out some of his recent "sold" items if you really want to see red. My favorite is the wood-finial cap pouch with "Culp's Hill" on the side in white-out and six-flange percussion caps with fake patina.
                  Brian White
                  [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


                  • #10
                    Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

                    Brian the first pouch you have a link for I have looked at many of this style over the years. It's hard to tell from the pictures posted but the ones I have examined have a mark between the belt loops that has been rubbed out, scraped or obliterated in some other way to make it unreadable. From the research I have done on them they are circa 50's or 60's repros. Some I have looked at also are sewn together with black thread. Thay all seem to be of the same shape bowl on the cap pouch and of the same pattern(Not nessesarily a real pattern). Some I have come across also have a 21st or 22nd VA stamp on the outer flap can't recall which off the top of my head. I looked over every leather cap pouch and cart box he has sold or has for sale and everything to me looks to be a repop. I base my determination from the originals I own and I have examined over the years. CS leather is faked way to much and most are real easy to spot thank god. I would touch any of these items as originals.
                    John Greenfield

                    GawdAwful Mess [url][/url]


                    • #11
                      Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

                      Originally posted by GreencoatCross View Post
                      Thanks for the input...yes, quite obviously fakes but the leather pouch had me second-guessing whether or not it was a "doctored" original pouch or some modern reproduction aged to look original. Funny that the seller's eBay handle is cwdoctor.

                      Get a load of the "CS cavalry cartridge box" he has for sale. Picked up at Antietam? That mythical GAR post in New Hampshire had everything from everywhere!

                      I saw that too an that was the clincher for me. Its a shame so much outright fraud pervades the collecting world and NOTHING can be done about it.

                      Dave Myrick


                      • #12
                        Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

                        Check out the Virginia spoon plate, strangely there seem to be gouge marks on the back of the seal that corresponds to where Parsley marks all his repros, surprise surprise. Looking through his past auctions there is nothing he has ever sold I would want in my collection, these fakes are laughable at best. I would venture a guess this is the sellers "other" profile since he seems to consistently buy from the same seller and has nothing but rave reviews

                        -Seth Harr

                        Liberty Rifles
                        93rd New York Coffee Cooler
                        "One of the questions that troubled me was whether I would ever be able to eat hardtack again. I knew the chances were against me. If I could not I was just as good as out of the service"[/I]
                        [B]-Robert S. Camberlain, 64th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry[/B]


                        • #13
                          Re: Are These Original or Fake CS Cap Pouches?

                          The dangers of ebay. Sad that stuff like this is allowed to be sold like this.
                          Lee White
                          Researcher and Historian
                          "Delenda Est Carthago"
                          "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


