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A Momentous Day

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  • A Momentous Day

    Today marks the anniversary of departure of Sherman's troops on the march to the sea. As the general stated in his memoirs...

    ... We rode out of Atlanta by the Decatur road, filled by the marching troops and wagons of the Fourteenth Corps; and reaching the hill, just outside of the old rebel works, we naturally paused to look back upon the scenes of our past battles. We stood upon the very ground whereon was fought the bloody battle of July 22d, and could see the copse of wood where McPherson fell. Behind us lay Atlanta, smouldering and in ruins, the black smoke rising high in air, and hanging like a pall over the ruined city. Away off in the distance, on the McDonough road, was the rear of Howard's column, the gun-barrels glistening in the sun, the white-topped wagons stretching away to the south; and right before us the Fourteenth Corps, marching steadily and rapidly, with a cheery look and swinging pace, that made light of the thousand miles that lay between us and Richmond. Some band, by accident, struck up the anthem of "John Brown's soul goes marching on;" the men caught up the strain, and never before or since have I heard the chorus of "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" done with more spirit, or in better harmony of time and place. -- William T. Sherman, Memoirs

    Coincidentally, my wife went into labor this morning. Heck of a day to have your birthday, isn't it?

    I love history.
    Bob Welch

    The Eagle and The Journal
    My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.

  • #2
    Re: A Momentous Day

    Congratulations Brother!
    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="5"]Brandon L. Jolly[/SIZE][/FONT]


    • #3
      Re: A Momentous Day

      Sleep now while you still can.
      [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=Verdana]Bob Dispenza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [COLOR=Navy]US Naval Landing Party ([url][/url][/COLOR]
      [COLOR=SeaGreen]Navy and Marine Living History Association ([url][/url][/COLOR]

      "The publick give credit for feat of arms, but the courage which is required for them, cannot compare with that which is needed to bear patiently, not only the thousand annoyances but the total absence of everything that makes life pleasant and even worth living." - Lt. Percival Drayton, on naval blockade duty.

      "We have drawn the Spencer Repeating Rifle. It is a 7 shooter, & a beautiful little gun. They are charged to us at $30.00. 15 of which we have to pay."
      William Clark Allen, Company K, 72nd Indiana Volunteers, May 17, 1863


      • #4
        Re: A Momentous Day

        I doubt GGGrandpa and the rest of the 15th OVI were quite as happy after they'd been marching awhile, but to think of how they felt that morning...

        Congratulations, new daddy. This journey you're starting on will be about the same in many ways: you'll start on a wild high note, then wear down till you think you can't take another step; you'll see things you'd rather not along the way, and perhaps witness some destruction (not too bad, I hope); but in the end, the GHrand Review will make it all worthwhile and you'll be glad you took that first step.
        Becky Morgan


        • #5
          Re: A Momentous Day

          Awaiting the official announcement from the father, I do believe a child was born this evening. James (Bob) is one of my best friends, and the joy I feel for him tonight can not be rivaled! Congratulations Bob and family!
          [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="5"]Brandon L. Jolly[/SIZE][/FONT]


          • #6
            Re: A Momentous Day

            Originally posted by Becky Morgan View Post
            I doubt GGGrandpa and the rest of the 15th OVI were quite as happy after they'd been marching awhile, but to think of how they felt that morning...

            Congratulations, new daddy. This journey you're starting on will be about the same in many ways: you'll start on a wild high note, then wear down till you think you can't take another step; you'll see things you'd rather not along the way, and perhaps witness some destruction (not too bad, I hope); but in the end, the GHrand Review will make it all worthwhile and you'll be glad you took that first step.
            Mrs. Morgan, That is VERY well put.
            [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="5"]Brandon L. Jolly[/SIZE][/FONT]


            • #7
              Re: A Momentous Day

              James Albert "Jack" Welch was born this evening at 9:44 PM. He was 9 lbs 2 oz and 21.5 inches long. I thank you all for your thoughts and wishes.

              I was at the hospital for 20 hours, so my wit fails me a bit this evening. He's got the size of a good Midwestern lad, but I can't judge the gait yet.
              Bob Welch

              The Eagle and The Journal
              My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.


              • #8
                Re: A Momentous Day

                Congrats Bob!
                Brian Baird


                • #9
                  Re: A Momentous Day

                  Sir, thanks for sharing your wonderful recent events... from me and mine a wish for joy and strength for you and yours.

                  Mel and Marie Hadden
                  Mel Hadden, Husband to Julia Marie, Maternal Great Granddaughter of
                  Eben Lowder, Corporal, Co. H 14th Regiment N.C. Troops (4th Regiment N.C. Volunteers, Co. H, The Stanly Marksmen) Mustered in May 5, 1861, captured April 9, 1865.
                  Paternal Great Granddaughter of James T. Martin, Private, Co. I, 6th North Carolina Infantry Regiment Senior Reserves, (76th Regiment N.C. Troops)

                  "Aeterna Numiniet Patriae Asto"


                  "We got rules here!"

                  The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies

                  Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Being for the most part contributations by Union and Confederate officers


                  • #10
                    Re: A Momentous Day


                    I like how you gave the little guy your first person name...James. All the best,
                    Last edited by Hairy Nation Boys; 11-16-2010, 01:22 PM.
                    Nathan Hellwig
                    AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                    "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                    • #11
                      Re: A Momentous Day

                      Congrats Bob!!!
                      Dan Chmelar
                      Semper Fi


                      • #12
                        Re: A Momentous Day


                        Alas, no such egocentrism on my part. He's named for my father and grandfather.

                        Thank you all for your thoughts and wishes.
                        Bob Welch

                        The Eagle and The Journal
                        My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.


                        • #13
                          Re: A Momentous Day

                          [B][FONT=Courier New]~Mia Marie[/FONT][/B]
                          Historical Interpreter


                          • #14
                            Re: A Momentous Day

                            I'm half surprised you didn't work in a William or a Tecumseh given the date. ;)

                            Neil Skorka
                            69th NYSV

