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Anybody got access to a good newspaper archive?

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  • Anybody got access to a good newspaper archive?

    Anyone have access to a good newspaper archive? I'm trying to find this article, and have looked at all the free newspaper archives I can find and in Ancestry's paid newspaper archive, with no luck.

    See page 89 or footnote #19 in this book.

    The article I'm looking for would include a letter from "Geo T.F. Larimer," mention of "Dr. Roy" and the name "Shadrach."

    It would be in either the Alabama Beacon (Greensborough, AL), May 10, 1838, or

    reprinted in the New York Commercial Advertiser (don't know date), or

    reprinted in The Philanthropist, an abolitionist newspaper out of Ohio, October 30, 1838.

    I've found lots of back-and-forth arguments in 1838 newspapers and magazines on the same topic, as well as some modern discussion, so I have gobs of information, but I can't find Larimer's actual letter printed in full, and that's what I need. I'm pretty sure he knows stuff he's not revealing in it (long story, lotsa research), and I want to see how he actually phrases the letter to skirt around what he doesn't want to reveal.

    Yeah, I know, this is pre-war, but I know folks on here have access to lots of good sources and hopefully might be able to track this down. Thanks in advance if anyone can help!

    Hank Trent
    Hank Trent

  • #2
    Re: Anybody got access to a good newspaper archive?

    Mr. Trent,

    I found an issue of "The Emancipator" from New York, titled "Alabama Beacon Versus James Williams" from August 30, 1838, and it reproduces the Larimer letter in full.
    I am being bombarded by small children and am a bit distracted, so at least I think this is what you want. It is a restricted collection at the University of Wisconsin (lucky for me, my brother is a student and gave me his ID). I can figure out how to copy it over to you this afternoon, if someone doesn't beat me to it.
    Carrie Preston
    1st Cousin 4X removed of Pvt. Thomas Lalor, 6th Wisconsin Infantry, Company E, died 5 May, 1864, aged 18, Battle of Wildnerness.
    Married to the 3rd great-nephew of Pvt. Philander Bissett, 7th North Carolina Infantry, Company E, POW 5 or 6 May 1864, Battle of Wilderness.
    Yes, it's a small country, isn't it?


    • #3
      Re: Anybody got access to a good newspaper archive?

      Got the transcription of the letter that you sent! Thank you so much! It's perfect, and has even more detail than I expected.

      Hank Trent
      Hank Trent

