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Last Living Union Combat Veteran

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  • Last Living Union Combat Veteran

    While all of us know Albert Woolson was the last known surviving Union Veteran, it was James A. Hard who was credited with being the last surviving Union Combat Veteran. Here is a link to his obituary. These were some tough old gentleman. He passed approximately two months after I was born.

    [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ken Raia[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

  • #2
    Re: Last Living Union Combat Veteran

    Really cool! Thanks for sharing this. I would have given anything to have got to spend a day with him and pick his brain about the old days in the army.
    [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="5"]Eric Davis
    Handsome Company Mess
    Liberty Hall Drum Corps [/SIZE][/FONT]


    • #3
      Re: Last Living Union Combat Veteran

      Every time I read about one of these old fellows, it feels like Caesar just walked through my living room. Thanks for sharing.
      Bob Muehleisen
      Furious Five
      Cin, O.


      • #4
        Re: Last Living Union Combat Veteran

        Excellent read!

        Note Of Sympathy

        Earlier this week Woolson sent
        a note of sympathy to his comrade
        in arms. Hospital attendants said
        Hard seemed to understand it.

        As a veteran myself, it intrigues me how a few spoken words can mean volumes to a brother in arms.

        I would have given anything to have got to spend a day with him and pick his brain about the old days in the army
        Eric- Wouldn't we all. To be able to sit at the feet of someone who was actually there, what a priceless moment that would have been.
        Last edited by M.T. Moses; 03-05-2011, 01:14 AM. Reason: Fat fingers
        [B][U][I]Michael T. Moses[/I][/U][/B]
        [URL=""]Armory Guards[/URL]
        [URL=""]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
        [URL=""]Company of Military Historians[/URL]

        [SIZE="2"][U][I]Aut Dosce, Aut Disce, Aut Discede [/I][/U][/SIZE]
        [URL=""]Wealth of Information[/URL] (Drill Manuals, Regimental Histories, etc.)
        [URL=""]53rd Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry Articles
        [/URL][URL=""]Soldier Studies Database of letters & memoirs[/URL]
        [URL=""]VMI Archives[/URL]

        [I]" I have rather be a Dead Hero than a live Coward.
        They can stay at home & blow about this war but they will dare not face this music."[/I] ~Corporal George H. Davis, Co. C, 26th Massachusetts Infantry

        [I]"The first person bugbear is just another tool to use in the attempt to squint at the experience of another time. It seems like we get tangled up in the method and forget the goal."[/I] ~Todd S. Bemis

        [B]Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003-2004[/B]

        Please support CWPT at [url][/url]


        • #5
          Re: Last Living Union Combat Veteran

          What a great story! I love the fact that he kept smoking all those years. He seemed like such a tough old guy.

          It reminds me of a WWII 504th Trooper named Louis Napier who passed away recently. Toughest man I ever met! One helluva guy. He too smoked to the end of his days, and survived repeated illnesses. All the way through with the 504th, and never a scratch (if you know anything of their combat record that is nearly miraculous!).

          I have spent a lot of time talking to WWII veterans, and have never grown tired of it. Hearing stories from Bastogne, Normandy, and Saipan just make me wonder what it would have been liek to talk to a Civil War veteran. Can you imagine talking one of these guys about the Cornfield at Antietam, or the Mule Shoe at Spotsylvania? Man, just to be on the other side of their eyes, and to see what they saw, even for a fleeting moment, would be worth exchanging a lifetime of study.

          Dan Limb
          Dan Limb
          One of THEM!

          "In the moment of action, remember the value of silence and order" -- Phormio of Athens

          "Your first duty is to get a decent hat. You cannot hope to do more. You should never wish to do less"

          Direct Descendent of
          James M. Hergesheimer, Co. A. 20th Iowa Infantry

          Capt. James G. Campbell, Co. F., 19th Illinois Infantry. Wounded at Missionary Ridge


          • #6
            Re: Last Living Union Combat Veteran

            Hard's obit asserts several Confederate veterans yet lived. I believe dives into censis records in recent years debunked each of their claims of Confederate veteran status. Woolson was almost certainly the last surviving CW veteran, the Frank Buckles of his war.
            David Fox


            • #7
              Re: Last Living Union Combat Veteran

              The Life Magazine site has an article which does just that. It debunks each of their claims. I was reading it last night.
              [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Ken Raia[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

