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High School Programs

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  • High School Programs


    Been asked at the last minute to be part of a "Coffee Club" High School Program. Sort of a meet & greet for the teachers and students and with the limitations I've been given I'm looking for assistance on exactly what I can do to show them what it is we do. Those limitations are, No Weapon, Nothing sharp, Nothing pointed, No Large pack or bags plus I will have to be screened by a metal detector. With those limitations that means, no musket, no bayonet, no eating utensils, no knapsack etc. Thus far I threw together a little video presentation on my laptop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    H.M. Tommarello
    [SIZE="4"][B][FONT="Garamond"]Mike Tommarello[/FONT][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][/SIZE]
    [I]"Iron City Mess"[/I]
    9th Pennsylvania Reserves
    Co. A[/FONT]

  • #2
    Re: High School Programs

    I would recommend taking pictures of your gear that you want to talk about and creating a slide show presentation. Or maybe film it and show it as a video. I've done the slideshow thing many times before. It's easier for everyone to see detailed images without having to pass it around anyway.
    Luke Gilly
    Breckinridge Greys
    Lodge 661 F&AM

    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


    • #3
      Re: High School Programs

      Bring in whatever you can, such as uniform pieces, shoes, accouterments, haversack, and canteen and just let the kids (and teachers!) try everything on.
      Bill Backus


      • #4
        Re: High School Programs

        I agree with Bill's suggestion. You could almost do a Traveling Trunk presentation, just without the trunk.

        John A. Miller
        South Mountain State Battlefield
        Monterey Pass Battlefield, Washington Township
        Last edited by Kanawha Riflemen; 03-29-2011, 02:23 PM. Reason: misspelling
        John A. Miller, Director
        Monterey Pass Battlefield Park


        • #5
          Re: High School Programs

          Thats like asking a fiddle player to play a song but with only his bow and no fiddle!!!! Best of luck to ya!
          Brad Ireland
          Old Line Mess
          4th VA CO. A


          • #6
            Re: High School Programs

            Wow, I'm glad I live in Oklahoma, I haven't had a school yet limit or restrict what I have to bring, and in fact several have even arranged blank firing demonstrations (albeit with police notification). I had one teacher want me to take out the nipple of my musket but the principal over-ruled him and okayed everything. It is unfortunate you have to try to teach that way, but I think guys have given great recommendations for work arounds. All I can offer is this UTUBE link to the NPS demo from Gettysburg's old visitor center if you need some video to talk about;
            Frank Siltman
            24th Mo Vol Inf
            Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
            Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
            Company of Military Historians
            Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

            Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


            • #7
              Re: High School Programs

              I'd go as a veteran returning home at the end of the war (just in uniform), or a veteran post-war (in civi clothes) and then just talk in first person about where you went, what it was like, a few funny stories about your comrades, etc. etc. You can have the pictures/video going at the same time for a visual (along the lines of a thought cloud off to the side) while doing it, and it wouldn't involve needing all the equipment, gun, etc. Heck, if you play your cards right the only metal you will have on you are your braces buckles. And after your bit of first person as a veteran, you can drop into third person and talk about the hobby, how to get involved, this is the kind of things we do but on the outside we actually get to use guns, etc. By doing the presentation this way they get a limited taste of what we do presentation wise, as well as a straight up discussion about the hobby/other types of things we do/and how to get involved.

              -Adam C.
              [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Book Antiqua]Adam Cripps[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

