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Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

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  • Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?


    The title of this post says it all. For those who are relic hunters or who are in the know about relics: which buttons show up most in Confederate camps in the Corinth/Shiloh area?

    Also, if you are familiar with the CS camps from the winter of 1861-62 in Bowling Green, KY, which buttons turn up there most frequently?

    Thanks in advance.
    Joe Knight

    Armory Guards
    Yocona Rip Raps
    "Semper Tyrannis."

  • #2
    Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

    I had a summer internship at Shiloh back in 1997 or 98 and I befriended a gentleman that was a relic hunter who has lived right outside the park his entire life. He invited me over one evening and showed me his relic collection that he had amassed from the Corinth/Shiloh area. He literally had tons or ordnance. However, I do remember him having a large amount of general service eagle buttons, “I” & “A” eagle buttons, a significant number of Louisiana pelican buttons as well as a few AVC buttons. I also vividly remember him having a sizeable number of plain sheet brass rectangle belt plates in his collection.

    There were also a couple of soldiers that were discovered right on the park boundary years ago and were reinterred at the site of one of the burial trenches. If memory serves me correct, I remember one of the park rangers telling me that Louisiana pelican buttons were found with their remains.

    I would also suggest contacting Raphael at Shiloh Relics(?). He might be able to give you better insight on the subject.

    Weldon Svoboda


    • #3
      Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

      May want to ask your question on this site:

      Generally speaking in the Western Theater the cast block I is very common from mid war on.
      Jim Mayo
      Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

      CW Show and Tell Site


      • #4
        Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

        Weldon and Jim: thanks for the leads. I am most appreciative!
        Joe Knight

        Armory Guards
        Yocona Rip Raps
        "Semper Tyrannis."


        • #5
          Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

          A must read on this is "Civil War Relics of the Western Campaigns" by Charles S. Harris. A great section on Shiloh and loads of pictures. Also relics from Kentucky sites as well. For early war CS impressions it's hard to go wrong using branch letter eagle buttons, flat coin buttons, or civilian "flower" buttons.
          Bob Williams
          26th North Carolina Troops

          As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


          • #6
            Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

            Originally posted by Texas Pard View Post
            I would also suggest contacting Raphael at Shiloh Relics(?). He might be able to give you better insight on the subject.

            Weldon Svoboda
            That would be the best bet. He sees much of what is found in the area.
            Jim Mayo

            Portsmouth Rifles, 9th Va. Inf.

            CW show & tell.


            • #7
              Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

              Here at Donelson - the most common are flat buttons & floral buttons. However - Virginia Buttons, Texas Buttons, and Mississippi Buttons have been found here as well. I know its not the location - however, I think this would represent a cross section since many of the troops that were here at Donelson came through Bowling Green during that time frame.

              John Walsh
              John Walsh

              "Is a gentleman with a brostache invited to this party?''


              • #8
                Re: Relic hunter question: what are the most commonly dug CS coat buttons @ Shiloh?

                Thanks for all the replies, everybody.

                I am, of course, asking for the purposes of putting together my interpretation of a 6th Mississippi soldier at Shiloh. The 6th very likely would have wound up at Donelson if they had continued to Columbus; instead, they were diverted, en route, to Bowling Green.

                Joe Knight

                Armory Guards
                Yocona Rip Raps
                "Semper Tyrannis."

