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forage cap repair

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  • forage cap repair

    Howdy folks

    I have a really good fed forage cap(made by Bohy). It has some time in the field and is in need of a new leather band inside

    1) anyone ever have this done?
    2) know of anyone who can do it properly?
    3) is it worth it? ( I love this cap, it is so nicely made) or should I seek a new cap (not sure if they make em like this anymore. Not even sure where to get a good fed forage cap)

    mods I apologize in advance if:
    this is in the wrong place or,
    If I appear to have not used the search ( I did, you know what you get when you put forage and cap in engine? alot of stuff)

    I thank one an all for their kind indulgence
    Joe Korber

    oh so many things,
    way to much to list
    have a good one

  • #2
    Re: forage cap repair

    I have a Paul Smith forage cap in need of a new sweat band as well. I suggest contacting Greg Starbuck on this, I think he would be willing to take this on for a reasonable fee.

    Warren Dickinson

    Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
    Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
    Former Mudsill
    Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


    • #3
      Re: forage cap repair

      Not quite as easy as it sounds, though not impossible. The brim on a Fed forage cap is held on with some of the same stitching that secures the sweatband so to replace the sweatband usually means that the brim comes off too. I'd do as Warren suggests & contact Starbuck as he is familiar with all of these details.

      Good luck.

      Randall Pierson

