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South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

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  • South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

    You might be wondering, "what could I do on November 4 & 5?"

    The Shaker Breakfast is completely SOLD OUT but the seminar is still available for only $8.00 per person!!!
    For those of you who are on the fence about attending, here is what Tom & Terry Arliskas will be discussing.

    Concurrent Presentations for Friday, November 4, 7:30p.m.
    Terry Arliskas- "Patriotic Women, North and South" Terry's presentation is on the reactions of women of the North and South to the coming Civil War, and their work to support the War effort. Patriotism was rampant in all States and the Ladies showed their colors and their mettle with the coming of the Civil War.

    Tom Arliskas-“The Flowers of Secession," the “Great Cockade Craze of 1860-1861". From October of 1860 through the summer of 1861 your affiliation for the Secession of States or the Union of States you wore on your person in the form of a cockade or ribbon. The colors and styles were so numerous the newspapers of the day had to explain to their readers what each conveyed politically. The all blue, all black, black and white, red-white-blue, each sent a message on the individual’s politics, from the "Fire Eating" Secessionists to the Peace Democrat it all meant something different. A collection of notes on the subject will be presented.

    Concurrent Presentations for Saturday, November 5, 9:30a.m., 11:30a.m., 2:00p.m.
    Terry Arliskas-“Victorian Jewelry,” Whether it was worn as an ornament, a love token, or a remembrance, jewelry of the Victorian era not only completed the well-dressed lady's attire but also denoted her position in society. We will look at the styles and types of jewelry worn and how to identify jewelry of this period.
    Thomas Arliskas- “Confederate Uniforms and Clothing,” What did Johnny Reb really look like? A presentation on the Confederate soldier and how and where he received his clothing, the Great Appeals and the Ragged Confederate myth will be discussed. Bring your questions!
    Kaelin R. Vernon

    "Do small things with great love" -Mother Teresa

    " Put your hands to work and your hearts to God" -Mother Ann Lee

  • #2
    Re: South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

    Should be a splendid presentation! Go visit South Union folks!
    Jon Harris

    Mang Rifles & Friends
    Ora pro nobis!

    ~ McIlvaine’s 64th Ohio Infantry at Missionary Ridge 11/2019
    ~ Head’s 49th Tennessee Infantry at Fort Donelson - Defending The Heartland 2/2020
    ~ Wever’s 10th Iowa Infantry at Bentonville 3/2020
    ~ Opdycke's 125th Ohio Infantry at Franklin, 1863 - For God and the Right 5/2020
    ~ Pardee’s 42nd Ohio Infantry during the Vicksburg Campaign 5/2020
    ~ Day's Silent Machines, 12th U.S. Regulars during the Gettysburg Campaign 6/2020



    • #3
      Re: South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

      Well, guess I'm too late for breakfast. :( (which is a rarity for me) However, this looks to be a good program of which I may have to avail myself. Thanks for posting Kaelin!
      Warren Dickinson

      Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
      Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
      Former Mudsill
      Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


      • #4
        Re: South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

        This a magnificent opportunity to tour the peaceful village as well as learn about two issues of the war. I would love to return to the village, wish it wasn't such a long drive :(
        Vivian Murphy


        • #5
          Re: South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

          Sure would like to go to this but other plans prevent it.
          Mike McGee
          Cure All Mess ~ Hard Case Boys
          Co A, 4th Tennessee Infantry Regiment "The Shelby Greys"
          Co C, 25th Regiment, Indiana Infantry

          Pvt. Francis "Frank" Agee- G, G, G-Uncle
          Co H, 22nd Tennessee Infantry Regiment
          KIA Battle of Shiloh-April 6, 1862
          Resting in Peace on that Hallowed Ground


          • #6
            Re: South Union Shaker Village Shaker Breakfast Seminar

            Folks I was able to spend the afternoon and will be spending the evening with Tom & Terry Arliskas. I will tell you that South Union did not realize the fantastic speakers we have here this weekend. I saw images, heard research, saw jewelry and learned about things I have never seen or heard before!!!
            If you have not made plans to attend one of their presentations Saturday November 5, 9:30, 11:30, or need to be here.

            Kaelin R. Vernon

            "Do small things with great love" -Mother Teresa

            " Put your hands to work and your hearts to God" -Mother Ann Lee

