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SCAR 2012 Event Schedule

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  • SCAR 2012 Event Schedule


    Feb 17-19, 2012 Authentic Confederate Company for Olustee - 32nd GA: Host: Jordan Roberts-ArmoryGuards The company will move out Friday afternoon and engage with elements of 48th NY up to Saturdays battle. Portrayal will be the 32nd Georgia Co.K

    150th Shiloh: (Paddle wheeler Adjunct - 15th Iowa, Co. E- SCAR) - CO - Jim Butler / Lt. Walter Cook
    The Company E, SCAR company for the Federal Paddle wheeler adjunct is closed as our company is full. Host unit - WIG
    I have been asked to keep a waiting list. Please contact Jim Butler at The boat will take us downriver, drop us a landing and we will march 5 miles into the main event site. We've got a heck of a 'knappy' company for this effort. Should be great fun. We will have a static camp for Saturday night (Sibleys, walls and A-frames)(abandon camp). Surprises in store for the SCAR company.

    May 25-27, 2012 - Fort Blakely: 46th Miss: Host: Liberty Guards
    The event will be held at Fort Blakely State Park in Spanish Fort Alabama, Memorial Day weekend 2012. The event will depict the 46th Mississippi on the eve of the fall of the fort in April of 1865, the event will be an outpost semi-immersion event (meaning it is open to the public) as of right now it is off and running with more details to come, but here is what we have. A late war western CS regiment that has been placed on picket detail in front of the main CS works, we hope to have Federal Cav. contesting us, still working with the park on that detail. Rations will be issued, registration in 15.00 covers rations and a preservation donation to the park/battlefield.

    150th Perryville: (24th Illinois Battalion, Co. A-SCAR) - CO - Sean Cooper
    SCAR and a host of other groups is forming a Federal adjunct battalion at the 150th Perryville. We are
    portraying the 24th Illinois. Registration is open now and early registrations ends Dec 20th (no, we did not pick this date). Please register thru
    our own battalion process, as rations will be covered as well. For now, there is info and discussion on the '24th Illinois'
    FaceBook page. Please sign up for the SCAR company! Host units: various

    Surrender of Secession - Westville, GA 1865: Host - SCAR
    SCAR is the host of this part three in the Westville trilogy. Portraying events of late 1865 to include a Federal occupation force, Freedmans Bureau, returning veterans, economic recovery, carpetbaggers, etc. The website is NEW and up at . You won't want to miss this exciting immersion event in a magical setting! SCAR is hosting this event and we do need additional staff volunteers for various aspects of the event. Please contact me for any questions or to volunteer to help. Registration opens Jan 1, 2012.

    Non-Max. Effort Events to Consider:
    Feb 9-12 Ft. Donelson March & Living History, Host: Armory Guards

    June 4-6, 2011 Pickett’s Mill Federal LH Host: Armory Guards
    5 and 17th Kentucky (Union) Impression
    POC Herb Coats and Clint Morris

    Sept 8-9, 2012 150th Antietam - Maryland, My Maryland POC: Pete Berezuk-69th NY website:
    Likely impression will be the 69th NY with same folks we fought with at 1st Manassas.

    Jim Butler
    Last edited by Jim of The SRR; 11-26-2011, 02:17 PM.
    Jim Butler