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Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

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  • Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

    Greetings all!

    I have in my possession the image of a California soldier named D.E. Collins. According to Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion 1861 to 1867, he could be one of at least two men. The first is Dennis Collins, who enlisted in the 5th California Infantry, Co. I on December 6, 1861 (he deserted just 20 days later at Camp Union). The second is Denis Collins, who enlisted in Co. A of the 1st California Cavalry on March 21, 1865 at San Jose (he was mustered out on March 6, 1866 at Drum Barracks in Wilmington, CA). This exact information is also written on the back of the CDV in pencil. My personal belief is that he's the latter, particularly because of what he's wearing in the image. It looks very much like something a cavalryman would wear.

    Collins' jacket is what strikes me the most, though, and is what prompted me to share. There's a similar one pictured on page 105 in Echoes of Glory that has the same sort of trefoils on the sleeves. It lacks the piping on the front and epaulettes found in the Collins picture, however. Perhaps it's a private purchase item? Bear in mind the records show that he was a private for the length of his service...but a coat like that seems like it would belong to an officer (as the Echoes of Glory one did).

    What do you all think?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	dennis Collins.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	27.1 KB
ID:	229883
    [B]Zachary Whitlow[/B]
    Liberty Rifles

    [I]"Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad I weigh a ton."[/I] - Thomas Starr King


  • #2
    Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

    Very Cool Photograph. From what I found on the photographer it looks like he didn't move to Oakland until November 1865 so we can probably eliminate Dennis Collins of the 5th. Were there any back marks on the photo? If so, they might pin down the date since the photographer changed locations a few times? The California Volunteers had a very active reunion association so I suppose this could be a post war photo as well. I'll see if I can't find anything about Denis Collins of the 1st.
    Last edited by AZReenactor; 11-28-2011, 08:36 PM.
    Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
    1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

    So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
    Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?


    • #3
      Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

      Thanks Troy!

      There aren't any back marks I'm afraid....just the following:

      (In pen and written in a period style):

      18 years old Cash (?) May 6th

      (In pencil and in different handwriting):

      D.E. Collins on exact dup.

      (Also in pencil and another person's handwriting):

      Dennis Collins
      Co. I 5th Calif. Inf.
      Enlisted 12/6/1861
      Deserted 12/16/1861
      at Camp Union, CA

      Denis Collins
      Co. A, 1st Calif. Cav
      Enlisted 3/21/1865 San Jose
      M.O. 3/6/1866 Drum Barracks

      I actually didn't know the Californians had such an active association, but I have to say that it doesn't surprise me one bit. It would make perfect sense if this were a postwar photo.
      [B]Zachary Whitlow[/B]
      Liberty Rifles

      [I]"Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad I weigh a ton."[/I] - Thomas Starr King



      • #4
        Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

        Can you provide a scan of the back of the cdv? The notations would be interesting to see. I also wouldn't say that this was taken too much later than his 1866 muster-out date, or perhaps at muster-out. His uniform simply looks like it might be a private purchase style; his jacket looks like it also has a poor representation of "Russian knots" on the shoulders probably worked in the same cord as his cuff trefoils.
        Brian White
        [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


        • #5
          Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

          To piggy-back on Troy's previous post......... from the book "Pioneer photographers of the far west: a biographical dictionary, 1840-1865 By Peter E. Palmquist, Thomas R. Kailbourn", it mentions that a William Booker Ingersoll, Photographer by trade, emigrated from Boston to California and settled in San Franscisco in February of 1861.

          As of late 1865, Ingersoll was listed as being employed and residing in the northwest corner of Shipley and Fifth Street in San Franscisco but as Troy previously mentioned, moved in December of same year over to Oakland where he apparently opened a gallery on Broadway, exact location being recorded as Third and Fourth Street. In August of 1866 he moved once again but remained in the city of Oakland for the next 40 years.

          Thanks Zach for posting the pic.
          Last edited by western reb; 11-29-2011, 02:21 PM.
          [FONT=Georgia][/FONT][SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]Dan Biggs[/FONT][/SIZE]

          -Member of the Southwest Volunteers Mess


          • #6
            Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

            Thanks all! I really appreciate all the info.

            Here's the back of the image as requested.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	collins back.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	26.0 KB
ID:	222641
            [B]Zachary Whitlow[/B]
            Liberty Rifles

            [I]"Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad I weigh a ton."[/I] - Thomas Starr King



            • #7
              Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

              For what it's worth, not that it will help crack the mystery wide open, it looks like "...LAST May 8th", not "Cash". Could help narrow it down a tad if you know how old D.E. Collins was. Could Dennis and Denis be the same person, misspellings happen, or he may have been embarassed by his inital desertion?

              Just some stuff to chew on. Best,
              Last edited by Mutt; 11-30-2011, 02:58 PM.
              [SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Matt Mickletz[/FONT][/SIZE]

              [SIZE=4][SIZE=3][/SIZE][FONT=Garamond][COLOR="#800000"][/COLOR][I]Liberty Rifles[/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


              • #8
                Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

                Doesn't look like there was a tax stamp on it at any time either.
                Brian White
                [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


                • #9
                  Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier


                  Great photo!! I find his boot of interest as they have a fairly pointed toe. I'm wondering if this is post war and that is a post war militia uniform??? Just another thought.

                  Ted Parrott
                  Edward Anthony Parrott


                  • #10
                    Re: Interesting Uniform on a California Soldier

                    Originally posted by Mutt View Post
                    For what it's worth, not that it will help crack the mystery wide open, it looks like "...LAST May 8th", not "Cash". Could help narrow it down a tad if you know how old D.E. Collins was.
                    I'm looking at it again and I think you're absolutely right there. Certainly makes a lot more sense than "Cash," hehe.

                    I just checked the CW Soldiers and Sailors System but was unable to find anything about Denis Collins from Co. A of the 1st California Cavalry. I did, however, find a "Dennis Collins" who served in Co. E of the same unit. If it's the same fellow, Records of California Men in the War of the Rebellion didn't mention him moving from one company to the next.
                    [B]Zachary Whitlow[/B]
                    Liberty Rifles

                    [I]"Though I weigh only 120 pounds, when I'm mad I weigh a ton."[/I] - Thomas Starr King


